The Taoist Sealed Book/C81 Alone in the tomb of the true lord(part ii)
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The Taoist Sealed Book/C81 Alone in the tomb of the true lord(part ii)
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C81 Alone in the tomb of the true lord(part ii)

Exemplary Immortal?

Changmen Niepo's guess was right, that floating figure was actually Exemplary Immortal. However, when the Aunt Qing opened her mouth, both Changmen Niepo and Nu Xue almost vomited blood.

Who would have thought that the Exemplary Immortal in his eyes was actually an old cunning fox? However, from this, it could be seen just how intelligent the Exemplary Immortal was back then. To make the Aunt Qing say that, there must be as many people as a single division under the intelligence of the Exemplary Immortal, maybe even a single division?

Regardless of whether it was a division or an army, since the Exemplary Immortal had appeared, there should be room for discussion. At the very least, he wouldn't have to fight Yin Emperor Luo for 300 rounds right now. Taking ten thousand steps back, forget about three hundred rounds of battle, even if it were ten rounds, Changmen Niepo would still not be able to withstand it.

"Monster King Qingming'er," the blurry figure of the Exemplary Immortal made a helpless gesture with his hand, "When did I become an old fox? I cheated you a pill not long ago, is there a need to hold a grudge?"

Hearing this, Changmen Niepo almost vomited another mouthful of blood.

Before? That was 10,000 years ago, right … It's said that women hold a grudge, but this period of time to hold a grudge … Suddenly, Changmen Niepo thought of the words that women in TV series would always say to him: Ruthless to you for a lifetime, for lifetimes. Perhaps, words like this could be applied wherever he went. It would be too late wherever he went.

"Is that an ordinary pill?" Maybe the pills were fine that Exemplary Immortal did not mention, but when Changmen Niepo mentioned it, he felt that his Aunt Qing's anger had started to rise slowly.

As this rage continued to rise, it also reached a point where it could no longer continue to rise. Then, he helplessly sighed, "It's fine. It's been so long and everything has changed. There's no point in pursuing that pill anymore."

Indeed, after so long, there was no point in pursuing it. However, even though he was born in a world where gossip was flying everywhere, it was still a small pleasure for him to come to this world and listen to someone's gossip and talk about something.

"Aunt Qing, what pill is this for you to hold a grudge for so long?" When Changmen Niepo, who wanted to bicker with him, finished speaking, he immediately shut his mouth. Moreover, he closed his mouth as if he had been sewn with needle and thread, there wasn't even a single gap.

Because, just as he finished speaking, he saw that his Aunt Qing's beautiful eyes were faintly emitting killing intent. That's right, it was killing intent. Truly killing intent. Absolutely. Even if it was just a faint killing intent, Changmen Niepo had no choice but to shut his mouth.

Although the Aunt Qing would not really use him as a weapon, it was still possible to cause him to be paralyzed. Sometimes it's not a wise move to back off. And now, at this very moment, it was exactly like this.

After Salty Egg finished, he got back to the main topic.

"Brat," At this time, Exemplary Immortal had already turned around to look at Changmen Niepo, "You want the starlight deer horn in my grave right?"

"That's right," Changmen Niepo was not surprised at all at the moment, maybe after Nu Xue and himself entered the vicinity of the tomb, everything the two of them did was under the control of the Exemplary Immortal, "I want to concoct the Immortal Demonic Astral Liquid."

Other than Nu Xue and Qing Ming, the Exemplary Immortal and Yue Luo couldn't help but be shocked. I didn't expect this kid to answer so straightforwardly. What's more, he was looking at this brat. Does he have the ability to refine the Immortal Demonic Stellar Elixir? That was a medicinal bathing fluid created by the Exemplary Immortal.

Although the Immortal Demonic Stellar Liquid was not the most difficult medicinal bathing fluid to refine, the difficulty was obvious. Even if there were enough medicinal ingredients, it was likely that the success rate in refining the medicinal herbs would not exceed sixty percent, let alone this young lad who was not even twenty years old yet.

"Okay," Exemplary Immortal clapped her hands, "I can give you the starlight deer horn, and in my coffin, other than the starlight deer horn, there are also a few sets of medicinal ingredients to concoct the Immortal Demon Astral Liquid, and you can also take them all. Even the Immortal sword that I initially used in my coffin is given to you."


At this moment, the one who spoke out in unison and had incomparable shock was not Changmen Niepo, nor was it Nu Xue who was with him, it was Yin Emperor Yu Luo and Monster King Qingming'er.

"You're so generous?" Qing Ming continued, "Just what tricks do you want to play? I don't remember your Exemplary Immortal being so generous." Qing Ming's face was filled with disbelief, as if the entire world had been destroyed. And it was also true that in Qing Ming's memories, his Exemplary Immortal was not that generous.

Rather than saying he was not that generous, it would be better to say that he wouldn't do anything that would make a loss in the future.

"You can't just slander me like that, I'm a good person!"

The moment he said those words, not only Qing Ming, but even the Yin Emperor Yu Luo had a disdainful expression on his face. Good people? The two of them could not care less, what kind of good person was this fleeting figure in front of them? Whether he was a good person or not, even if he was a human, was already a problem.

Monster King Qingming'er and Yin Emperor looked at the Exemplary Immortal and sighed. They looked helpless.

Of course, Changmen Niepo was not a fool. He knew better than anyone that a delicious and luxurious meal would not fall out of the sky for no reason. Not only did he receive a set of medicinal herbs, he also gifted him an Immortal Sword that he had previously used.

Putting aside the complete set of ingredients for the Immortal Demonic Stellar Elixir, even the Immortal swords that he used back then probably weren't of ordinary quality. Even if it wasn't a top-grade immortal sword, it definitely had a high quality immortal sword. Furthermore, Changmen Niepo consciously told him that the quality of the gloves on his hands was already better than the one he was currently wearing.

Just as Qing Ming wanted to say something,he was stopped by Changmen Niepo as she shook his head.

Seeing that he had stretched out his hand to stop her and then shook his head, it was clear that Changmen Niepo had his own plans. What was even more obvious, was that Changmen Niepo wanted to rely on his own strength to resolve the problem.

"Then have you thought about it?" Since Changmen Niepo had called her Aunt Qing, Qing Ming had no choice but to remind him again. If he really wants to settle it all by himself … perhaps his ability really isn't enough, due to the strength of his Body Forging Sixth Grade realm.

"Yes." Changmen Niepo answered without even thinking. Looking at Changmen Niepo's expression again, there was not a single trace of hesitation. Instead, it was those eyes, filled with unswerving determination and determination to not forget about achieving his goal.

Looking at Changmen Niepo's expression, he even looked at the unswerving determination in Changyang Po's eyes … This was already telling her clearly, the road at the back, at least the road at the back, Exemplary Immortal's tomb, Changmen Niepo had already made up his mind, he had to walk down it himself.

With the help of the medicinal pellets and the slight change in his breathing, Changmen Niepo's feeling of weakness had already started to lessen. Even though he could borrow power freely, he wouldn't suffer any backlash. But after all, a kid with the strength of the Body Forging Sixth Grade was able to control strength that was a full two realms higher than him, and more or less, there were still some side effects.

It looked like, after this fierce battle with yin beast king, even though he had won, it could only be a miserable victory. A victory that could injure one thousand enemies and injure eight hundred times as much. This sort of victory was truly not worth it.

After meditating, Changmen Niepo's breathing became much smoother. When he turned around to face Exemplary Immortal, Exemplary Immortal had already sensed his expression and gaze from the very beginning. He had seen such expressions and expressions many times before. However, for some reason, the expression and eyes of the young man in front of him seemed so familiar. It was so familiar that a certain someone appeared in front of him.

Changmen Niepo did not mind that Exemplary Immortal was looking at him, the abnormality that was revealed instead was a nonchalant look, and lightly said: "Exemplary Immortal," Then he slowly exhaled a mouthful of impure air, slowly and unhurriedly, and continued, "There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world, I understand that, so you have to give it to me …" Changmen Niepo did not finish, and there was no need to finish either. Everyone present knew the meaning behind his words.

"That's only natural," The Exemplary Immortal was sincere, "I am indeed giving you a free lunch, but," At this point, the topic of conversation had changed, "If you want to say it's free, then it can also be said to be free. After all, no one can get those things so easily."


Changmen Niepo repeated the most important word in his heart, "cheap". He wasn't stupid enough to think that it was really that cheap? I'm afraid that this is just a cheap trick... Using Changmen Niepo's own words, it was deep, deep, and unfathomable. It was bottomless, like an unfathomable abyss.

"Condition?" Changmen Niepo went straight to the point, and cut straight to the point, "I wonder what the 'cheap' condition is in Exemplary Immortal's words?"

"Young man, this is indeed very similar to someone I've seen before. No matter what aspect it is, you guys are too similar. So similar that I thought he had reincarnated."

Towards these sudden words, Changmen Niepo just smiled faintly, and even spread out his hands, "Maybe, maybe it's really as you said, I'm the reincarnation you mentioned, but," Then, Changmen Niepo's tone suddenly changed, and his entire face became extremely serious, to the extent that it could even be said to be ice-cold, "I don't care if he's reincarnated or not, it's useless even if he's him, he's me."

Like, like, very like.

That manner, that speech, it was almost as if it had been carved out of the same mold.

"Actually, the conditions are very simple. You just need to walk next to my coffin and the things inside will be fine. Whatever you want to take, even my corpse …"

"Stop," In that instant, Changmen Niepo gestured to them to stop, "Things are fine, but as for your original body, I am not that interested."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and was about to support Nu Xue who was half lying on the ground.

"Wait a minute," Just as Nu Xue was about to help him up, the voice came from behind once again. That voice seemed to be from someone else, "You don't understand what I'm saying right?"

"Did you not understand?" Changmen Niepo supported Nu Xue, and turned to look at Exemplary Immortal, "What do you mean?"

"I just want you to walk to my coffin and not anyone else. Do you understand?" In that instant, the Soul Sealing Bracelet that was originally in his hands suddenly disappeared, and the last place that he had appeared in was actually the Exemplary Immortal's hand, "You should understand this better right?"

One person?

Solitary Raid?

He barged into the True Lord's tomb alone?

It was exciting, very exciting, very exciting!

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