The Strongest Live-in Son-in-law/C20 Special Medicine
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The Strongest Live-in Son-in-law/C20 Special Medicine
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C20 Special Medicine

"Hmph! Trying to intimidate me?"

"You know, if you've done nothing wrong, you've got nothing to fear. But if you dare to slander me again, you better be ready for a letter from my lawyer!"

Panic flickered in Jiaang Haitao's eyes, yet his predominant emotion was anger.

Isn't it commonplace for doctors to accept kickbacks these days?

It's a well-known secret, but as long as it's not discussed openly, it can be ignored. However, if it sparks public outrage or gets leaked online by someone with an agenda, that could spell the end of his medical career.

Zhao Juann found herself momentarily speechless. She was aware of many such incidents, but she lacked concrete evidence.

She wasn't alone; she herself had given Jiaang Haitao quite a few gifts.

Zhao Juann had latched onto Jiaang Haitao in a moment of desperation, unable to come to terms with Cheng Ping's impending death.

Seeing Zhao Juann fall silent, a smirk crossed Jiaang Haitao's face. He turned to leave.

"Wait a minute!"

That's when Lin Sheng chimed in.

"I'm not sure about the rest, but I want to know why you prescribed new medication for my father-in-law without consulting us, his family?"

Jiaang Haitao staggered slightly. The Cheng family had placed their trust in him, allowing him to dictate the treatment plan.

He had taken advantage of this trust to prescribe expensive medications to Cheng Ping, reaping substantial profits.

Zhao Juann's previous accusations hadn't fazed Jiaang Haitao much, but Lin Sheng's pointed question struck a chord.

Despite years of cunning, Jiaang Haitao managed to keep his composure. He turned and retorted, "Your family really is something else. The medications I prescribe are always the most appropriate. If you have such little trust in doctors, why did you come to our hospital in the first place?"

Lin Sheng scoffed in response, "Seeking medical help from a hospital is only natural when you're ill, but that doesn't give you the right to freely prescribe expensive drugs."

Zhao Juann admittedly didn't quite grasp the situation, but she heard Lin Sheng speak with such conviction that it seemed he could corner Jiaang Haitao. Standing in solidarity with Lin Sheng for the first time, she placed her hands on her hips and declared, "My son-in-law is right. You better explain yourself today, or I won't let it go!"

Originally, Zhao Juann simply wanted Jiaang Haitao to think of a way to help her husband, but his subsequent attitude left her feeling cold. Trusting her husband to such a person now seemed like a mistake.

"What's going on? What happened?"

At that moment, a man in his fifties entered, exuding a calm and authoritative presence. He looked around with an air of command.

Pointing at the group, he said, "Loud noises are not permitted in the hospital. Doctor Jiaang, are you not aware of this?"

Upon seeing the man, Jiaang Haitao's demeanor instantly shifted to one of deference, and he nodded earnestly, saying, "Director Hee is correct. There's no issue here; I'm just dealing with a case of medical disturbance."

A medical disturbance involves unreasonable behavior from patients' families, sometimes even resulting in harm to doctors and damage to hospital property.

The man was none other than Hee Hua, the hospital director.

Hearing that Lin Sheng and the others were accused of causing a disturbance, Hee Hua's gaze turned stern as he called out to a nurse, "Call security!"

"You're the one causing a disturbance!" retorted Zhao Juann. "Your hospital's doctors have been reckless, prescribing medication haphazardly and causing my husband's condition to deteriorate. And now you accuse us of making trouble?"

Zhao Juann was unsure of the specifics but chose her words for maximum impact.

Lin Sheng was taken aback; Zhao Juann had inadvertently struck a nerve. Indeed, it was Jiaang Haitao's indiscriminate prescribing that had exacerbated Cheng Ping's illness, leading to a critical situation in the operating room.

However, Lin Sheng was unfazed by the challenge.

He was confident that he could soon turn the situation around and save Cheng Ping. He had intended to act sooner, but Zhao Juann's confrontation with Jiaang Haitao meant he first had to resolve this dispute before he could attempt a rescue.

Hee Hua glanced at Jiaang Haitao, then turned to Zhao Juann and said, "Our hospital has never had an incident of doctors misusing medication. Ma'am, please refrain from making unfounded statements that could damage our institution's reputation."

"Your husband's critical condition deeply saddens us. I am confident that our medical team has given their utmost effort."

"We need a quiet environment here. It would be best if you stopped causing a disturbance. Focus on caring for your husband. We will continue to explore options in the hope of improving his condition. Is that acceptable to you?"

Hee Hua spoke with conviction, his authoritative presence leaving Zhao Juann at a loss for words.

Accusing Jiaang Haitao of reckless prescribing was merely her speculation; she was clueless about the actual situation. Despite her unease, she chose to remain silent.

Lin Sheng scoffed, "Jiaang Haitao has already warned us that the prognosis isn't good and told us to brace ourselves. Now he's talking about finding solutions – I suspect those are just empty words."

To Lin Sheng, Hee Hua's promise to find a way to heal Cheng Ping seemed like nothing more than a platitude.

Given the current level of medical expertise, they were incapable of curing Cheng Ping.

At that moment, Jiaang Haitao interjected, "Indeed, those were my words."

"Cheng Ping's condition is critical; not even a divine being could save him now. It's not a reflection of my medical skills, but rather the severity of his illness."

Jiaang Haitao intended to continue practicing medicine, and he knew that a doctor's success depended not only on their character but also on their professional competence.

His statement was meant to affirm that his medical expertise was beyond reproach.

Lin Sheng countered, "It's not that my father-in-law's condition is too severe; it's your indiscriminate use of medication that has brought him to this state."

"Didn't you just administer a new, expensive imported drug that we've never used before, valued at over twenty thousand dollars?"

Lin Sheng's accusation caused Zhao Juann and Cheng Yunfei to gasp in shock.

They hadn't thought to check the medication list, never anticipating that Lin Sheng would have done so.

Jiaang Haitao lamented, "It was precisely because I saw Cheng Ping was in bad shape that I hurriedly administered a special medication to him. Unfortunately, it still wasn't enough to save him. Such a pity!"

Having said that, Jiaang Haitao feigned a sorrowful shake of his head, seemingly filled with regret.

Lin Sheng, however, spotted a glint of cunning in Jiaang Haitao's eyes and knew without a doubt that he was lying.

Jiaang Haitao was even smug about coming up with such an excuse. The truth was that the so-called imported medicine was extremely cheap, costing less than a thousand yuan.

He had prescribed it to Cheng Ping solely to turn a hefty profit, never anticipating the ensuing complications.

But to him, it was no big deal. As long as no concrete evidence was found, he could continue his medical practice and make money as before.

Lin Sheng scoffed, "Alright, then provide the documentation for the origin of this special medicine, including the manufacturing address. I intend to thoroughly investigate its price and effectiveness. Additionally, I'll consult with a renowned physician to analyze whether it was appropriate for my father-in-law's condition at the time."

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