The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C1 Catch a change of clothes
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The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C1 Catch a change of clothes
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C1 Catch a change of clothes

I worked late that day, and I was the only one left in the huge office.

Remembering that a document my boss had given me that day had been left in her office, I got up and went to get it.

It was past eleven o'clock, and I thought there must be no one inside, so I opened the door of her office and went in without knocking.

I was scared out of my wits.

My superior, Wang Jin, was leaning against a Office chair. Her white shirt was open, and the black lace lining had been removed.

Under the charming light, her hands were stretched out to her abdomen to unbutton her shirt, her beautiful hair was draped over her shoulders. Two proud peaks, wrapped in a layer of lace only, were indescribably attractive.

Even more scared than I was was her. Her usually domineering superior was now more like a frightened little rabbit. Her small mouth was open, and her big, watery eyes were staring at me blankly. She didn't seem to think that someone would barge in at this time.

I looked her in the eye for a full five seconds.


She finally reacted and covered a large expanse of spring light with her hands as she screamed out.

It was originally a misunderstanding. If she were to call the security guards over because of this, not only would her reputation be lost, I would also have to go to the police station.

"No, be quiet!"

The usually timid me, from who knows where, rushed over and covered her mouth.

Woo, woo.

She looked at me in fear, her eyes filled with tears. Not to mention how weak she was, how could she still be that cold and charming female superior?

Wang Jin was extremely frightened and did not move at all. I didn't even notice that our bodies were pressed together. Her long legs, which were as smooth as silk, beneath her short professional skirt, made me unconsciously set up a small tent.

Something was wrong.

She's my boss, she's famous for being expelled from the staff. How could I dare to think about that!

I suddenly became clear-headed and jumped backwards. Looking at Wang Jin who was still in a state of shock, in order to ease the atmosphere, I scratched my head and laughed dryly.

"Today …" The weather is really good. "

I stammered, wanting to die. What did I do to cover my superior's mouth?

She was the famous Ice Queen. It was over. The job was done.

"Get out!"

Wang Jin is, after all, a person who has seen the world, so she quickly recovered from her panic.

How could I dare to stay for another second? I turned around and ran all the way home without sleeping for the entire night.

If I were to run into a female superior who had changed her clothes, how long would I, a mere new employee, be able to live?

Wang Jin is only 27 or 28 years old, and is already our company's director. Not only is she good-looking, her body is sexy, and her ability to work is also very strong. The only thing was that they were very strict with their subordinates. They would easily fire them, and two of them had left the previous week.

I avoided her the next day, and if she thought of yesterday's displeasure, I would not be able to bear it.

However, what was about to happen was destined to be unavoidable.

We sat in the conference room. I didn't hear a word of it until after the meeting, when she came up to me and I smelled a faint scent, like a laurel blooming in the clouds. She said to me, "What do you mean? You didn't even get yesterday's plan? "

She acted as if nothing had happened.

I stayed up until the afternoon, when I couldn't avoid knocking on her office door.

In front of her office, I deliberately coughed, then knocked on the door...

No one was there.

I pushed the door gently. It was unlocked.

After learning my lesson, I stuck my head in first. She wasn't in there.

I don't know if I was disappointed or relieved, but when I closed the door, I was so scared that my soul almost left my body when I turned around …

She had a curvy figure and a beautiful and cold face.

Who else could it be other than Wang Jin?

"What are you sneaking a peek at!" She looked at me furiously.

"I... "Let me think of a plan …" I stammered.

She walked into her office, tossed me the paperwork, and said, "You, go get me a cup of hot coffee and a portion of cheese!"

After that day, she deliberately increased my "extra work" even though she knew that my performance was very heavy.

"You, go to the storefront opposite Wal-Mart and buy a new LV wallet. Model 168."

"You, call the air-conditioner repairman for me."

"You, book me two tickets to Shanghai next month and a luxurious big bed."

And so, for some reason, I became a thorn in her side. I knew that she wanted to make it impossible for me to do my job and leave in this way.

The most depressing thing was that whenever she wasn't happy, she would get angry at me.

With my temper, if not for the fact that my parents were still waiting for me to live on, I would have left long ago!

Thinking that she would still do something different to me in the future, a shiver went down my spine.

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