The Taoist Sealed Book/C42 Melinol
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The Taoist Sealed Book/C42 Melinol
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C42 Melinol

Even the dragon flames inside the water dragon was completely "extinguished" by Changmen Niepo, not even a spark of flame was left behind.

As he stood under the water dragon, Changmen Niepo felt a chill down his spine. If one took a closer look, there wasn't even a single drop of water on this kid's clothes. This couldn't help but make him extremely surprised. He really didn't understand how Changmen Niepo resolved everything when the Water Dragon Flame pounced on him.

Soon after, he laughed in a somewhat helpless and gentle manner, "You little fellow, you really do have some ability." He involuntarily looked towards the manor lord and the two deputy manor lords, "Manor Lord, Vice manor lord, perhaps you should ask Uncle Teng She. If it's him, this little fellow will definitely not make a single exchange!"

Soaring Snake?

Everyone could not help but click their tongues when they heard this. This was already bullying him. If he let Soaring Snake out, wouldn't that mean that an adult would beat up a child? And it was an adult with a sword in his hand dealing with an unarmed child.

Even if he said he was, not to mention the White Robed Sword Guard s below the stage, even the manor lords and two vice manor lords below the pagoda would not be able to throw their face away. These words were only spoken by her, one of the youngest of the ten Sword Guards.

Immediately after, Tang Caier kept his own strange snake shaped longsword back into its scabbard, and leisurely walked to Changmen Niepo's side, looking up and down carefully. She didn't really get a good look of it when she was in the arena earlier.

Although the kid in front of him had a bit of immaturity on his face, the stubbornness between his brows was extremely obvious. It was also because of this stubbornness that this little fellow had been able to go through fifty exchanges with him.

"As expected, I have underestimated you!" These words were not a lie, in the beginning, he had indeed underestimated Changmen Niepo. How could a young man with insignificant strength in Body Forging Sixth Grade be able to survive fifty rounds under her, who was already half a foot into the cultivation realm, even if she was throwing a tankard of water … Unless she just stood there like a stake.

"Hehe, before..." Just as the word "go" came out of his mouth, he subconsciously changed his expression, "Elder sister, you are too kind. It was just a fluke!"

The first lesson was still fresh in his mind. Just the word "senior" almost made him unable to get up, and Changmen Niepo did not want to come back again. Furthermore, Changmen Niepo was fully aware that this woman was like the ocean, bottomless. That woman's heart was like a needle in the bottom of the sea. It was so hard to understand that she had almost given up.

No matter how hard he tried, it was all in vain.

"Don't be like an older sister who's short. I don't care how much you are, I'm called Tang Caier!" Tang Caier then officially greeted her.

"Hello, Big Sister Cai'Er!" Although Changmen Niepo was not one of those male gods who walked around freely among the flowers, he had at least seen a pig running before. Besides, he had watched a lot of those flirtatious scenes. Although he didn't want to pick it up, the sweetness in his mouth was necessary.

He might even have requests from Tang Caier in the future, so naturally, his mouth would be sweet.

"More," Tang Caier continued, "Don't say it when you're lucky. Strength is strength. Furthermore, if I were to use my full strength even when dealing with you, would you let me stay in this manor? " As she said that, Tang Caier casually patted Changmen Niepo's shoulders, "Kid, you are so strong, to be able to go through 50 rounds with 20% of my strength, you are not simple at all!"

Tonight, in the rare "gathering", Changmen Niepo won by obtaining the "proof of qualifications". When he returned to the tower, he was not at the fifth level but at the third level. Previously, when Chang Meniepo came up, he could see that the third floor seemed to be a banquet.

"Long door," At this moment, Villa Master Mr. Bai who was sitting in the middle picked up a cup of wine, "First of all, I congratulate you for fulfilling our requirements." He finished his words in one gulp.

"Write more about the Manor Lord and the two Vice Manor Lords!" Changmen Niepo did not argue. He raised the bottle of wine in front of him and drank it all in one gulp as well. This shout did not matter, Changmen Niepo really did not expect it. He had originally thought that it would be nothing more than a cup of wine, but he hadn't expected it to be so spicy.

He swallowed his saliva and felt as if his entire body was on fire. However, this burning sensation was somewhat strange. In the past, it was not as if he had not tasted some extremely pure white spirit. Those beasts were so pure that a single sip could turn a person upside down on the ground.

However, this one was different. Although it was similar to drinking the extremely pure white wine from the beginning, the only difference was … Other than the scorching sensation on his body, the spirit energy that had been consumed in the previous fight was recovering bit by bit. The speed of this reply was as if he was sitting cross-legged in meditation.

"Long door, do you feel anything different about this wine?" To the side, Vice Villa Master Ge Yun saw the doubt on Changmen Niepo's face and had already guessed eighty to ninety percent of it.

"Yes." Chang Meniepo nodded his head, he then extended his right hand and concentrated his mind, and a ball of flames immediately gathered in the palm of his right hand.

Looking at the flame in his right palm, even Changmen Niepo himself was shocked. What exactly is this wine? Isn't its recovery rate way too high? Originally, Changmen Niepo's body had already used up all the Qi to condense the spiritual flame, but to do so again, it would take at least four to five hours. If he wanted to reach his peak state, he would need to do 9 to 5 days.

This wine is way too strong. What kind of wine is this? Could it be that it wasn't wine, but was made from a combination of many things?

"Do you think this wine is magical?" On the other hand, the face of the Vice Villa Master Leng Xing was filled with pride.

Changmen Niepo looked at the full face of pride, it was obvious that this wine should be the Vice Villa Master Leng Xing, and the brewing of this wine was extremely complicated, it was a rare top-grade wine.

"It's grown," Ge Yun said with a face full of smiles, "I have to thank you for today!"

"Thank me?" Changmen Niepo put down his cup, and said with some suspicion, "Why should I thank junior? Junior seemingly hasn't done anything that should be thanked by Vice Villa Master Ge Yun."

"Yes, yes, yes." Ge Yun repeated the word "yes" three times in a row, "If it weren't for you, I'm afraid that what you drank would no longer be mine!"


Changmen Niepo caught onto the most important words, causing him to be even more confused. However, after hearing the Villa Master's explanation, he finally realized that was the case. The two of them actually made a small bet on whether he would be able to make it through fifty rounds.

The gossip stopped here, and now it was time to get down to business.

"Long Door, since you have met the requirements of the three of us, it's time for us to fulfill our promise!"

Hearing that, Changmen Niepo's heart felt as if a boulder had fallen from his heart, heavily falling down. Because of this request, Changmen Niepo became even more curious about Xiao Liner's identity. On the surface, this Xiao Liner was only a maid and slave in the Fourteenth Prince's residence, but in reality, his status should not be lower than the Fourteenth Prince, right?

However, all these conjectures were useless. This was because the answer to all of the mysteries would be revealed in the coming days.

"Xiao Liner, her original name was Bai Lin'er." At this moment, the answer was revealed step by step under the Mr. Bai's voice.

Bai Lin'er?

After hearing this name, the first person Changmen Niepo thought of wasn't Xiao Liner, but the Villa Master of the Bai Zhuang who sat opposite to him, Mr. Bai. Bai Lin'er? Mr. Bai? They both had the same surname, but wasn't this a bit too much of a coincidence?

He thought about it carefully and found that it was indeed quite a coincidence. Even though Changmen Niepo did not believe that there were so many coincidences in this world, even if it looked like it was a coincidence, it was definitely related to the truth.

Therefore, Changmen Niepo was not stupid, nor was he an idiot. This Bai Zhuang Villa Master and Bai Lin'er definitely had an extremely close relationship. But Changmen Niepo still could not figure out the relationship between them. The simplest thing that came to mind was the relationship between relatives.

However, the relationship between relatives was not as simple as it seemed.

"So Xiao Liner is called Bai Lin'er!"

Changmen Niepo muttered to himself.

"Long door, you should know that her name is Bai Lin'er. Normally, you would just call her Xiao Liner in front of others, but in private, it doesn't matter."


Hearing that, Changmen Niepo understood a few key points. Amongst them, the most important point was that the fewer people who knew about Bai Lin'er, the better. It would be best if no one knew about her, this should be what she meant. This meant that Xiao Liner's identity was extremely extraordinary, and was already so extraordinary that it would be the best if everyone in the world did not know about it.

"Yes." Changmen Niepo did not speak further, and just nodded indifferently. He knew that even if he asked, he would only know what he should know. And what he shouldn't know, it would be useless even if he had to go through a hole in his head.

Seeing Changmen Niepo being so indifferent, as if he did not want to ask any further, Villa Master Mr. Bai, the two Vice Villa Masters Ge Yun and Leng Xing all nodded their heads in satisfaction.

"Because Xiao Liner's identity is extremely special, take this thing, maybe you will be able to use it in the future." As soon as she finished speaking, a silver white signboard drew a beautiful parabola in the air, perfectly landing in Changmen Niepo's hands.


At first glance, Changmen Niepo only saw the word "white" engraved on his forehead, shining with a silver light. If this was an ordinary item similar to a command medallion, then it would have been fine. But, for some reason, Changmen Niepo actually felt a bit of spirit energy on this plate, no, to be exact, the "white" word on the plate? Furthermore, this spiritual energy... No, it shouldn't be spiritual energy.

Changmen Niepo's outstanding and acute senses immediately detected it.

"This …" Zhang Men Nie held the silver white token in his hands as he looked at the manor lord and the two vice manor lords in front of him with a surprised expression.

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