The Strongest Live-in Son-in-law/C21 The Needles
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The Strongest Live-in Son-in-law/C21 The Needles
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C21 The Needles

Jiaang Haitao was in a complete state of panic this time!

Once Lin Sheng got hold of the medicine's source and checked it, Jiaang Haitao's deception would be uncovered.

Such a scenario was exceedingly rare; the average person wouldn't even consider this possibility.

Jiaang Haitao was at a loss for words, stuttering incoherently. Beside him, Hee Hua's brow furrowed. He approached the table, reviewed the medicine list, and examined the imported medication.

In an instant, it all became clear to him. Jiaang Haitao had been indiscriminately prescribing medicine to turn a hefty profit!

However, this scandal couldn't be allowed to spread, or the hospital's reputation would be in tatters!

Deciding Jiaang Haitao's fate would come later. The immediate priority was to quell any concerns about this affordable, yet effective, drug.

"I've looked it over. There's absolutely nothing wrong with this medicine. You should stop being so paranoid," Hee Hua declared with conviction.

"Yes!" Jiaang Haitao perked up, energized by Hee Hua's support. He raised his voice and proclaimed, "Our hospital's medications are confidential. You can't just inspect them on a whim. Some are even exclusive supplies for government officials. Do you expect to review those as well?"

Lin Sheng now realized that this so-called director was no better, actually covering for Jiaang Haitao.

"Hmph! A rubbish hospital filled with incompetents!"

Lin Sheng spoke bluntly, "It's precisely because of directors like you that quacks like Jiaang Haitao exist!"

Lin Sheng's blunt words left Hee Hua seething, his eyes bulging with rage.

He had always been met with respect wherever he went, greeted with deference as 'Dean He.' No one had ever publicly chastised him in such an impolite manner.

For a moment, Hee Hua was at a loss for words, his pride wounded. He retorted icily, "If you think our hospital is full of incompetents, then feel free to transfer him elsewhere. Given his condition, I'd be curious to see which hospital would take him in!"

Lin Sheng replied, "There's no need for a transfer. I can treat him myself."

Lin Sheng's statement was like dropping a bombshell in the room.

Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief as they stared at Lin Sheng. In such a large hospital, where seasoned doctors had failed to cure Cheng Ping, could Lin Sheng really do it?

Jiaang Haitao couldn't help but snicker to himself. The day's events had left him on edge, uncertain about how to resolve the ensuing chaos. And now, Lin Sheng, this fool, was willingly stepping up to take the fall?

If Lin Sheng were to haphazardly treat Cheng Ping and something went wrong, even if Cheng Ping died on the spot, it would no longer be his problem.

The young nurses nearby also watched Lin Sheng with astonishment.

He looked lively enough, but why did he seem so rash?

"Lin Sheng, don't be reckless," Cheng Yunfei said as she stepped forward to restrain him. She knew all too well what Lin Sheng was capable of. Massages, perhaps, but actual medical treatment? Lin Sheng was likely unable to cure even a minor cold.

Only one person wasn't surprised, or at least didn't show any surprise. That was the dean, Hee Hua. He calmly addressed Lin Sheng, "I had no idea you were such a miraculous healer, my apologies for the oversight!" With that, Hee Hua even offered Lin Sheng a friendly smile and added, "Since you're confident, go ahead and save him. We'll provide whatever equipment you need."

"No other equipment is necessary, just a set of silver needles," Lin Sheng replied coolly.

He was aware that Hee Hua didn't truly believe in his medical abilities. Hee Hua's offer was simply a way to shift the responsibility onto him. Once Lin Sheng intervened, the hospital would be absolved of any liability regarding Cheng Ping's fate.

Clever old fox, Lin Sheng thought with an inward sneer. However, Hee Hua's cunning plan was doomed to fail, for Lin Sheng was certain he could heal Cheng Ping.

Promptly, Hee Hua had someone fetch a set of silver needles.

From the side, Zhao Juann yelled, "Lin Sheng, you scoundrel, if anything happens to my husband under your care, I'll never forgive you!" Her menacing demeanor took everyone by surprise.

Cheng Yunfei cautioned, "Lin Sheng, please be careful. This is my father you're dealing with."

Lin Sheng offered Cheng Yunfei a reassuring glance and responded, "Yunfei, trust me. I'm certain I can heal our father."

Zhao Juann interjected from the sidelines, "If you fail to cure him, you two are getting a divorce!"

She mused to herself that if Lin Sheng's treatment worsened her husband's condition, it could be the perfect opportunity to push for a divorce between Lin Sheng and Cheng Yunfei, and perhaps even land Lin Sheng behind bars. In her eyes, it would be the last contribution her father-in-law could make for his daughter.

To Zhao Juann, Lin Sheng was nothing but a dead weight to Cheng Yunfei. Without him, Cheng Yunfei would surely have the chance to marry into a wealthy family.

With no further objections, Lin Sheng prepared to administer the acupuncture. He addressed the onlookers, "I'm about to begin the acupuncture. I must not be disturbed during the procedure. Please, everyone step outside for a moment."

Many in the room shook their heads skeptically at Lin Sheng's solemn demeanor, wondering how he would handle the situation if his treatment failed.

Hee Hua led the way as the hospital's medical staff exited the room. Cheng Yunfei, taking Zhao Juann by the hand, followed suit.

Once alone, Lin Sheng locked the door and drew the curtains before approaching the bedside. With a flourish of his hand, the silver needles, previously set for use, began to levitate, aligning themselves in front of him. His robust inner energy enveloped each needle, causing them to hover over Cheng Ping's body, moving in sync with Lin Sheng's intentions.

Lin Sheng's request for privacy wasn't due to a fear of interruption. His expertise in medicine was such that he could perform acupuncture amidst the hustle and bustle of a marketplace without issue. However, revealing his extraordinary skills would undoubtedly create a stir.

With a mere thought, the silver needles darted towards Cheng Ping's body, targeting the acupuncture points and penetrating them simultaneously. Lin Sheng then manipulated the needles from afar, treating Cheng Ping by clearing his meridians, repairing internal damage, and gradually extracting toxins from his body.

The treatment took over twenty minutes before Lin Sheng finally put away the needles. Had he started earlier, it would have taken just a few minutes. But Cheng Ping's recent surgery had inflicted further damage on his body, complicating Lin Sheng's healing efforts.

After storing the silver needles, Lin Sheng concentrated his true qi in the palm of his hand and placed it on Cheng Ping's forehead. Almost instantly, a soothing stream of true qi began to permeate Cheng Ping's forehead, revitalizing every nerve.

"Cough cough!"

A minute later, Cheng Ping's eyes fluttered open, and he gazed at Lin Sheng in bewilderment. "Lin Sheng? Am I dead?" he asked, clearly astonished.

"No, Dad, you're very much alive," Lin Sheng reassured him as he withdrew his hand. He had completely cured Cheng Ping's illness. Though Cheng Ping was still somewhat weak, a little rest would ensure his full recovery. Soon, he would be ready to leave the hospital.

"Oh." Cheng Ping, still processing the news, asked in a daze, "Where are Mom and Yunfei?"

"They're just outside," Lin Sheng replied.

He then approached the door and swung it open. Outside, a crowd was anxiously waiting. Zhao Juann and Cheng Yunfei almost simultaneously exclaimed, "How's my father?" and "How's my husband?"

Lin Sheng announced, "All is well. Please, come in."

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