The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C12 Hotel
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The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C12 Hotel
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C12 Hotel

After they left, she and I were relieved.

Sister Hong looked at me with gratitude. She raised her wine cup and said with a smile, "Thank you."

I watched as she finished the wine in her glass in one breath. I was shocked as I said, flabbergasted, "That was pure water just now. I secretly drank it. What you're drinking now is real wine."

She charmingly looked at me and rebuked, "Can't I?"

I was stunned for a moment by her sudden coquettish question. I looked at her with blushing cheeks and lowered eyelashes. I raised my delicate hand to sip the wine. I couldn't help but be stunned by the unspeakable feeling.

She didn't say anything over the top. Maybe the expression on her face was just a joke.

Then we had a casual chat, and she offered to go, so we went downstairs and out to the parking lot, where she was going to get her car, and I was going out on the bus.

When we parted ways, my eyes were always on her back. I really hoped that she would turn around and look at me, but she didn't turn around to look at me. Watching her leave, I sighed and walked to the other side of the road.

Only toads look up at the white swans in the sky. A white swan flying in the sky would never lower its head to stare at a toad on the ground.

After walking for less than a hundred meters, rain began pouring down without any warning. There was no place to hide from the rain.

The closest inn was the hotel, so I ran back to it. As soon as I arrived, I noticed that there was a shadow of a person running back to take shelter from the rain. It was Sister Hong.

The two of them had been drenched by the rain until they were like drowned chickens. After she came in, she complained, "What's going on? It's raining so heavily, let it rain as it pleases."

When I saw her, the haze that was soaked through by the rain suddenly cleared up. "That's right."

She took a tissue from her bag and gave me two. They wiped the rain from their bodies, from their hair to their shoes.

He waited for another half an hour, but there was still no sign of the rain slowing down.

I suggested we go into the lobby and have a hot cup of tea made by the waitress, who agreed immediately.

The two of us sat in the lobby of the Royal Hotel drinking hot tea and waiting for the rain to subside, but after waiting for a long time, the torrential downpour didn't subside at all.

She said to me, "How about, tonight, here?"

Embarrassed, I replied, "I don't have that much money."

She fished in her pocket and pulled out several hundred yuan in cash. "I didn't bring my wallet out. How much money do you have?"

I took the money out of my pocket and said, "Two hundred and thirty-three dollars."

"Did you bring your ID?"

"I did." "No," I said.

"Follow me." She took my money, stood up, and walked to the front desk.

The two of us, together, can get a single room.

After entering the room, she went into the bathroom to get hot water. I sat in a chair, soaked, waiting for her to wash me.

With such an expensive restaurant, the decorations would naturally be very good.

The walnut floor, the coffee-colored wallpaper, the atmosphere romantic, I also saw a box of condoms on the night table on the right, service is so thoughtful!

Opposite the bed was a large mirror. In front of the mirror, there was a color TV with a LCD screen on the TV cabinet.

I got up and turned on the TV. I took a cup to the water dispenser and made hot tea. The water dispenser was at the bathroom door.

As I stood in front of the water dispenser making tea, I saw that part of the window above the bathroom door had been splashed with water. I could vaguely see her blurry figure in the bathroom, graceful and alluring.

The sound of the water inside made my heart fly into my throat.

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