The Strongest Live-in Son-in-law/C22 Returning to the Light of Day
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The Strongest Live-in Son-in-law/C22 Returning to the Light of Day
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C22 Returning to the Light of Day

Lin Sheng turned and made his way back to the bedside.

Cheng Yunfei, Zhao Juann, Jiaang Haitao, and others entered the room.

They were all taken aback at the sight of Cheng Ping lying on the bed, fully conscious.

His complexion had regained some color, a stark contrast to his previous lifeless state.


"Old Cheng!"

Cheng Yunfei and Zhao Juann simultaneously rushed to his side, staring at Cheng Ping in disbelief.

"Dad, how are you feeling now?" Cheng Yunfei inquired.

"I... I feel so weak. I'm quite hungry. Is there anything to eat?"

With that, Cheng Ping astonishingly propped himself up with his hands and sat up.

"Yes, yes, yes! Old Cheng, what would you like to eat? I'll go get it!"

Zhao Juann was overwhelmed with happiness, her husband unharmed, her elation radiating from within.

Jiaang Haitao, Hee Hua, and the rest of the medical staff were dumbfounded.

Had Lin Sheng actually healed Cheng Ping?

How could this be?

Even if Hua Tuo himself were here, even with the most potent of medicines, it would take time!

What had Lin Sheng done?

In just twenty minutes, Cheng Ping seemed to have been brought back from the brink of death.

"It's the final flicker of life!"

Jiaang Haitao exclaimed, "This has to be a brief rally before the end! Cheng Ping is not going to make it. You all should start making arrangements."

He simply couldn't accept what he was seeing.

Cheng Ping had been in the hospital for so long, taken so many medications, and yet Lin Sheng, known to all as a good-for-nothing, had apparently cured him effortlessly. If that were true, wouldn't it confirm that he was a charlatan?

The only explanation must be that Cheng Ping had a momentary burst of clarity before passing.

"Nonsense! The only final flicker is your reasoning. You can't expect anything sensible from you!"

Zhao Juann, unable to contain her fury any longer, lunged at Jiaang Haitao and clawed at his face.


Jiaang Haitao let out a scream as several deep scratches appeared on his face, from which blood began to flow, creating a ghastly sight.

Hee Hua was visibly astounded. More pressing to him than Jiaang Haitao's disfigurement was the baffling question of how Lin Sheng had managed to cure Cheng Ping in such a short span of time.

It was beyond his wildest expectations!

"Mr. Cheng, how are you feeling? Can you manage to get out of bed and take a few steps on your own?" Hee Hua inquired, his face beaming with a hopeful smile.

He was eager to find out if Cheng Ping had truly been healed, or if, as Jiaang Haitao suggested, it was merely a fleeting resurgence of vitality.

"I suppose I can..."

Unaware that Hee Hua was now their adversary, Cheng Ping surprisingly obliged and gingerly stepped out of bed.

His movements were slow, attributable to the stiffness from prolonged inactivity rather than any lingering ailment.

All onlookers' jaws dropped in amazement. Could this be the same man who had been at death's door just moments ago?

At this point, there was no room for doubt: Lin Sheng had indeed cured Cheng Ping.

The hardest hit by this revelation was Jiaang Haitao, who interacted with Cheng Ping daily and was intimately familiar with his condition.

Putting aside everything else, Cheng Ping had recently undergone surgery and bore two significant incisions, which should have made walking impossible!

Ignoring the pain etched across his own face, Jiaang Haitao rushed forward and peeled back Cheng Ping's clothing, only to be met with another dumbfounding sight.

The incisions that had marred Cheng Ping's abdomen had vanished, as if surgery had never taken place!

Jiaang Haitao was astounded. This transcended the realm of medical expertise; it was nothing short of miraculous!

Casting a fearful glance at Lin Sheng, Jiaang Haitao was speechless, thoroughly intimidated by the man before him.

He had accepted his defeat. To oppose Lin Sheng?

It would be a death wish!

Having witnessed Lin Sheng's capabilities, he had lost all resolve to stand against him.

"Mr. Lin is truly a miraculous healer. I am humbled by his skill," Jiaang Haitao admitted, his previous arrogance replaced with a respectful fear. "I must confess, I have indeed been guilty of misusing medicine for profit and accepting numerous bribes. This time, I did use an imported medicine that cost over twenty thousand, when in fact, its actual cost was only a thousand yuan..."

"To express my regret, I am willing to offer a compensation of 200,000 yuan. Please, Mr. Lin, accept my apologies."

Jiaang Haitao's incredibly sincere and submissive manner of acknowledging his error left everyone in utter disbelief.

Even with Lin Sheng's exceptional medical expertise, there was no need for Jiaang Haitao to go to such lengths, was there?

Little did they know, in Jiaang Haitao's mind, Lin Sheng had transcended humanity, becoming akin to a deity!

Who else could heal such a severe wound so completely in under twenty minutes?

At this point, it wouldn't matter if Jiaang Haitao was asked to cough up two hundred thousand or even to kneel and eat dirt—he wouldn't bat an eyelid.

Anything for Lin Sheng's forgiveness; he was prepared to do whatever it took.

"Dr. Jiang, what are you spouting?" Hee Hua bellowed furiously. "If you've lost your mind, don't drag our hospital into your mess! It seems you no longer wish to work here, is that it? If you want to leave, then leave, but stop spreading this nonsense!"

"Our hospital has never and will never allow such incidents to occur!"

Hee Hua was so livid he was tempted to give Jiaang Haitao a couple of resounding slaps.

A crowd had already formed, eager for drama, and Jiaang Haitao's declarations were tantamount to throwing their hospital into an abyss.

Should word get out, it could spell the end for their institution.

While others might still be puzzled by Jiaang Haitao's sudden compliance, Lin Sheng, having witnessed Jiaang Haitao's actions with Cheng Ping and his shift in demeanor, had already pieced together the cause.

This situation presented an ideal opportunity for him to assert his influence over both Jiaang Haitao and Hee Hua.

Initially, he had thought the issue was isolated to Jiaang Haitao, but after encountering Hee Hua, it became apparent that the problem was systemic.

With a director like Hee Hua, who exuded a veneer of virtue, it was no surprise that the hospital harbored corrupt individuals like Jiaang Haitao.

Lin Sheng had resolved that he could not allow such a facility to continue exploiting patients.

Fixing his gaze on Jiaang Haitao, Lin Sheng spoke sternly, "Jiaang Haitao, you are now on the right track. Next, you must proactively surrender to the authorities and reveal every transgression you're aware of. That is the only way I will consider forgiving you. Do you understand?"

"Got it! Got it!" Jiaang Haitao nodded emphatically. At this point, he had no choice but to follow Lin Sheng's instructions to feel any measure of safety.

Otherwise, he had no clue what Lin Sheng might do to him next.

"And another thing, I don't want you spreading rumors about certain matters, got that?"

Lin Sheng had noticed that among the crowd, only Jiaang Haitao had picked up on something off about him. He didn't want his secret getting out to too many people.

"Crystal clear!"

Jiaang Haitao was practically on the verge of prostrating himself before Lin Sheng.

The onlookers were baffled, struggling to comprehend why Jiaang Haitao, who had been so defiant earlier, was now so compliant with Lin Sheng's commands.

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