The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C16 Office space?
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The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C16 Office space?
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C16 Office space?

As I stood still and surveyed the house, Sister Hong opened a bottle of milk for me. "You must be tired.

I embarrassedly took the milk and said, "Sister Hong, your house is so beautiful."

Sister Hong laughed and said, "Is that so?"

I nodded and smiled. "As charming as your people."

Sister Hong said, "Where's that? Just take a look. "

She sat down and opened the box and put the drink in the fridge. I nodded and walked around the living room. There was a small, intersected staircase, and I turned up to see Sister Hong's bedroom.

Unexpectedly, this place was quite large. Not only were there two bedrooms, there was also the study room and the bathroom. The master bedroom was large, with a small balcony overlooking the river. There was an oversized bed inside the bedroom. The pillow and the blanket were all over the place. It seemed like they had not been tidied up since they woke up in the morning.

Sister Hong followed me and said, "It's a little messy here. It's early in the morning, so I was in too much of a hurry. I couldn't spare the time to tidy up."

She was so polite that I was embarrassed. "No, no."

It would be strange if a young woman with such beauty, high education, ability, and dignity did not have a man.

Sister Hong had a good figure, her exquisite white skin revealed a hint of pink, and the most unusual thing was that her moonbud eyes seemed to be smiling at the moment.

On the right side of the bed was actually a bathroom, all of it made of glass. Inside the bathroom, there was a large and colorful mural.

There was another layer above it?

I walked up to the top of the building, which had become a living space. There were a lot of potted plants, as well as a small table with a transparent green table legs. There were a few rocking chairs around the table.

Walking to the protective wall of stainless steel, I looked out over the bustle of the city and sighed. When will I have these?

"What are you sighing about? Is it about work? " The Sister Hong asked me.

I chuckled and said, "It's nothing. I feel like I have to go to work today." Sister Hong, I will go back to work first! "

"Why don't you stay and have a meal together?" The Sister Hong said.

I knew that there would be guests in her house soon, and if she was alone, of course I would stay.

I said, "No, there's still a little work I haven't done. I'm going back to work."

"It's not too late to eat first." The Sister Hong said enthusiastically.

"No need, thank you Sister Hong. I will be leaving first." I'll eat it next time I get the chance, thank you. " I said quickly.

"It is I who should thank you!"

Soon it was Friday, a little after ten, and I was finishing the last of the work in the lobby of the office.

I took a rag and went to see what was not clean.

Walking to an exquisite little staircase in the corner, I hesitated whether or not I should go up. I would go up to the office of the Ice Manager Wang.

That woman was always very complicated. She said that I was not allowed to go to her office. If she saw me, she would kill me without mercy!

But today, she called Sister Hong again, saying why her office was always dirty.


Should he go up or not?

The question puzzled me for a few minutes. It seemed that no one was in the entire office, and I finally decided to go up and clean it up.

If the office we're staying in below is as luxurious as a five-star hotel, the layout can be said to be entirely in accordance with European advanced park standards.

Under a row of glass windows, there were a few recliners. There was also a large bar, and under the dim blue light, one could faintly see a few high-end leisure sofas.

I walked past the bar, turned a corner, and saw that there was a swimming pool!?

"This?" "This is, this can actually be called an office space?" I said to myself in shock.

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