The Super School Doctor/C1 Save beauty
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The Super School Doctor/C1 Save beauty
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C1 Save beauty

"This place is simply a paradise. I don't think any man would be willing to leave after coming here."

It had been more than ten minutes since he walked from the entrance of the school to here. He still hadn't seen a single ugly female student, and the one that looked the worst was only an average appearance.

Merchant Shop University was a comprehensive university, it was a university of China's D7 Alliance. In China, it was ranked third only after Beijing University and Beijing University.

The principal of the Merchant Shop University, named Mi Sufang, was a woman. She was fifty-three years old this year, and had already been the principal of the Merchant Shop University for fifteen years.

Other than Mi Sufang, the principal of the Merchant Shop University, there were seven other Vice-Chancellor s. The most eye-catching one was one of the two female Vice-Chancellor s named Qiu Hongxin, who was only twenty-five years old this year.

As for Qiu Hongxin, she was Xiong Yu's fiancee. When Xiong Yu returned to the Shangcheng City this time, he was preparing to follow his grandfather's last wishes and get married to Qiu Hongxin.

After walking for a few minutes more, they arrived at a nearby sports field. A beautiful female teacher was there with a group of beautiful female students in sports lessons, some playing volleyball, some playing table tennis, some playing badminton, and some playing games with blindfolded eyes. The beautiful teacher was currently supervising a dozen female students doing sit-ups, she was just like a group of beautiful butterflies dancing in the green grassland.

Xiong Yu had never gone to school before, nor had he attended any university. He didn't know why there were currently only male and female classes in the popular sports courses on university campuses, so he was curious as to why both teachers and students were female. Xiong Yu being stopped also made the female students curious. According to the rules of the Merchant Shop University, during class, those who were visited by outsiders would usually not be allowed in, and under special circumstances, the person being interviewed would have to pick them up at the entrance.

Suddenly, a scream sounded, and the fluttering of these beautiful butterflies immediately became chaotic. Xiong Yu curiously followed along as well, and it was actually a female classmate who suddenly fainted while doing sit-ups.

This girl should be the most beautiful among the students, with a oval face, willow shaped eyebrows, thick eyelashes, nose, cherry lips, and snow-white skin like jade. Although her eyes couldn't be seen because she had fainted, Xiong Yu believed that this girl's eyes must also be very beautiful.

The sports teacher was also a beauty. At this moment, she was squatting beside the unconscious girl, checking the condition of the fainted girl, and waved her hand: "Everyone spread out, don't affect the air circulation, I'll do artificial breathing to Yu Xi right now."

Immediately, the students scattered outwards, forming a large circle with a diameter of at least twenty meters, all staring at the sports teacher and the girl called Yu Xi. The name of the girl who fainted was all Mao Yuxi.

However, the result was a failure. The PE teacher had breathed on Mao Yuxi for a full five minutes and still kept pressing down on her chest. She was so tired that she was gasping for breath and sweating profusely.

"Teacher Tong." At this time, seeing that the physical education teacher was still preparing to continue, a female student shouted, "How about we send Yu Xi to the school hospital?"

Tong Xin Jun straightened her back, looked at Mao Yuxi's pale face and nodded: "Alright."

"Wait." Seeing that a few female students had walked up and were preparing to carry Mao Yuxi up, Xiong Yu immediately shouted out, took a step forward, went to Mao Yuxi's side, and observed her expression carefully, then said with a solemn face, "Teacher Tong, this female student should have fainted because of a sudden heart failure, and cannot be casually moved, otherwise his life will be in danger."

Right at this moment, the girl from before suddenly shouted: "That's right, Teacher Tong, I remember it now. Yu Xi told me before that she fainted once and was sent to the hospital, and after a bumpy journey, she almost died. Oh right, Yu Xi has the medicine on her body, so it should be fine after taking the medicine."

Tong Xin Jun anxiously reached her hand out to look at Mao Yuxi's pockets and really found a small medicine bottle. However, after opening it, it was unexpectedly empty, and the smell of a strong, traditional Chinese medicine assaulted her senses.

"Show me." Xiong Yu walked over, and extended his hand out to the small bottle. After carefully smelling it, he nodded his head, "Indeed, it's caused by the heart's failure, this medicine is made with thirteen different Chinese medicine, all of them are medicine for the heart. The person who prescribed it is an expert."

Only then did Tong Xin Jun stand up and wipe away the sweat on her forehead. She carefully sized up Xiong Yu and asked: "May I ask who you are …?"

Xiong Yu smiled slightly and said: "I learn Chinese medicine, my name is Xiong Yu."

Tong Xin Jun nodded and asked, "Mr. Bear, do you have any good methods to wake her up?"

Xiong Yu looked at Mao Yuxi and said: "It's only artificial respiration, it's best to use it with the heart massage."

Tong Xin Jun froze for a moment before she said, "I've already breathed artificially and massaged her heart. However, there's no effect at all. You saw it too, right?"

Xiong Yu glanced at Tong Xin Jun's cherry lips, and laughed: "She fainted because of heart failure, which is different from normal people's syncope. I can save her if she needs someone with strong lung capacity to do artificial breathing, and also, I must wake her up within ten minutes. Otherwise, she'll be in danger."

"This …" Tong Xin Jun looked at her watch. Mao Yuxi had fainted for almost eight minutes now, and she couldn't help but hesitate as she considered what Xiong Yu had said. She wondered if he could really save her, or if she was trying to take advantage of Mao Yuxi.

Thinking about Mao Yuxi's background, it was not something she could afford to offend, if something were to happen to Mao Yuxi, she was afraid that she would not be able to handle it. Furthermore, Xiong Yu was definitely a doctor in school hospital, and would definitely not do anything vulgar while he was here, so she gritted her teeth and said: "Fine, Bears, sorry to trouble you."

Xiong Yu smiled slightly: "You're welcome, I'm a doctor, saving the dying and healing is my duty. Hmm, Teacher Tong, I'll trouble you to turn around, if not, I won't be able to let go of my hands and feet."

"You can't let go?" Tong Xin Jun frowned, she lowered her head and looked at Mao Yuxi, who had become increasingly pale, before sighing, "Alright, everyone turn around. Without Bears, no one can turn around."

The students were all very obedient, and immediately turned around, facing outwards, with their backs facing outwards. Only Tong Xin Jun did not do so, after all, she could not completely trust Xiong Yu, if not for the fact that no one was watching him, she would be rude to him.

Seeing that, Xiong Yu rolled his eyes and said: Teacher Tong, I have something to say first, there are no men or women in front of the doctor, no matter what I do, it is all to save the patient, do not make a fuss, if not, regardless of whether you save the patient or your reputation, it is not a good thing.

Tong Xin Jun hesitated for a moment. Seeing that it was almost nine minutes, she could only nod her head.

Only then did Xiong Yu immediately squat down and grabbed Mao Yuxi's clothes. He lifted her clothes and was so shocked that Tong Xin Jun couldn't help but ask, "You … What are you doing? "

"You must have untied her bra. You're a physical education teacher, so you must have learned some knowledge about self-preservation. It can't be that you don't even know this?" Xiong Yu did not raise his head. Instead, he answered Tong Xin Jun's question while reaching behind Mao Yuxi to unhook his bra.

Tong Xin Jun immediately blushed. Indeed, she had neglected this point earlier, so she should have untied Mao Yuxi's bra earlier.

Then, Xiong Yu raised his head and said to Tong Xin Jun with a serious expression, "Now I'll start to save her. Whether she can survive this danger or not, it's all up to her now.

"So long-winded." Tong Xin Jun nodded as she watched in shock as Xiong Yu took off Mao Yuxi's bra, revealing his pair of snow-white, proud and soft eyes.

Following that, Xiong Yu pressed his right hand onto the left one, leaned down, and kissed Mao Yuxi's cherry lips. He took a deep breath and put it into Mao Yuxi's mouth …

Tong Xin Jun immediately turned her head and looked around, only to discover that no one was looking back. She heaved a sigh of relief, thinking to herself, what if someone were to see, then Yu Xi's reputation would really be ruined.

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