The Taoist Sealed Book/C99 Nameless white sword(part iii)
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The Taoist Sealed Book/C99 Nameless white sword(part iii)
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C99 Nameless white sword(part iii)

It could already be seen from Changmen Niepo's face that he was confident in Changmen Niepo's ability, and at the same time, he had a certain amount of confidence in breaking the door. If it was anyone else who didn't understand Changmen Niepo, she, Qing Ming, would understand him very well. Even though he had the habit of not doing it with a 100% chance of victory, he still had the habit of challenging what others couldn't, and neither could he.

This was because he had to challenge him. He had to challenge him, and he had to. If he didn't challenge them, then the rest of the journey wouldn't be easy. Not to mention the fact that the Shu Mo would probably search for the traces of the Five Great Cauldrons after dealing with the things here, even the Shu Sect below would be in a miserable state.

Therefore, he had no choice but to challenge and fight. If they did not even dare to fight, how would they dare to search for Five Great Cauldrons in the Shu Mo s, much less Immortal Gathering s.

With a thought, the protective barrier around his body turned into a fiery robe in an instant … Rather than calling it a fire cloak, it would be more accurate to call it a cloak of fire. This huge cape had already covered Changmen Niepo's entire body.

At first glance, Changmen Niepo looked normal, but other than that head, his entire body was burning with flames.

At this moment, Changmen Niepo's green fire wings shook slightly, and the faint cloak of flames began to burn even more fiercely.

The Flame Cloak that was even fiercer than before seemed to have its spiritual energy rise above the fire man's spiritual energy at a certain moment.

"This …" Even if everyone was outside the Exemplary Immortal's tomb, one could still deduce the change with the naked eye. Because, Changmen Niepo's fire cloak had actually started to automatically devour the spiritual energy of the fire man in front of him. In other words, she was starting to devour the flames of the opposing fire person.

Very clearly, everyone also saw that the fire sprout of the fire person was slowly being sucked towards Changmen Niepo's cloak, at the same time being digested by the cloak and turned into their own spirit energy and flames.

Of course, Changmen Niepo could also feel this slight change. Although it was just a slight change, it was enough for Changmen Niepo!

In this final exchange of blows, the two of them did not expect that Changmen Niepo would definitely take the upper hand. This was something that no one had expected.

The two of them exchanged blows and exchanged positions. It looked like Changmen Niepo had the upper hand, but the burst of flames and pain on her face made Changmen Niepo realize that his extremely handsome face had actually been slashed by the fire man's fire sword.

This was something intolerable, something that could be endured with any kind of injury. It was only because of this face.

"Great sir." Who knew how many times Changmen Niepo had cursed him in his heart. They were not done yet, they had just started fighting. When Changmen Niepo turned around, his body was not even facing the fire person, but the fire person's attack was already in front of him.

Fire Sword!

Rather than calling it a fire sword, it was more like using the form of a sword. Three fire swords, in the shape of a triangle, attacked Changmen Niepo from the front and back. To think that it would be so fast, Changmen Niepo simply did not notice it in the slightest. He hadn't noticed it at all, and he was already right in front of him.

"Destroy me?"

The corner of Changmen Niepo's mouth raised slightly as a trace of faint green light flashed in his eyes. After the green glow was gone, Su Yun's pupils contracted as the Sword Transformation in his hand was placed horizontally in front of his chest once again. However, Changmen Niepo wanted to repeat the same old trick this time.

"Demon God Slash?" Qing Ming and Yin Emperor exclaimed out at the same time. Seeing Changmen Niepo's actions, it seemed as if he was about to unleash the Demon God Slash. The reason why Changmen Niepo would use the Divine Demon Slash at this moment in time shocked them.

No matter how one looked at it, this was not the best time to execute the Demon God Slash. Moreover, the most important thing was that Changmen Niepo did have the spiritual energy bottom line that the Divine Demon Slash was about to reach. However, could Changmen Niepo, who was able to execute Divine Demon Slash with less than ten to twenty percent of his power, kill a human made from burning mountains and forging seas with a single strike?

Clearly, despite the questions, the answer could not be clearer. Of course, and the others, or perhaps they all knew the answer to it, but using the Divine Demon Slash now might not be impossible, but it was definitely suicidal.

If he could kill his opponent in one hit, then the Demon God Slash would be perfect. However, he couldn't kill him in one hit. With the Divine Demon Chop gone, all the spiritual energy in his body would be depleted. He couldn't think of anything else to wait for, other than death.

There were also elixirs and medicines to recover his spiritual energy, it was not as if Changmen Niepo did not have any. However, those elixir pills were not something that could be revived in an instant after consuming them. Otherwise, Changmen Niepo would have killed them with Divine Demon Slash a long time ago.

Back to the main topic, facing the incoming triangle-shaped fire sword, the Sword Transformation that was lifted up had long since been kept in the fire sword sheath. Changmen Niepo tightly gripped onto the sword hilt with his right hand. Looking at the blade, could it be that it was the simple slash from before?

Closing his eyes, facing the incoming attack, in the eyes of everyone outside Exemplary Immortal's tomb, Changmen Niepo actually closed his eyes.

"This …"

Everyone was stupefied. Everyone was shocked, and everyone was amazed. What did this mean? What exactly did Changmen Niepo want to do? Relying on your familiarity with his Aunt Qing, Qing Ming had difficulty figuring out what this brat wants to do, does he not want to live anymore?

The speed at which the triangular-shaped fire sword flew in the air was so fast that it was practically as fast as lightning.

Did this kid really want to die?

You want to die? Speaking of this little life, Changmen Niepo cherished it more than anyone else. He was still thinking about whether he would be able to return to his hometown world one day. Therefore, he had to keep this little life of his. He had to protect it well and not let anyone hurt him in the slightest.


The silence of the soul, followed by the turbid air that slowly exhaled with the silence of the soul. Just as the three flame swords were about to pierce through Changmen Niepo's forehead, chest and dantian, they saw Changmen Niepo pulling the swords out with even greater speed.


With a light sound, the Sword Transformation came out, leaving a trail of flames behind!

The sword was pulled out and a wave of fire burst out from the Sword Transformation's blade. The waves of fire were like raging waves in a stormy sea. The wave of fire even left behind a streak of seven-colored fiery light in the sky of this small world.

His right hand was still holding onto the Sword Transformation, while Changmen Niepo's eyes were already scanning his surroundings. Because, at the moment that sword slashed out, Changmen Niepo could clearly feel powerful spirit energy appearing from the left and right of him. As for the sword slash, it was also able to completely bury the three fire swords within the wave of fire.

The fire wave completely annihilated the three fire swords. However, it wasn't over yet. The three ashes from the fire swords seemed to be a preparation for the appearance of the strong spiritual energy on both sides of the sword.

When the sword slashed, Changmen Niepo's flaming cloak seemed to be blown by the wind to the extreme, and it also seemed to be blown away by the wind.

"Sublime Spirit Sword!"

Outside the Exemplary Immortal's tomb, a voice came out, and this person was none other than the owner of the tomb, the Exemplary Immortal herself.

"I never thought that this little guy could cultivate the Sword Art of Absolute White to this extent! This is so precious! " This was indeed a rare treasure. Even though his words could not be compared with the ten White Robed Sword Guard s, it did not mean that he was a match for them. However, even when these current ten great White Robed Sword Guard s were cultivating this Sword Art of Absolute White, they probably wouldn't have reached Changmen Niepo's level.

It wasn't over. It really wasn't over yet. Just when the first strike of the Sublime Spirit Sword was about to break the three fire swords, the spiritual energy on the left and right sides finally displayed its might in an instant.


Following that, before the attack even arrived, the spiritual energy ripples had already arrived.

"Hmm?" Changmen Niepo was slightly startled, and his face immediately revealed astonishment, "Why is it one hot and one cold?" Putting aside the fact that this heat was extremely intense, it was just like the flames from the Blazing Mountain. This was not the least bit surprising. And yet, how could there be cold spiritual energy within this cold? Furthermore, this cold and this hot spiritual energy were opposites.

The hot spiritual energy was the hot spiritual energy, but the cold spiritual energy was the cold spiritual energy.

While Changmen Niepo was still stunned, a voice sounded in the sky above the little world.

"Little brat, as long as you can break this, I will send you straight to the main tomb chamber. I won't waste any of your time!"

Who else could it be other than the Exemplary Immortal?

How generous.

Changmen Niepo had already said that in his heart, but he kept his mouth shut. Right now, he didn't have any space for idle banter with the Exemplary Immortal, this master.

And right after Exemplary Immortal's words left her mouth, the extremely hot and cold spiritual energy grew even stronger. Just this extremely hot spiritual energy seemed to have surpassed the spiritual energy intensity of the fire man that was originally burning the mountain and turning into a sea of calcination.

"Looks like this gift pack isn't easy to get." After his mind was slightly moved, he closed his eyes once again. His mind once again became silent, and the silence deepened, "Since it's not easy to get, then I really need to get it!"

At this moment, Changmen Niepo's mind had already settled to the point where it was as silent as the abyss, as deep as the abyss. It was so deep that it seemed to have no limits, and Changmen Niepo himself probably didn't even know how deep his state of mind had become. However, in the depths of his soul, he knew one thing. Silence, silence, silence, silence, silence, silence.

And just as he was deep in thought, Changmen Niepo's original cloak of flames had already completely wrapped around Changmen Niepo. Right now, he was no different from that fiery figure.

Just as Changmen Niepo was closing his eyes, a red and white figure was slowly closing in from the left and right sides. The red light was the fire man formed by the Burning Mountain Forging Sea. And this white light should be the ice man formed from the burning of the mountain and the sea.

Ice Man?

When the crowd saw that the ice man had appeared, their eyes almost fell out of their sockets. No one would have thought that at this final moment, it would actually be used in the final move of the Burning Mountain Sea, the Ice and Fire Stars!

That's right, it was the Ice and Fire Star. When the fire reached its peak and was unable to advance any further, the fire would form a zero point at the very bottom, the Ice Flame. Compared to fire, ice flames were even more terrifying. He had even more powerful flames than the flames, and at the same time, he had an extremely cold aura.

As the saying goes, fire and ice are two heavens!

"Do you mean to say that you want to give that sword to Changmen Niepo?" Outside the Exemplary Immortal's tomb, Qing Ming's face was full of astonishment.

"Why not?" However, Exemplary Immortal had a look of being able to take it for granted.

Facing the Exemplary Immortal's natural appearance, Qing Ming could only helplessly shake his head and continue: "Even though you have the Cementite, that sword …" Qing Ming didn't have to say it out loud, as Exemplary Immortal knew what it meant.

Why not? "Exemplary Immortal remained the same," Isn't there a sentence? "After he said that, Changmen Niepo's eyes opened once again, and another set of Sword Transformation s appeared in his hands, but the one in his left hand was the same. The cold aura was oppressive, and extremely cold spirit energy surrounded the sword's body," A good bird chooses a tree, and the nameless white sword's' good bird 'is suitable for resting on this brat's' tree '! "

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