The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C18 Heaven-sent opportunity
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The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C18 Heaven-sent opportunity
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C18 Heaven-sent opportunity

She stood up straight and shakily said: "Yang Rui, since you want to leave so much, then you won't have the mood to continue working at the company in the future, right? If you dare to break into my office without permission, then … "Then …"

Wang Jin's expression became more and more blurry. Before she finished speaking, she burped, and her red face turned cute.

She continued, "Then... "No need to go up tomorrow …"


Before she could finish, without any foresight, her body softened and she fell to the ground.

I anxiously squatted down and supported her head: "Manager Wang, Manager Wang, Manager Wang?"

It seems that I was drunk. I called her a few more times, but she didn't react at all.

Looking at the drunk, the narrow and long eyes of the fox slightly closed and its small mouth slightly opened, a pair of mountain peaks gently rising and falling, I was slightly unable to hold it in.

Bold, I leaned closer to her face and saw that she looked like she'd been there for a while.

I can't wake up. It's undeniable that although I hate her, she's really pretty. She's the kind of beauty that makes a man lose his soul after a few looks.

I touched her white arm with my hand. I felt an electric tingle, and my whole body reacted.

The aroma from Wang Jin's body mixed with the smell of alcohol seeped into my lungs, making me feel dizzy.

In the dimly lit office, I leaned into her face. Her eyelashes were slightly trembling, her lips seemed to be trembling, and her eyebrows were lightly locked, as if she was suffering from a painful dream.

Could it be that she drank so much and then came back to the company in a very puzzling way because of some tangled matter?

But what I was more afraid of was that if she was conscious, I would be miserable.

Just when I was carefully observing her expression, because I didn't use my computer, the screen protection on my computer activated. The screen protection on my desk was done in that black style. In an instant, the entire office turned pitch black.

To tell the truth, no one knows, I wanted to bow my head and kiss her, the last time we were drunk, even though we did it so many times, but I had no impression of it.

This time, I really can't help it. With a beauty right in front of me, anyone would be moved.

At that moment, I thought of that damned … Camera!

that corner of the Camera! Damn it!

All of the Camera s were recorded on her office computer. If she woke up tomorrow, would she be able to see what happened tonight?

Then wouldn't I?

The more he thought about it, the more terrifying it became.

"Manager Wang! Manager Wang! "

I called out to her, trying to wake her up.

I'm afraid if she stays like this, she'll watch the video tomorrow and call the police and tell them I've been up to no good.

The last time at the hotel was nothing, but this time there was a video as evidence and I was dead.

The office was dark and gloomy. A few rays of dim light came in from outside. It was a strange scene, a strange aroma, and a strange woman.

I called her a few more times, and Wang Jin finally opened her long, eyelashes like eyes slowly, and before she could finish, she closed them again.

Did he think he was lying on his own bed?

Was there a boss who drank so much?

I fed it a few more times. What do I do now?

Could it be that he would hug her until the next day?

That's impossible.

Yes, take her to her office and let her sleep on the couch all night. I made up my mind. With my left hand on the back of her neck, I clenched my teeth and picked her up.

I carried her to the bottom of the stairs in her office. I was surprised to see that the glass door on the stairs was locked. Locked?

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