The Strongest Rural Doctor/C1 I'm Going to Fight It out with the Village Tyrant
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The Strongest Rural Doctor/C1 I'm Going to Fight It out with the Village Tyrant
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C1 I'm Going to Fight It out with the Village Tyrant

At seven in the morning, Ergou hastily drank a few bowls of millet congee, took some food with him, and went up the mountain to gather herbs. He suddenly thought, after selling the medicine this time, the money needed to treat his girlfriend's mother was more or less fully gathered!

After passing through the willow trees, they entered the primitive forest of Mount Daai.

There was no path in the forest. Instinctively, he continued to drive deeper and deeper.

Because valuable medicine often grows in dangerous places. As they walked, they were suddenly surprised. It was strange that an ancient temple had appeared in the forest.

There was someone inside!

"Meow meow. This person is none other than the tyrannical Zhao Tu!"

This guy will pick a place.

Speaking of Zhao Tu Hu, he was a notorious scoundrel. His wife couldn't stand the violence and fled to the coastal city and never came back.

This dog's brain is quite sharp, when the money attack is used, it has a really thin spine.

Pi Ergou really wanted to know who the woman inside the temple was.

For some reason, his hands and feet didn't obey him. This was because the feeling that Zhao Tu Clan gave people was fear.

Besides, he went up the mountain to help raise money for his girlfriend, so there was no need for him to meddle in other people's business.

Not long after, Zhao Tu surrendered.

At that moment, the sky started to spin, and Pi Ergou fell to the ground.

His eyes were wide, and he was panting heavily. It was as if a bellows had been pulled! Whoosh! Whoosh!


Pi Er rushed into the ancient temple like a mad dog. He lifted his head, aimed at Zhao Tu Hu's dog belly, and ran into it!

Zhao Tu felt a little guilty when he saw that the good news had come to an end. The mountain saw Ergou charge towards him with all his might. With a flash, he dodged the attack and missed Second Dog.

Zhao Tu snickered, then aimed a kick at Ergou's tailbone.


Pi Ergou was sent flying by Zhao Tu's several hundred jin kick, heavily kissing the idol in the temple!

A cloud of dust rose into the air, and Ergou fell to the ground. His body was smashed, causing blood to spurt out.

Slaughterer Zhao immediately ran out.

As for Pi Ergou, he fell to the ground, blood splattering all over his body. He was actually sucked into the statue. The deity statue seemed to be alive as soon as it saw the blood, and an illusory image of seven or eight seals could be seen on its surface.

These illusory images drilled into Ergou's body all of a sudden!


Pi Ergou's head felt like it was about to split open. With a tilt of his head, he collapsed onto the ground.

Without knowing how long it had been, Ergou woke up with a start, only to see that the deity statue had been shattered into eight pieces.

Touching his body, he discovered that the injury had healed!

And then he said, "Hm?" There were seven or eight seals scattered on the ground. When he picked them up, he found that they were all carved out of wood. Some were big, some were small, and the largest one was the size of a matchbox.

Immediately, a message appeared in his head saying that these seals were Divine Weapons of the God Tier, and that they would be of great use in the future. So he put the seal in his pocket.

He jumped out of the broken temple!


Suddenly, he heard a small crack from the bottom of his feet. Ergou looked down. Heavens, how could such a large piece of rock crack?

Pi Ergou stomped his feet and arrived under a large tree. He slapped the branch with his palm. Crack! Crack!

The thick branch broke.

Damn, no wonder there was a wave of qi flowing around inside his body, it turned out that he had gained a lot of strength!

Suddenly, Ergou focused his attention on an unfamiliar herb.

His gaze fixed onto the figure, and a prompt immediately appeared in his mind. It turned out to be thirty-seven!

Around the temple, on the cliffs, on the hilltops, under the trees... Three or seven grew everywhere.

Pi Er thought in his heart that if he was lucky, it would be a blessing in disguise. Thus, he buried his face in the ground and began to dig. He only managed to dig about thirty catties. Seeing that it was noon, he carried thirty-seven yuan and went back home to get some food to eat. His body was as light as a swallow's as he ran along with a bag of medicinal herbs in his hand. Not a single breath was left in his lungs.

Creak. As soon as he pushed open the gate, he heard a woman call out: "Ergou!"

The scene in front of him blurred, and Pi Ergou saw a drenched chicken in front of him.

The drowned chicken was deathly pale and its hair was disheveled. Pi Ergou howled, "Oh f * ck, what a ghost!"

"You dog, it's me!"

"Big millstone, why did you fall into the water?" Pi Ergou jumped up, his pair of crafty eyes rolling around.

"Er Gou, close your courtyard door!" Liu Yuemei gave the order.

The true name of the big millstone was Liu Yuemei. Because the rear was big and the front was big, the villagers gave her a nickname called the big millstone.

The big millstone was in a hurry to find Ergou because she had discovered that Ling Yao had run off with the tyrannical Zhao Tu. She was afraid Ergou would come running to tell him the big news without knowing it. Unexpectedly, he accidentally fell into the water.

"Er Gou, quickly set the fire and help me roast the clothes!" Liu Yuebi let out a laugh and baited, "Er Gou, I'll give you some benefits later!"

Ah? Benefits?

Therefore, he anxiously asked, "What about the welfare of the shrimps?"

The target had changed his mind, and Ergou's personality had changed drastically, becoming cynical.

Seeing that he was so anxious, Liu Yuebi was not in a good mood. She walked up and nailed him with a chestnut, "Er Gou, quickly set the fire!" It was the beginning of June, and when she fell into the lake, she was shivering from the cold.

"Alright!" Pi Ergou went to the woodpile and brought out the firewood. A bonfire was set up in the living room. After a while, a raging flame was ignited.

Liu Yuemei wanted to speak up several times, but she was afraid that Ergou wouldn't be able to take it. A fashionable casual teased him, "Ergou, you look like a man!"

"I'm not only a man, I'm also a man!" Pi Ergou looked at the millstone as he spoke.

"Ha, dog calf, no way!" As she spoke, Liu Yueyi's eyebrows paled and she started roasting the roasted meat on the fire, steam filling the air.

Pi Ergou felt a cold sensation on his nose and felt the blood on his nose.

Seeing that the timing was right, Liu Yuemei revealed her true intentions. "Ergou, is there something important I need to talk to you about?"

"The sky is going to rain and the mother is going to marry. Let her be. She was raising money for her mother, so it's not her fault! " Pi Ergou had matured.

"Bully has money, you have no money! "Sigh!"

While she was talking, sister millstone's clothes dried up. She put them back on and went back home after patting her buttocks.

Turning around, Mo Shuang Sis threw him a message, "Er Gou, you're 18 years old now. Quickly go out and earn money. Men cannot marry wives without money! "

"I know. "But I don't need to go out, I can still make money in the countryside!" "Pi Ergou said in his heart, 'Sister millstone is right.'

"You dog, you don't even have a single hair in this crappy poor mountain village, where would you get the money to earn it?" If you want to learn from seven or eight old bachelors in the village, you can stay at home! "Think about my words, see you later!" As she spoke, she quickly disappeared from the entrance.

"Eh, an old bachelor!" Old bachelors are particularly common in the poor village of Danai. There weren't many who went out to work, just digging in their own fields.

"How could I be a bachelor? "Just you wait. I'll make a lot of money later!" Pi Ergou swore inwardly.

The next day, when Pi Ergou was drying medicinal herbs in his yard, he heard the sound of banging on his door as he died.

Creak. The yard door opened and a plump body fell in. It was none other than Liu Yuemei.

Seeing that it was her, Pi Ergou was taken aback. "Big millstone, you …" "What are you doing?"

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