The Taoist Sealed Book/C35 The secret of little lin'er(part ii)
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The Taoist Sealed Book/C35 The secret of little lin'er(part ii)
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C35 The secret of little lin'er(part ii)

Xiao Liner?

It was not important if he did not listen, but hearing that caused Changmen Niepo to jump in shock.


There was a saying that the more one knew, the faster one would die. To be honest, Changmen Niepo didn't want to braid his hair so early.

However, looking at the Fourteenth Prince's situation, he, Changmen Niepo, had no other choice. Furthermore, from the looks of it, it would be strange if he didn't lose twenty to thirty years of his lifespan.

Living twenty or thirty years less would be twenty or thirty years. Perhaps this secret would be an extraordinary secret, and it would not exceed the scope of Changmen Niepo's imagination.

"Hey, who exactly is Xiao Liner?" Since she was going to tell them, Changmen Niepo did not want to beat around the bush and went straight to the point.

"As for who, I am still not able to say. There is no need for you to know now." After saying that, Changmen Niepo's face was immediately filled with displeasure, not concealing anything in the slightest.

In the eyes of the Fourteenth Prince, Changmen Niepo was also smart enough to jump straight to the point. Even if Changmen Niepo found out who Xiao Liner was, it would definitely be detrimental to him, and would not benefit him. However, there were still some things that he needed to know.

"Don't look like someone owes you money," Changmen Niepo's expression right now was no different from the person who owes him tens of millions. It was exactly the same, no difference at all, "Tonight, go to this place."

Immediately after, a guard called out to Changmen Niepo with a folded square of yellow paper.

He then continued, "Take this with you to the address after dinner. There is an imprint under the address. He will receive you if he sees this imprint!"

Err... Changmen Niepo frowned his eyebrows further, he had almost turned into an inverted shape.

Receiving the square piece of paper, Changmen Niepo did not open it. As the sun rose and set, the day passed quickly. The setting sun was still as gorgeous as ever when the red glow of the sunset was so difficult to bear. It was still better to say that the sunset was just before dusk.

On this day, Changmen Niepo did not do anything, and brought Xiao Liner along to the entire Fourteenth Prince City to take a one day tour of the Fourteenth Prince City.

Dusk had arrived. The setting sun created eternal beauty in the last rays of the sun, forever leaving behind memories of eternal beauty in the memories of those who had watched it for the rest of their lives. "Huu."

In front of the Fourteenth Prince's Mansion, after helping Xiao Liner off the horse track, she asked him to return to her room by herself. There were still things that he had to do. Even though Xiao Liner's face was filled with reluctance, she still obediently nodded her head. Looking at Xiao Liner who had walked into the Fourteenth Prince's Palace, her dark hair, that was as smooth as silk, swayed with each step she took in an extremely elastic manner.

"Oh right, Xiao Liner, give this to the Fourteenth Prince as well!" Just as she was about to turn around and leave, Changmen Niepo suddenly thought of something and passed a small slip of paper from her sleeve to Xiao Liner. "Don't peek, otherwise I'll smack your ass!"

Changmen Niepo's "smacked your ass" joke, but to Xiao Liner, her pretty face had turned red. This time, the afterglow of the setting sun was printed on it, making it appear even redder.

Seeing that Xiao Liner had completely disappeared into the Fourteenth Prince's manor, "Real identity?" Changmen Niepo muttered to himself, "It has really piqued my interest by a lot."

After that, he climbed onto the horse, clamped his legs together, and shouted softly. The horse's hooves sounded like drums, and Changmen Niepo also left the Fourteenth Prince's Mansion.

In the hall, there were two women. One was the Fourteenth Prince, who was above tens of thousands of people, and the other was the special auctioneer, Feng Lin, who had "scared out of his wits".

"All day long in this city?" The Fourteenth Prince was slightly surprised as he held a top-grade tea cup and sipped on the Imperial Palace tea, "He didn't go earlier?" Finally, she took a sip of the tea and gently put it down.

"No, the person who is following us..." Before she could finish, the two of them had already spotted Xiao Liner.

He did see Xiao Liner, but what about the people at the side? Where's Changmen Niepo?

"Where is he?" The Fourteenth Prince asked with doubt.

"The Young Master told me to return first. He went to another place," while speaking, he carefully took out a piece of paper and respectfully handed it over to Feng Lin. "This is what the Young Master told me to pass on to the Emperor."

Transfer it to him? This made the Fourteenth Prince very curious. He really didn't know what this kid was up to.

"Open it!" The Fourteenth Prince calmly said, indicating for Feng Lin to open it.

Feng Lin slowly opened the folded slip of paper. When his eyes fell upon the final few words imprinted on the slip of paper, his face couldn't help but reveal a hint of astonishment.

Seeing the astonishment on Feng Lin's face, the Fourteenth Prince could already guess a little, and perhaps give her a huge surprise.

"Read it!"

Fourteenth Prince rarely used a commanding tone to speak to Feng Lin.

Looking at that line of words that seemed to have been written by a lady, Feng Lin was also really helpless. He didn't know how the 14th prince would feel after hearing this line of words.

"Read it," The Fourteenth Prince ordered once again in a commanding tone. His words faintly revealed the aura of a king that came naturally to them, "What's wrong? Could it be that this fellow wants to rebel? "

Of course it isn't necessary to rebel, but … After that, Feng Lin respectfully handed the paper slip to the Fourteenth Prince. He said respectfully, "Fourteenth Prince, you should read it yourself."

Look at it?

Don't tell me this brat wrote something amazing in this note and insisted on reading it himself? He took the note and unfolded it. The beautiful handwriting of a lady had already appeared before his eyes. However … On the surface, the fourteenth prince could clearly see that beneath the writing, she could faintly feel the stubbornness and stubbornness of the girl.

Perhaps this stubbornness was where he truly stood.

"Beauty, don't send anyone to follow me anymore. You won't lose them and you won't die!"

It was just a short sentence, but it was only a small number. However, it caused the Fourteenth Prince to be slightly startled. What she was shocked about was not the fact that Changmen Niepo had used the words "beautiful woman", but the truth was that how did Changmen Niepo know that they had sent someone to follow him?

One must know that these people, were all extremely proficient at stalking and hiding, and their strength was all above Changmen Niepo. Changmen Niepo could feel that it was something that was seemingly impossible. Moreover, these guys' strength could be considered to be on par with the mysterious hidden guards in the palace.

Rather than saying that, it would be better to say that the people following Changmen Niepo were the mysterious hidden guards of the palace. It was just that these mysterious hidden guards were selected by the aunt of the Emperor.

"Only one person is left to protect them. The rest of you, come back!" The Fourteenth Prince smiled helplessly and was very pleased.

This kid was truly unafraid of the heavens and the earth. During the long conversation last night, she had already told Changmen Niepo about the strong relationship between the Boss Gao s. Maybe this Boss Gao would first give him a candy, then a knife.

Sure enough, it was a candy bar this morning. It was very likely that the next step would be a knife!

As the sun set in the west, it was just a little bit away from completely sinking into the mountain peak of Mount Shu. For some reason, the afterglow was especially dazzling.

After leaving the city, he had been riding leisurely for more than an hour. How could he not enjoy the beautiful scenery of this rare sunset? Moreover, there was steel and concrete everywhere, there was no place without darkness and depravity beneath the surface. It seemed that this world, in Changmen Niepo's eyes, was probably much cleaner.

The pitch-black night, like endless thick ink, had long ago smeared all over the horizon. Even the stars in the sky had been smeared all over by them until not even a sliver of light could be seen. Changmen Niepo, who had thought that there was a crescent moon looked up into the sky, obviously exhausted, and hid into the thick clouds, unwilling to come out.

In an instant, the entire world seemed to have fallen asleep. It didn't matter if he was fast asleep, he couldn't even bear to leave behind the few stars on the lookout list. He had truly and thoroughly slept.

Occasionally, as they travelled along the pitch black pathway, the faint lights on both sides of the road illuminated the path for Changmen Niepo. At the same time, he would occasionally hear a dog or two barking, causing the originally quiet and desolate alley to become even quieter.

Along the small path, with the help of the light that was not bright enough to illuminate the small path, Changmen Niepo continued to ride on his horse. It seemed that it had been a long time since he had last walked in the dark. With the sound of the hooves and the rhythmic drumming of the horses' hooves, he did not feel lonely or bored at all.

In the dead of the night, all living things on earth had fallen asleep. Perhaps here, there was nothing to live on. Even if there were, it would probably only be those flowery streets and willow alleys in the city.

Casually thinking, casually jumping, casually teasing himself... Under this casual manner, Changmen Niepo finally arrived at his destination in a leisurely manner.

Not far away, the manor was right in front of them. Although the twilight had already quietly descended through a large net and enveloped the entire land, one could still clearly see the manor through the faint light of the manor's lights. Perhaps, looking at the manor in the dark of the night had a different flavor to it.

"Who are you? Stop right there!"

Just as Changmen Niepo was near the entrance of your villa, two swordsmen dressed in pure white appeared out of nowhere. Well, let's call it swordsman. This was because they had swords by their waists. And this sword looked like a Japanese knife.

However, upon closer inspection, it was different from the Japanese knife s. Rather than looking like a Japanese knife, it was more like the weapon Miao Dao invented by the Ming Dynasty's Time Resistance Hero Qi Guang.

"Who is it? It's already night time. I wonder what business do you have here?" One of the White Robe Swordsman s carried a lantern and walked up, raising it slightly above his head. A slightly immature face appeared in front of him.

Was it a young man?

White Robe Swordsman was also surprised, it was already night time. This young man, moreover judging from this young man's dressing, should be a young man from a rich family, or perhaps a disciple from some sort of sect. To his surprise, however, his husband rarely had any contact with such people.

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