The Strongest Live-in Son-in-law/C8 Liu Yunhua's Help
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The Strongest Live-in Son-in-law/C8 Liu Yunhua's Help
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C8 Liu Yunhua's Help

"Zhao Hongbin, you dare covet my wife? You must have a death wish!" Lin Sheng's gaze was icy as he muttered under his breath.

And then there's Cheng Jin. Yunfei is his own cousin, yet he's turned his back on his family to conspire with Zhao Hongbin? Cheng Jin is definitely asking for trouble!

For various reasons, Lin Sheng had previously chosen to keep his identity under wraps. Despite witnessing the Cheng family's ostracism and bullying of Cheng Yunfei's household, he had turned a blind eye.

Now, fully recovered from his injuries, Lin Sheng was confident in his ability to protect Cheng Yunfei and had decided to drop the pretense.

Over the years with the Cheng family, Cheng Yunfei had always been cold to him, maintaining a marriage in name only. Yet, she had always cared for him in secret.

The recent divorce was likely driven by the need for a substantial sum to cover her father's hospitalization and medical bills, forcing her to compromise with Zhao Hongbin.

From this moment forward, Lin Sheng would not let anyone harm Cheng Yunfei again!

Lin Sheng's dark expression and the chilling, terrifying presence he exuded left Liu Yunhua petrified. His legs shook uncontrollably, and his clothes were drenched in sweat, making it hard for him to even breathe.

He felt as if the man before him was not human, but a beast, a demon from the depths of hell. Such a fearsome aura could not possibly emanate from a mere mortal!

Liu Yunhua had mistakenly believed that Lin Sheng's wealth as a billionaire was his only asset. Little did he know, that was merely the surface of Lin Sheng's true capabilities. Not only was he immensely wealthy, but he also possessed exceptional skills in martial arts and medicine, though he seldom showed them.

Hearing Zhao Hongbin and Cheng Jin's plot against Cheng Yunfei had truly enraged Lin Sheng.

"Mr. Lin, I swear this has nothing to do with me!"

Witnessing Lin Sheng's fearsome demeanor and hearing his comments about Zhao Hongbin, Liu Yunhua felt a cold dread creeping up his spine, terrified that Lin Sheng would hold a grudge against him as well.

Had he known the Cheng family boasted such an exceptional son-in-law, he would never have dared to scheme against Cheng Yunfei.

Lin Sheng regarded Liu Yunhua with a softened expression and said, "President Liu, rest assured, I've sought you out because I need your assistance with a matter."

As Lin Sheng's imposing aura receded, Liu Yunhua felt a weight lift from his shoulders, and he began to breathe heavily with relief.

"Mr. Lin, whatever you require, just command me. I'll see it done without fail!" Liu Yunhua declared, thumping his chest in earnest.

His prior fear of Lin Sheng stemmed from the power of Lin Sheng's International Silver Union signature card. As a billionaire, Lin Sheng could ruin him with a single word.

Now, his fear of Lin Sheng was a profound terror that shook him to his core, a fear that transcended concerns about his career and touched on his very survival.

"My mother-in-law has a debt with your bank," Lin Sheng stated. "Please, deduct the amount from this card."

Lin Sheng could have easily refused to repay the few million owed, but a man of his stature wouldn't stoop to such pettiness.


Liu Yunhua was tempted to say the debt need not be repaid, but he knew Lin Sheng wouldn't miss the sum. To suggest forgiveness of the debt might even displease Lin Sheng, so he decided it was best to follow Lin Sheng's wishes.

Without hesitation, Liu Yunhua transferred two million from the card, not daring to levy any interest.

Lin Sheng accepted the bank card returned to him by Liu Yunhua and tucked it away, then continued, "President Liu, are you acquainted with anyone at Tiankang Pharmaceutical?"

The Cheng family had burdened Cheng Yunfei with an impossible task: to secure a business deal with Tiankang Pharmaceutical. Failure would mean her family's expulsion from the Cheng conglomerate.

In all likelihood, Cheng Yunfei stood no chance of succeeding.

Lin Sheng could easily negotiate a deal with Tiankang Pharmaceutical using his clout as a billionaire, securing a contract for Cheng Yunfei would be simple. However, such a move would draw excessive attention, making the affair public knowledge.

Tiankang Pharmaceutical is not like Guangfa Bank; Lin Sheng can't simply declare that information won't be leaked and expect it to be so. He also can't go around asking everyone to keep secrets without seeming like he has a guilty conscience.

That's why he thought it best to have Liu Yunhua step in and speak on behalf of the Cheng family. Given Liu Yunhua's status as the president of Guangfa Bank, he carries considerable clout in Huacheng, and securing a contract shouldn't be too difficult.

"Tiankang Pharmaceutical?" Liu Yunhua pondered for a moment before responding promptly, "They have some business dealings with our bank. I'm acquainted with Wang Jian, the Tiankang Pharmaceutical representative in Huacheng. Why do you ask? Does Mr. Lin want to purchase medicine?"

Tiankang Pharmaceutical's medicinal materials are of high quality and in high demand, which also means they come with a hefty price tag. Only those with connections can secure a discount.

A smile played at the corner of Lin Sheng's mouth as he shook his head, "I'm not looking to buy medicine. I'm interested in establishing some business relations with Tiankang Pharmaceutical on behalf of Cheng's Group. I'd prefer not to handle this personally. Do you think you could take care of it, President Liu?"

"It doesn't need to be a large contract, just a reasonable one," Lin Sheng added upon seeing Liu Yunhua's surprised expression.

"Alright!" Liu Yunhua said thoughtfully. "I'll do everything I can to see this through. Wang Jian should be willing to help out; I don't foresee any major issues."

Truth be told, Liu Yunhua wasn't entirely confident, but given the high regard he held for Lin Sheng, he was determined to give it his all regardless.

Lin Sheng nodded in approval and gave Liu Yunhua an appreciative glance. He preferred not to call upon the Lin family's influence unless absolutely necessary, as they had many adversaries lying in wait. Any careless move could endanger the entire family.

"President Liu, rest assured, I won't let your efforts go unrewarded," Lin Sheng assured him.

"It's my duty!"

Liu Yunhua outwardly declined the offer, yet inside, a surge of elation washed over him. It appeared that Lin Sheng was hinting at a promotion if he could successfully handle this task.

Lin Sheng was a billionaire, whose wealth dwarfed that of the entire bank—none of its assets came close to even one percent of his fortune.

Gaining Lin Sheng's approval would certainly open doors to a future far more promising than his current role as a bank president.

Shortly after leaving the bank, Lin Sheng's phone rang with a call from his mother-in-law, Zhao Juann.

As soon as Lin Sheng answered, Zhao Juann's tirade came crashing through the speaker.

"Lin Sheng! Where have you disappeared to? Get back here and start cooking!"

Zhao Juann's voice thundered like that of a fishwife, "Are you trying to starve me? Pick up more groceries on your way back; we're expecting an important guest this afternoon!"

Despite the outburst, Lin Sheng's face remained impassive, his emotions steady. Anger was out of the question.

Years of navigating the cutthroat world of business had forged a mind as steadfast as iron. To him, Zhao Juann was just an ordinary housewife, incapable of disturbing his equanimity.

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