The Strongest Live-in Son-in-law/C2 I Won't Divorce
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The Strongest Live-in Son-in-law/C2 I Won't Divorce
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C2 I Won't Divorce

"You are not worthy of my young master!" The beautiful housekeeper sneered, her tone indifferent as she addressed Cheng Yunfei, "You may be decent-looking, but that's about it. You're just a country girl, utterly unfit to serve as my young master's maid!"


Cheng Yunfei was seething with rage. She was unworthy of that nobody?

The bodyguards behind the beautiful housekeeper retrieved two cases from the Maserati, each filled with US dollars.

Looking down her nose, the housekeeper declared, "Here's one million dollars. Sign the divorce papers, take the money, and scram!"

The surrounding crowd buzzed with shock.

"Is he calling her trash? Then what does that make me?"

"That's worth millions. I bet that gold-digging mother and daughter are kicking themselves now!"

Cheng Yunfei's fists were clenched tight; anger simmered within her, yet she found herself speechless.

In terms of looks, figure, and family background, Cheng Yunfei had always stood out among her peers. Her relationship with Lin Sheng had sparked plenty of gossip back in the day.

Yet even the revered Cheng Yunfei couldn't seem to get the upper hand against the beautiful housekeeper.

"Fine, I'll sign right now. Miss Housekeeper, is this money really for us?"

Zhao Juann's eyes nearly popped out at the sight of the cash, as if she was ready to leap at it.

"I'll sign."

Cheng Yunfei bit her lip, her heart heavy with sorrow.

With the signed agreement in hand, the beautiful housekeeper offered a smile as she passed it to Lin Sheng.

"This guy has hit the jackpot. A gorgeous wife and now a wealthy, attractive mistress."

"The tables have turned."

Amidst the envious stares, Lin Sheng accepted the divorce papers. To everyone's astonishment, he tore them up without a second thought.

"I have no plans to divorce."

Lin Sheng remained composed, his gaze clear and resolute.

"Hasn't he been humiliated enough? Has he lost his mind?"

The crowd was thunderstruck by Lin Sheng's decision.

Cheng Yunfei was equally stunned. Seeing Lin Sheng's unwavering demeanor, she found herself unexpectedly moved.

Memories of Lin Sheng's kindness flooded her thoughts.

"Do you still wish to humiliate me?"

Cheng Yunfei's face was set in defiance as she fought back tears and looked at Lin Sheng. The beautiful housekeeper's eyes also widened in surprise.

"Miss, I'm not going to marry my wife. You must have mistaken me for someone else," Lin Sheng stated coldly.

The housekeeper paused, taken aback by his indifference, and then was overcome with sorrow.

"Do you have your reasons, Young Master? If so, I'll take my leave." With those words, the beautiful housekeeper gave a respectful nod and departed without a backward glance.

"And you, you're a complete disaster, costing me millions! Who gave you the right to tear up the agreement?" Zhao Juann was on an emotional rollercoaster and lunged to strike Lin Sheng.

"Mom, that money was never ours to begin with!" Cheng Yunfei quickly intervened, feeling utterly humiliated.

Hearing this, Zhao Juann reluctantly backed down, knowing she was no match for the burly bodyguards. Instead, she turned her fury toward Lin Sheng.

"Lin Sheng, why on earth did my daughter marry a loser like you? If you can't cough up three million today, then get out. We don't need someone like you in our family!"

Lin Sheng remained unfazed by his mother-in-law's hostility; after two years, he was used to it. Tragically, this was the first time Cheng Yunfei had ever stood up for herself.

"We'll figure out a way to get the money. As for what my mom said, just ignore it."

Once the housekeeper and the bodyguards had left, Cheng Yunfei let out a sigh and addressed Zhao Ning, knowing full well that three million was no trifling amount.

Lin Sheng quirked an eyebrow. "Am I to take it that you're concerned about me?"

"Don't flatter yourself, Lin Sheng. We're not divorced yet. You owe me an explanation about that so-called housekeeper," Cheng Yunfei retorted, clearly jealous.

Lin Sheng's lips curled into a smile at her reaction, though he was at a loss for words.

If a divorce wasn't on the table, they'd have to return home.

Zhao Juann's mind raced, realizing that since Lin Sheng had such wealthy friends, she might as well target him. Surprisingly, she refrained from causing further trouble and left with a cold huff.

Upon arriving at her doorstep, Cheng Yunfei was greeted by a young man who was evidently waiting for her.

"Zhao Hongbin?" she said with a furrowed brow upon recognizing the man. He was her devoted sycophant.

"Congratulations, you've divorced that loser Lin Sheng?"

"That good-for-nothing, that pathetic security guard. He was never worthy of you. Don't be upset. I bought these for you – Italian-imported earrings. They're perfect for you."

Zhao Hongbin leered at Cheng Yunfei as he presented a beautifully wrapped box.

"Did someone call for me?"

Unexpectedly, Lin Sheng approached at a leisurely pace.

Caught off guard, Zhao Hongbin's mouth twitched, and his eyes darted about. He must have thought, This loser must be here to collect his things and beat it, right?

"Lin Sheng, just pack up and get lost already!"

"Come on, Young Master Zhao, what are you talking about? Why would I leave my own home?" Lin Sheng replied, his expression blank as he regarded Zhao with incredulity.

Zhao Hongbin, chin lifted arrogantly, retorted, "You're just a bar security guard, right? That's all you'll ever be. Stop holding Yunfei back with your shamelessness. Here's five hundred thousand – take it and scram!"

"Zhao Hongbin, do you really think I'm clueless? The troubles at my beauty salon are clearly linked to you!"

Cheng Yunfei couldn't contain her anger any longer and turned her fury towards Zhao Hongbin. His audacity was beyond belief.

"Cheng Yunfei, think carefully. Without the company, how will you take care of your father in the rehabilitation hospital?" Zhao Hongbin's eyes narrowed menacingly.


Cheng Yunfei trembled with rage, yet felt powerless. She dared not cross Zhao Hongbin.

After all, the entire Cheng family depended on the Zhao family for their livelihood.

"Yunfei, I'm glad you see reason. Accept the earrings; I won't hold it against you."

Though they were not yet divorced, Zhao Hongbin was clearly too impatient to wait any longer and extended the box towards her.

The very next moment, Lin Sheng strode up to Cheng Yunfei, snatched the box containing the earrings, and tossed it away.

"Sorry, my woman won't be caught dead wearing such trash!"

Zhao Hongbin's complexion turned a ghastly pale, while Cheng Jin, with a grim look, demanded, "Lin Sheng, what's your deal?"

With an impassive face, Lin Sheng replied icily, "Idiot."

Zhao Hongbin's rage was uncontrollable. Through clenched teeth, he spat, "What are you, anyway? Do you have any idea how much those earrings cost? Even selling you wouldn't cover it!"

With an air of arrogance, Zhao Hongbin boasted, "These are Master Zhou's final masterpiece, valued at a million!"

"Heh, I'd say it's a counterfeit worth a million," Lin Sheng retorted with a mocking smile.

Zhao Hongbin was taken aback, his face darkening. "Nonsense! I had a friend purchase them directly from Master Zhou's apprentice! They're not fakes!"

Lin Sheng laughed dismissively. "Please, I have no interest in such knock-offs."

Zhao Hongbin's temper flared further at Lin Sheng's nonchalance. "What if it is a fake? Even a fake is a million! You couldn't afford it in your whole life!"

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