The Strongest Live-in Son-in-law/C5 Billionaire
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The Strongest Live-in Son-in-law/C5 Billionaire
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C5 Billionaire

He waved the black bank card in his hand with excitement. "Do you know what this is? It's the International Union's ultimate signature card! It comes with guarantees from 27 banks, including the likes of Swiss Bank, Citibank, and Morgan Bank! Only individuals with assets over a hundred billion can apply! And because of you, our bank nearly offended a billionaire!"

Qin Xiaoli, in truth, was quite innocent. The supreme signature cards issued by the International Union were limited to fewer than a hundred nationwide. In a small city like Jiang, it was extremely rare to encounter one, perhaps once in several decades, so her failure to recognize it was understandable.

Indeed, if Manager Ma hadn't attended training at the headquarters and fortuitously seen a supreme signature card in a photograph, he too might have failed to recognize it today.

But someone had to be held accountable. Qin Xiaoli had been impolite first, so Manager Ma was not inclined to let her off easily.

Billionaire! The word made Qin Xiaoli's legs turn to jelly.

She couldn't fathom the horror of such a person seeking retribution against her. Her face turned ashen as she repeatedly apologized: "I'm so sorry, sir. I was blind and foolish. Please, don't fire me. I need to provide for my family, for my children..." Her voice broke with sobs, and she was so frightened that she nearly fell to her knees in supplication.

The onlookers behind her were dumbfounded by the spectacle.

"Holy smokes, did you hear what the manager just said? A billionaire!"

"I'm speechless... A billionaire could buy half of Jiang City!"

"I've lived my whole life and this is the first time I've seen a billionaire in the flesh! And he's so young and handsome too! Life is just not fair!"

"Damn, if I were a woman, I'd have thrown myself at him by now."

The adage that money talks was proven once again. The crowd that had been critical of Lin Sheng just moments before now couldn't change their tune fast enough, each one seemingly eager to cling to his legs.

Lin Sheng, accustomed to such reactions, didn't bother to hold a grudge against Qin Xiaoli. Accepting the bank card, he said, "Let it go. You can return to work. Manager Ma, am I able to withdraw money now?"

"Of course, of course!" Manager Ma responded eagerly. "Please, allow me to escort you to the VIP room... And may I ask how to address you, sir?"

"My name is Lin Sheng."

"Right," Lin Sheng added, "and while you're at it, have your president stop by, please."

"I'll notify him immediately," Manager Ma said, pulling out his phone.

Typically, the president wasn't someone just anyone could meet, but the man before him was a billionaire. Getting an audience with the head of a city branch bank was a trivial matter for someone of his stature.

To Manager Ma's surprise, when he made the call, President Liu Yunhua flatly refused.

"Lin Sheng wants to meet with me? Ha, what's he to me? Nothing but a man living off a woman. Even the head of the Cheng family has to address me as President Liu when he sees me! I won't meet with him!"

Liu Yunhua's words came out rapid-fire, mocking Lin Sheng over the phone and disparaging him thoroughly.

Manager Ma was sweating profusely, unable to get a word in edgewise.

This was a billionaire he was dealing with!

Even if Liu Yunhua was the president, if Lin Sheng took issue with him, Liu Yunhua would have no choice but to pack up and leave.

Manager Ma covered the mouthpiece of his phone, anxious that Lin Sheng might overhear.

He retreated to a corner, sneaking peeks at Lin Sheng while speaking in a hushed, anxious tone, "President Liu, I really think you should come here. This Mr. Lin may not be the same Lin Sheng you're thinking of!"


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