The Super-visioned Doctor/C34 Black fox gang
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The Super-visioned Doctor/C34 Black fox gang
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C34 Black fox gang

It turned out that not long after Song Hao was discharged, their parents in their hometown suddenly got sick, which made the already difficult Song Family worse.

It wasn't easy for him to gather enough money to treat his parents' illnesses, but he was taken by Song Hao to gamble. Not only did he lose all of his parents' lifesaving money, he even owed his parents a usury.

How could Song Hao have the power to repay that money? Not only was he beaten up by the Black Fox Gang, he had even implicated Song Jia Jia.

The Black Fox Gang had said that within ten days, either Song Hao would take out money to exchange for Song Jia Jia, or else they would never be able to see Song Jia Jia again in their entire lives.

In despair, Song Hao ran over to Chen Ming for help.

After hearing Song Hao's story, Chen Ming was furious. This Song Hao was only one or two years younger than Song Jia Jia, how could he be so ignorant?

Giving Song Hao a fierce glance, Chen Ming coldly said to him: "Let's go, let's first bring me to find Jia Jia and rescue Jia Jia before we consider returning the money."

No matter how helpless he felt towards Song Hao, Chen Ming had no choice but to put him aside for now. Right now, the most important thing for him was to rescue Song Jia Jia, and as for paying the money back, he would think about it later.

Hearing that Chen Ming wanted to help him, Song Hao's face showed a hint of happiness. Without hesitation, he got a taxi and the two of them left the infirmary.

The taxi sped through the city, and after about half an hour, it stopped in front of a bar.

This was the reason why Song Hao decided to gamble and owe them a high interest loan. If he was not mistaken, Song Jia Jia should be in this bar right now.

The two of them entered the bar together. Under Song Hao's lead, Chen Ming and arrived at the gambling den inside the bar.

"Oh, Song Hao? You're back so soon? " Just as he entered, a familiar voice entered Chen Ming's ears.

"F * ck you, why did you bring a person over here when I asked you to?" Before Chen Ming could see the face of the speaker, a familiar voice was heard.

Hearing this voice, the corner of Chen Ming's mouth curled up, because he could already tell who the speaker was. "Wang Kun, can't I come to this place?"

Chen Ming stood up, and said indifferently, and the person in front of him, was the Wang Kun that he had taught a lesson to before.

Seeing Chen Ming, the previously angry Wang Kun acted as if he had seen his nemesis, and his figure actually could not help but take a few steps back.

"Chen Ming, why are you with this guy?" Even in Wang Kun's dreams, he had never thought that Song Hao would actually bring Chen Ming here, and never thought that Chen Ming had any sort of relationship with Song Hao.

The scene of him being beaten up was still vivid in his mind. Even though it was on his own territory, when he saw Chen Ming, Wang Kun couldn't help but feel a trace of fear.

But if one were to say that the one who was the most shocked was Song Hao, the reason why he looked for Chen Ming was because of Song Jia Jia's orders, in his eyes, Chen Ming was just an apprentice nurse.

Even if he did, he didn't place his hopes on Chen Ming.

But at that moment, Wang Kun saw Chen Ming's reaction, it completely overturned all of his thoughts, he did not understand why Wang Kun would be so afraid when he saw Chen Ming.

"I'm not talking nonsense with you. I'm here for just one thing."

"Release Song Jia Jia." Ignoring everyone's gaze, Chen Ming spoke to Wang Kun as if he was giving an order.

Hearing Chen Ming's words, Wang Kun was shocked again.

Song Jia Jia was indeed in the bar, but she was used to threaten Song Hao to return the money. If he released her now, Black Fox Gang would not let him off.

However, with Chen Ming being so overbearing, even if he were to make a move on his own territory, Wang Kun did not have the slightest bit of confidence in the people under his command.

In that moment, Wang Kun actually did not know what to do.

However, right at this moment, a deep voice sounded out from outside the door. "This little brother, to be so rampant in our Black Fox Gang's territory, you must be giving me, Black Fox, some face, right?"

As the voice rang out, everyone's gaze turned to the door in unison as a black figure entered their field of vision.

The leader was a man in his forties. He was wearing a black windbreaker and had a thick beard that made him look old. The scar at the corner of his eye looked ferocious, but it wasn't terrifying.

Ever since they entered, the man's gaze had been fixed on Chen Ming. His gaze was like that of an eagle, as if he wanted to see through Chen Ming.

Seeing Black Fox staring at him the entire time, Chen Ming also walked up to greet him without the slightest fear.

However, it was different from the black fox. Chen Ming's eyes really could see through everything. Under this gaze, Chen Ming really did find something strange within the black fox's body …

They looked at each other, and the atmosphere of the gambling house became extremely tense, just as everyone was nervous, Wang Kun suddenly spoke out.

The moment he saw Black Fox, Wang Kun's expression suddenly changed. He immediately walked in front of Black Fox, pointed at Chen Ming and said: "Big bro, it's this brat. The one who hit me last time was this brat, he actually still dared to come and cause trouble this time."

"Not only does he not put us in his eyes, he doesn't even put the Black Fox Gang in his eyes either!" In front of Black Fox, it was as if Wang Kun had suffered an enormous grievance. He actually teared tears and snot, and told him everything about how Chen Ming had beaten him up back then, and how he had come here to cause trouble.

The previous him didn't know what to do because of Chen Ming's words, but now that he saw Black Fox, everything was easily resolved.

Black Fox was the head of Black Fox Gang. No matter how strong Chen Ming was, he was only one person, and what he was facing right now was the entire Black Fox Gang, so Wang Kun naturally did not need to worry.

With that, Wang Kun turned his gaze towards Chen Ming, as if he was showing off to Chen Ming.

"So you're saying, the one who beat Wang Kun up was really you?" After hearing Wang Kun's explanation, Black Fox narrowed his eyes and asked Chen Ming.

"That's right. I did indeed teach him a lesson, but he brought this upon himself." Although he knew he was in Black Fox Gang's territory, Chen Ming did not show any signs of fear.

Even when Black Fox Gang leader personally asked, Chen Ming was still very calm.

"Hahaha, what a great 'cause you brought this upon yourself', this is the first time I heard someone else bring this upon yourself." The moment Chen Ming said this, Black Fox suddenly laughed out loud.

Although these words were said with a smile, everyone who heard it felt a chill down their spines, especially Song Hao who was standing behind Chen Ming, he actually secretly pulled at the corner of Chen Ming's clothes, signalling him to stop.

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