The Strongest Live-in Son-in-law/C19 Fatherinlaw Was in Critical Condition
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The Strongest Live-in Son-in-law/C19 Fatherinlaw Was in Critical Condition
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C19 Fatherinlaw Was in Critical Condition

"Lin Sheng, let's hurry over!"

"My dad... He's on his last legs..."

Tears streamed down Cheng Yunfei's face as she spoke.

Lin Sheng was taken aback. He was aware of Cheng Ping's medical condition. It appeared serious, but it wasn't life-threatening, which is why he hadn't rushed to administer treatment.

Had Cheng Ping been in mortal danger, Lin Sheng would have intervened without hesitation, even at the risk of revealing his identity.

"Yunfei, hold on tight!"

Lin Sheng cranked the throttle to the max and stomped on the pedal. The little electric scooter's speed more than doubled, zipping towards the hospital.

They arrived at the hospital in no time.

Lin Sheng tossed the scooter to the curb and pulled Cheng Yunfei as they dashed into the hospital.

Even though Cheng Ping wasn't particularly fond of him, he hadn't publicly humiliated him like Zhao Juann had. Moreover, for Yunfei's sake, Lin Sheng couldn't stand by and let anything happen to Cheng Ping.

"Mom! How's Dad doing?" Zhao Juann was waiting at the hospital entrance. Upon seeing her, Cheng Yunfei asked anxiously.

Zhao Juann, through tears, said, "He's in resuscitation! The doctor told us to prepare for the worst. They said it doesn't look good."

Cheng Yunfei's face grew even more distressed. Usually, when a doctor speaks like that, it means the situation is dire.

"What caused Dad's condition to deteriorate so suddenly? Was he like this when you arrived, or did something happen?" Lin Sheng inquired as they made their way deeper into the hospital.

He found the situation highly irregular. Cheng Ping's condition had been stable; he could even eat on his own and only needed major surgery.

A deterioration in health would typically be gradual, not sudden and critical.

Lin Sheng had observed Cheng Ping's condition when he brought food the day before yesterday; he was certain there had been no error.

Zhao Juann, who usually had little regard for Lin Sheng, was now overcome with sorrow. She responded to Lin Sheng while also addressing Cheng Yunfei, "It happened out of the blue. This morning when I arrived, your father was doing relatively well. I was feeding him turtle soup, and then, unexpectedly, his condition plummeted."

At that moment, Zhao Juann seemed to have a sudden realization and became visibly upset. She pointed at Lin Sheng, her voice rising to a shriek, "Was it you?! Have you always been dissatisfied with our family and tampered with the turtle soup?"

Her outburst caught Lin Sheng and Cheng Yunfei off guard.

Cheng Yunfei quickly regained her composure and said, "Mom, what are you talking about? Lin Sheng isn't capable of such a thing."

Was her mother insinuating that Lin Sheng intended to harm her father?

That was simply unthinkable.

Lin Sheng was at a loss for words. He had his suspicions about the unusual nature of his father-in-law's illness, but he never imagined Zhao Juann would turn her suspicions towards him.

"Mom, did Dad have anything else to eat besides the turtle soup?" Lin Sheng inquired with restraint.

"No," Zhao Juann replied. "Other than the nurse coming in to administer a new medication, he hasn't had anything else."


"I'll go check it out," Lin Sheng said, heading briskly toward the ward.

His prompt and decisive manner left Zhao Juann and Cheng Yunfei momentarily taken aback.

With tears in her eyes, Zhao Juann turned to Cheng Yunfei and said, "My daughter, it looks like it'll just be the two of us from now on. Find time to divorce Lin Sheng soon. Look at him, all flustered and confused. He's not cut out to be the head of this household."

Cheng Yunfei felt a mix of sorrow and irritation. Her mother's words only added to her frustration.

"We can discuss the divorce later," Cheng Yunfei responded. "The resuscitation efforts are still underway. There might still be hope for Dad."

Meanwhile, Lin Sheng arrived at the ward and spotted a medical bill on the table. He picked it up and realized it was the receipt for Cheng Ping's recent medication change.

Upon closer inspection, Lin Sheng noticed something amiss. The cost of the medication the nurse had just administered was over thirty thousand yuan! While hospital medications were known to be pricey, this was exorbitant. Previously, Cheng Ping's medication changes amounted to a few thousand yuan at most. It was the first time he had seen a bill spike to over thirty thousand yuan all at once!

Lin Sheng examined the bill further and discovered an added imported medicine worth twenty-nine thousand yuan!

He had never been prescribed this type of medication before. Why hadn't the doctor informed the family about the new addition?

Lin Sheng furrowed his brow in concern.

Cheng Ping's attending physician, Jiaang Haitao, was well-acquainted with the Cheng family.

During Cheng Ping's hospitalization, the Cheng family had lavished Jiaang Haitao with numerous gifts.

Jiaang Haitao had been responsible for administering Cheng Ping's injections and medication. He had confidently assured them that he could cure Cheng Ping's illness, yet now, Cheng Ping had been rushed to the resuscitation room.

Lin Sheng had always been skeptical of Jiaang Haitao. With his vast experience in judging character, he couldn't shake the feeling that Jiaang Haitao was untrustworthy. Could there be an issue with this imported medicine?

At that moment, the ward was empty except for Lin Sheng, who clutched the remaining half-bottle of medicine. His potent True Qi surged from his palm into the glass bottle.

Upon inspection, he immediately discovered that the medicine's composition was indeed problematic!

This costly imported drug was not only useless for Cheng Ping's condition but also a harbinger of death.

Suddenly, a flurry of footsteps approached from outside, accompanied by the anxious voices of Zhao Juann and Cheng Yunfei. Lin Sheng realized that Cheng Ping was being moved from the operating room.

He stepped out of the ward and saw a group of people wheeling a gurney towards him.

Cheng Ping lay unconscious on the bed.

Lin Sheng concentrated his True Qi in his eyes and scrutinized Cheng Ping, only to find his prognosis grim.

"Doctor Jiaang, what is the actual state of my father's health?" Cheng Yunfei inquired anxiously upon reaching the ward.

Jiaang Haitao responded with a tone of regret, "We have done all we can. This is the best outcome possible at this point. Your father has, at most, two or three days left. Please prepare yourselves mentally."

In his forties, Jiaang Haitao's expression of sorrow seemed insincere to Lin Sheng, who saw right through the act.

"This can't be true!"

Zhao Juann, unable to come to terms with the news, clutched at Jiaang Haitao's clothes and protested, "You promised you could cure him! We've given you so many gifts, and you've had carte blanche with the medications all this time. Our family is now destitute, and this is the outcome?"

Zhao Juann was acting like a fishwife, incessantly tugging at Jiaang Haitao.

Upon witnessing this, the other medical staff hurried over to intervene.

"Ma'am, please try to remain calm."

Jiaang Haitao pushed Zhao Juann away, devoid of his usual warmth, and spoke with an icy tone, "What are you talking about? What do you mean I've accepted numerous gifts from your family? You can't just make such accusations!"

Doctors receiving gifts from patients' families had to do so discreetly; being exposed could ruin their reputation.

Moreover, the patient hadn't even been healed yet.

But Zhao Juann was relentless, accusing, "Jiaang Haitao, you monster, won't you own up to your actions? And to think we knew each other so well. Do you really believe I'm unaware of all the kickbacks you've taken at the hospital?"

"If you manage to cure Old Cheng, we can talk. If not, I swear I'll expose everything!"

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