The Strongest Secret Master/C17 First Kiss
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The Strongest Secret Master/C17 First Kiss
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C17 First Kiss

Linn Mengyao thought, she never thought that this bastard had more skills.

The two fellows frantically helped Hou Zhenjie up.

Lu Fei looked at Hou Zhenjie, "Can we go now?"

One of his subordinates ran over and whispered into Hou Zhenjie's ear, "Brother Jie, this guy is called Lu Fei, the one who took care of Gao Huan twice in a row."

Hou Zhenjie's eyelids twitched twice.

"Brother Jie, let's go up together." The few fellows rubbed their hands together and moved forward.

Hou Zhenjie raised his hand to stop her, and stared at Lu Fei, "Let's go, in the future, walk carefully."

Lu Fei actually dared to threaten his. With a kick, Hou Zhenjie fell to the ground once again.

Hou Zhenjie's mouth was bleeding, he shouted loudly, "All of you, get on with it!"

A few of them surrounded Lu Fei.

Linn Mengyao felt his body being lifted up, and spinning, there was only a series of bangs, and when she was pushed down, a large part of his body had fallen down.

Linn Mengyao was a little dizzy.

Lu Fei hugged himself, and stepped on Hou Zhenjie's face, "I'll ask you one more time, can I leave now?"

Hou Zhenjie panted heavily, "That's enough."

Lu Fei's arm released Linn Mengyao's waist, and he pulled her hand and left.

The campus environment was very beautiful, but Linn Mengyao didn't have the mood to be romantic with this guy. Seeing that Hou Zhenjie had already walked far away, he broke free and sent a kick towards Lu Fei.

Lu Fei dodged slightly, but he used too much strength and fell towards the ground. Lu Fei reached out and hugged Linn Mengyao again.

Linn Mengyao anxiously struggled, grabbing towards Lu Fei's face, Lu Fei used all his strength to hug him, causing Linn Mengyao to be unable to hold on, but unexpectedly, their mouths met.

Time seemed to stop.

They could hear each other's heartbeats.

"Why are you kissing me? You female hooligan, I'm too embarrassed to meet you." Before Linn Mengyao could react, Lu Fei ran off hastily.

"You bastard! I will kill you! "

This was his first kiss, stolen by him and called himself a hooligan.

Linn Mengyao crumbled.

But Lu Fei ran very fast, and in the blink of an eye, he was no longer there. At this moment, Lu Fei had experienced how it felt for Mad Old Man to run away from the wedding night.

However, Linn Mengyao's lips were so soft and sweet, it felt so comfortable. Lu Fei couldn't help but lick his lips again.

Linn Mengyao squatted on the ground and called Yun Ruoshi, "Ruoshi, come over and help me kill that bastard!"

Yun Ruoshi was shocked, "What's wrong, Mengyao?"

"He kissed me. He hugged me and kissed me. I don't want to live anymore. I really don't want to live anymore!" The scene of Lu Fei kissing filled Linn Mengyao's eyes. He felt extremely disgusted.

"What?" Yun Ruoshi stood up from her office chair.

Although Linn Mengyao was a little unruly, she took her first kiss very seriously, almost as if he wanted her life. Not only that, it was Lu Fei, the person she hated the most.

"Don't worry, I won't let him have a good life. I'll call Uncle Wu first and expel him."

To dare treat Mengyao like that, Yun Ruoshi immediately dialed Ningjiang University Vice President Wu Jianchang's number, "Uncle Wu, are you busy?"

"Ruoshi, Uncle isn't busy, what can I do for you?" The voice was very friendly.

"Uncle Wu, there's something I need your help with."

Ruoshi, when did you become so courteous to Uncle? If you have anything to say, just say it directly.

"Thank you, Uncle," Yun Ruoshi said. "There is a boy in Mengyao's class who is playing a hooligan towards Mengyao, moreover it's on the campus, the impact is very severe. Uncle, I wonder how the school will deal with this kind of student, will he be severely punished or even expelled?"

As expected of the CEO of the Yun Ding International, Yun Ruoshi's tone was very good. Wu Jianchang immediately understood what she meant, this kind of matter could not be small, and since the young miss of Yun Family had said so, being expelled was not a problem.

"How did this happen? This is too vile! What's the name of that boy?"

"His name is Lu Fei."

"Lu Fei?" Wu Jianchang's heart skipped a beat, "Oh, Ruoshi, is Mengyao seriously injured? Should we send him to the hospital?"

"That won't be necessary, Uncle Wu, don't worry."

Wu Jianchang heaved a sigh of relief, Lu Fei was arranged by the authorities, and they cannot touch him. Furthermore, his identity was kept a secret, and only three people in the entire academy knew of it.

"Ruoshi, I can't alone decide on the expulsion of a student. In this kind of situation, the school's views will usually be on criticizing the education system, I will discuss it with the school's leaders, what do you think?"

"All right, Uncle."

Yun Ruoshi was a little confused. Logically speaking, Uncle Wu would definitely help him with this kind of thing, wouldn't it be logical for him to expel a poor guy with a bad character?

Alright, since there's no chance of getting the school expelled, I'll let you withdraw from the school by yourself! Yun Ruoshi called the driver and bodyguard, Zhao Kui, over to Ningjiang University.

Inside the Ningjiang University Vice President's Office, Wu Jianchang, who had refused Big Miss Yun's "fair and square" request, felt very uneasy in his heart. He rubbed his head as he dialed Uncle Zheng's number.

"Bro, I'm calling to apologize."

"Haha, Brother Wu, where did you drink today?" Uncle Zheng knew Wu Jianchang liked to drink, so he must be drunk to the point of blabbering nonsense. This kind of thing had happened before.

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