The Taoist Sealed Book/C87 Sword-shaped vs cementitis(part ii)
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The Taoist Sealed Book/C87 Sword-shaped vs cementitis(part ii)
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C87 Sword-shaped vs cementitis(part ii)

"Where are you from?" Exemplary Immortal rolled her eyes, "I remember that you and that brat are the worst off. He beat your precious baby to death, why are you helping him now?"

When Yin Emperor heard this, he was too lazy to talk about meaningless things with this Lord True Lord. Instead, he focused all of his attention on the battle.

If Changmen Niepo wanted to use this sword, then he had to first convince the sword. He wanted to make this sword submit, and the most direct way was to use force.

Just at the instant where Chang Meniepo was using his Sword Transformation, he had already felt the aura of a tomb flame. That aura was no longer something that could be imagined. Just this aura alone was enough to push Changmen Niepo's entire body down to the ground.

However, Changmen Niepo was not afraid in the slightest. Instead, his face revealed a rare look of excitement. Even he himself had not felt such excitement for a long time. Unknowingly, Changmen Niepo's condition was also getting better and better, closer and closer to his peak.

Of course, he also clearly knew that his increasingly close to the peak condition was all thanks to his fierce battle with the yin beast king. If not for that intense battle, perhaps Changmen Niepo would not have been able to raise his condition to its peak so quickly.

As the Cementite's aura grew stronger and stronger, the Cementite, on the other hand, could not feel even the slightest bit of nervousness or fear from it. This caused the sword spirit of the Cementite to become somewhat angry. Perhaps, it was because of this anger that not only did the Cementite's aura, but also its spirit energy started to slowly increase.

Relying on his outstanding perceptual power, Changmen Niepo could feel that for a Cementite without a master, and also because it had not used spirit energy for ten thousand of years, the peak of the Cementite at this very moment was only half a step into the cultivation realm.

Therefore, there was definitely a chance for Changmen Niepo to win, even with his current strength in the soul refining tertiary stage.

"This kid, has a calm mind and is not the least bit disturbed," This surprised the sword spirit of the Cementite, but it was only surprise, "Even if I can only use the strength of my Soul Refinement Realm, the strength of my Soul Refinement Realm is at least a hundred times, a thousand times stronger than your current strength!"

"Is that so?" After hearing this, Changmen Niepo did not have much of an expression on his face. And at this time, Changmen Niepo's face completely revealed a kind of indifference, an indifference that was unprecedented.

From the previous incident, the Cementite Sword Spirit had already seen that Changmen Niepo's movement technique was extraordinary. He had already noticed it when he had dodged the shattered rocks. This movement technique seemed ordinary, but there were many secrets hidden within it that ordinary people wouldn't be able to see through.

"Where did this little guy learn such an exquisite movement technique?" The Cementite Sword Spirit had some doubts in his heart.

But looking at it, it did not seem like the Changmen Family's movement technique at all, and this movement technique was not inferior to the Changmen Family at all.

"Kid, are you ready?" Right at this moment, the Cementite's hilt let out a faint mist.

Looking at the mist that floated out from the first floor of the tower, Changmen Niepo consciously told himself that it was not a mistake, but rather … Rather... Intentionally?

This mist was clearly spiritual energy. Spiritual energy materialized!

In that instant, the mist that had leaked out had formed a figure that was covered in mist, and the figure that was formed from the mist was holding onto the sword hilt of the Cementite.

Interesting, really interesting.

Looking at what was happening in front of his eyes, it was truly interesting to see Changmen Niepo transforming his spiritual energy flame into a sword while the Cementite turned its spiritual energy into a human.

However, the moment the figure held the Cementite, Changmen Niepo finally made his move without any hesitation.

Changmen Niepo could also sense that the Cementite Sword Spirit must have thought of his movement technique. Therefore, Changmen Niepo had no choice but to strike first. Didn't the common saying say that if one made the first move, then one would suffer afterwards? It was just that he did not know whether Changmen Niepo's first move would cause the Cementite Sword Spirit to suffer.

With a tap of his feet, his body abruptly charged forward. That speed was like an arrow leaving the bow, and it was also like the sound of thunder, not giving the opponent any time to react. Although the Cementite Sword Spirit was the first to reach a certain level of strength, it had a lot of battle experience, almost as if Changmen Niepo had traveled a lot more than it did.

How could Changmen Niepo not know? In a direct confrontation against an opponent, their cultivation base was already a level lower, and their battle experience was even more difficult to match. They were sure to lose this battle in one fell swoop. Thus, wouldn't it be foolish to fight head on with such a tempo?

Abruptly, when Changmen Niepo appeared less than ten meters away from the Cementite Sword Spirit, his movement skills changed abruptly. Changmen Niepo, who was already exceptionally fast, appeared even faster and more unpredictable in the face of this sudden change in movement.




The spirit of the sword that controlled the misty figure slightly moved the Cementite horizontally, and in an instant, they were struck down like lightning. The three swords came down from the sky, the three sword qi were like crescent moons that came out again.

These three simple strikes, even if Changmen Niepo's movement technique was extremely fast and changing again, it was likely that it would still be difficult for him to dodge the three streams of sword Qis.

"What a great 'Immobilize'!"

Outside the Exemplary Immortal, Qing Ming nodded in satisfaction. These three strikes seemed simple, but it seemed like they were braking in place, but it had completely enveloped every inch of the area where Chang Meniepo could appear in the next moment. No matter where Changmen Niepo appeared, with the time and arc created by the fan shaped Sword Qi, it was impossible for Changmen Niepo to dodge it parallel to side.

However, the only thing was midair. It was just that, if Changmen Niepo appeared in this only place that was midair, he would be facing another strike from the Cementite Sword Spirit. And that "another strike" was even more dangerous than the three strikes now. It was very likely that one of them would be able to cause Changmen Niepo to lose.

"What?" Everyone exclaimed at the same time.

Everyone was dumbstruck when they saw Changmen Niepo appear in midair.

"Is this fellow crazy?" At the side, the yin beast king who had already recovered a little watched the scene, "Isn't this equivalent to courting death!"

This was because right when it appeared, the Cementite was about to strike, and even though the sword qi the Cementite was using was not about to cut down the mountain, it was more than enough to split Changmen Niepo's head into two.

"No, look!"

But also at this time, before the Cementite Sword Spirit could make any movements, Changmen Niepo, who had just appeared in that position, had completely disappeared without a trace in front of these experts. Even these strong practitioners were unable to predict where Changmen Niepo's next step would be.

Three steps, it had only been three steps, yet the location that Changmen Niepo had appeared in was even more astonishing and flabbergasted than before.

The final location to appear on his back was actually the back of the Cementite Sword Spirit. No one would have thought that in this position, anyone would be able to guess that it was even the Cementite Sword Spirit, and even the Cementite's master, the Exemplary Immortal.

However, even though the Cementite Sword Spirit was surprised that Changmen Niepo had appeared behind it, it did not panic. As the sword of the Exemplary Immortal, she had encountered this kind of situation many times before. The enemy appeared behind the Exemplary Immortal.

Behind him... To be more precise, compared to the front, any person with a Cementite would have the strongest defense behind them. At some point, of course, it was the weakest defense. However, the Cementite Sword Spirit would not let that "at a certain moment" appear.

The misty figure turned the Cementite around, his body turning at an angle that was close to becoming difficult to achieve. The Spirit Qi on the Cementite grew stronger, and the Sword Qi became even more oppressive, piercing towards Changmen Niepo who was behind him at the front, directly towards his heart. This could be said to be a fatal strike.

What a great turn, what a great thrust. This strike could not be described as marvelous. It just so happened that he directly blocked the Sword Transformation in Changmen Niepo's hand, who was also preparing to stab downwards from the top.

Once the Sword Transformation in Changmen Niepo's hand was swung away, it took the chance and started moving towards Changmen Niepo's throat. If this strike was to be pierced through, it would be even more 'pleasing' than cooling one's heart.

"It was repelled?" This was something rarely encountered by Changmen Niepo. At the same time, this swing had truly caused Changmen Niepo to be one step away from death's door.

But, even so, Changmen Niepo's expression did not change, even to the point of looking at it, it was difficult to understand, it was incomparably resolute, or even …

"You can't avoid it!" The Cementite Sword Spirit said.

"Since we can't avoid it, why should we avoid it?" Changmen Niepo's face was cold, without the slightest bit of superfluous emotion.

"Are you not afraid of death?" The Cementite Sword Spirit was slightly shocked.

"If I die, everyone will be afraid," At this point, he took advantage of the situation to say, "But I won't die, I didn't die before, I won't die now, I can't die in the future!"

Abruptly, Chang Meniepo only turned to the side slightly. At the same time, all of the green spirit energy around his body turned into green flames, and this green flame of spirit energy also formed a barrier around Changmen Niepo. Even though this temporary barrier could not provide Changmen Niepo with that much of a defense. However, it was enough to block a portion of the force and sword qi from the stab, which was also enough to allow Changmen Niepo time to avoid its fatal points.

However, his shoulder was pierced by it, and the exposed shoulder was also pierced. The blood flowed along the stream, and then, the upper part of the sleeve that came out from his left arm was cut off.

It's over? It was only then that the true battle began.

Changmen Niepo did not show weakness either, the Sword Transformation in his hand turned, holding onto the sword hilt, he moved the sword downwards, directly flying towards the Cementite Sword Spirit. At this moment, the Sword Spirit was completely attached to the human figure formed by the mist.

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