The Super School Doctor/C3 Special rope
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The Super School Doctor/C3 Special rope
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C3 Special rope

"Hmph." Long Tengyun became even more bold, and asked indifferently, "Xiong Yu, you said that I have no standards for what I say. I want to know, where did the standards for what I said just now go?"

Xiong Yu also put his thigh up on his leg, and laughed while asking: "Then I'll teach you, Long Tengyun. Let me ask you first, what is the most respected about China's thousands of years of civilization?"

These words, wasn't it a bit too far? Long Tengyun was slightly startled, and said without hesitation: "Of course it's filial."

After replying, Long Tengyun and Qiu Hongxin immediately understood what Xiong Yu meant, and inwardly cursed not good.

As expected, after hearing Long Tengyun's reply, Xiong Yu nodded his head in satisfaction: "Okay, this is indeed filial piety, so the marriage between A Xin and I was decided by our grandfather. If we do not execute this, it would be going against the principles of filial piety, and we are unfilial people.

"So, although there are many beauties who admire me and even want to marry me, I did not agree. You were right when you said that I have never seen A Xin before, so this shows my filial piety even more, because I came back while taking a huge risk. After all, if A Xin is really so ugly, I must marry her. "

Black lines immediately emerged on Qiu Hongxin's forehead. Long Tengyun's expression also changed a few times in an instant, and she couldn't find a suitable reason to refute Xiong Yu. After all, under the big hat of filial piety, it wasn't possible to say anything against.

Qiu Hongxin saw that she could no longer count on Long Tengyun, and could only rely on herself, and said indifferently: "Xiong Yu, you said just now that there were a lot of beauties admiring you, and there were even people who wanted to marry you, right?"

Xiong Yu said complacently: "That's right, I'm not exaggerating at all, they have already added me as their WeChat friend, although they are not in the same city, they have always kept in touch. Hehe, A Xin, are you jealous? Don't worry, we are only friends, I have never done anything to let you down."

rolled his eyes and said indifferently: "Xiong Yu, since they admire you, and even want to marry you, then they must have a relationship with you. How about this, I'll go home and tell grandfather that we'll cancel the marriage. Un, I'll give you a pretty generous compensation, I'll cover your entire life."

Xiong Yu smiled and said: "I can understand that. No, if I agree to the rescission of the marriage, will you give me a lot of money?"

Seeing that Xiong Yu did not object immediately, Qiu Hongxin was secretly happy. She nodded her head: "Right, Xiong Yu, tell me, how much do you want?"

Xiong Yu exhaled a huge smoke ring, and laughed: "A Xin, how much money do we have?"

The word "we" immediately caused Qiu Hongxin to blush. She looked at Long Tengyun and said indifferently: "Teng Yun, you should be busy now."

Qiu Hongxin actually sent out the order. Long Tengyun was startled for a moment, he glared at Xiong Yu, nodded, and left Qiu Hongxin's office.

After Long Tengyun left, Xiong Yu laughed: "I say, my wife, even if you want to find a fake boyfriend, you have to find one who doesn't look bad. That guy just now obviously wasn't a good person."

Qiu Hongxin's heart trembled, she thought to herself, this guy is truly strong, she could actually see through this point. Hmph, no matter how strong you are, I won't marry someone I don't like.

"Hmph." Qiu Hongxin did not deny this point, and asked coldly: "Xiong Yu, tell me, how do I cancel the engagement?"

Xiong Yu chuckled: "That won't do, I'm the most filial person here, and before my grandfather died, I promised him that I would marry you and give him a bunch of great-grandchildren."

Bastard, a bunch of them. Do you think I'm an old sow?

"You …" It had only been a few minutes, and she had almost been angered to death by Xiong Yu. Since a young age, she had never been angered like this, and said hatefully, "Xiong Yu, aside from money, as long as you agree to cancel the engagement, I can also give it to you as a gift."

Xiong Yu leisurely smoked his cigarette, while ignoring Qiu Hongxin's murderous gaze, he laughed and asked, "Sounds good, I want to ask, can you give me a few beauties? Ah ha, when I went through your school earlier, I really found that beauties were as common as the clouds, you wouldn't give all of them to me, tsk tsk tsk, I think, if it's really like this, no one in the ancient times could compare to me, right?"

"You wish." Qiu Hongxin didn't have any reaction at all, "whoa" she stood up and raised her hand to slap Xiong Yu, thinking, this bastard was too shameless, it had to be known that there were more than 40,000 students in her school, with 60% girls and another 60% beauties, a total of 15,000 people, she really dared to take all 15000 beauties. Even if she took one every day, it would still take 40 years for him to spoil all of them.

Qiu Hongxin was extremely fast, but Xiong Yu was even faster than her. He grabbed Qiu Hongxin's right hand and pulled him gently, causing Qiu Hongxin to be pulled to the side of the tea table. After struggling for a bit, she was unable to move. I've practiced martial arts since I was young and my skills are not weak. I didn't expect that I would be so weak in front of him. I didn't even have the strength to resist.

"If you don't let go, if I let go, you will hit me again." Xiong Yu reached his face over, swept a glance at Qiu Hongxin's collar, and clicked his tongue in praise, "So big, truly at the Overlord level. Wifey, I didn't expect you to be so beautiful, have such a good figure, and your skin is white and tender. I sure am fortunate."

Qiu Hongxin lied on the table with her collar hanging down. Looking at Xiong Yu's eyes, she felt so elated that she almost fainted. With a red face, she roared angrily: "Xiong Yu, you stinky bastard. "Hooligan, quickly let me go, otherwise, I would rather die than marry you."

Xiong Yu laughed: "My wife, I understand what you mean. As long as I release you, you will agree to marry me. Right, okay, I will listen to you and release you right away."

"But …" Xiong Yu rolled his eyes and quickly took out his phone. After quickly taking a few photos of Qiu Hongxin, he released her hand and smiled, "Take a picture and remember. This way, when you lie on the bed every night, there will be work to do."

was about to go crazy from anger, but Xiong Yu's right hand was like a pair of pincers as it firmly held onto her hands, causing her indecent posture of laying on the tea table to have no choice but to continue like this.

Xiong Yu kept his phone, and asked with a smile: "How is it, my wife, if you agree to marry me, I will immediately let you go."

"If you don't agree, if you don't, I won't agree no matter what."

"Hehe, then I won't be polite." Xiong Yu laughed and fished out an item from his pocket. It was the item he took out from Mao Yuxi's body. When he was on the sports field, he took the item out and stuffed it into his pocket. After saving the person, he left and forgot to give it to Tong Xin Jun.

Seeing Xiong Yu actually taking out such a thing from his pocket, Qiu Hongxin blushed, cursing in her heart, so it turns out that this fellow is a pervert, he actually has a woman's thing with him, no, I have to tell Grandfather about this when I return, I think Grandfather won't oppose cancelling this marriage anymore right?

"What are you doing?" When Qiu Hongxin saw that Xiong Yu had actually put this thing in her hands after taking it out, he anxiously shouted out loud. However Xiong Yu did not bother with her, and instead quickly tied up both of Qiu Hongxin's hands together, and then released her, laughing, "I never thought that my wife would be this shrewd and unladylike. However, my greatest ability is to teach my wife, what do you think?

"You bastard." Qiu Hongxin struggled a few times with all her might, but Xiong Yu's binding was too strong. No matter how hard she struggled, she could not get rid Xiong Yu's knot, so she couldn't help but curse in her heart. It was the first time in Qiu Hongxin's life that she suffered like this, and she was even tied to this thing like a rope. She almost cried.

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