The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C20 Misunderstanding
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The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C20 Misunderstanding
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C20 Misunderstanding

I really am, why did I make such a mess? Sister Hong must have thought that I was that kind of abnormal person!

I took the papers and hastily withdrew them, a little ashamed of myself.

Luckily, Sister Hong treats me really well. Not only did she not blame me, she even praised me.

After I had finished correcting myself, I carefully read through it three times before printing it out again and sending it to the Sister Hong's office.

Sister Hong looked at it once and shot me a coquettish look. "You must be more careful in the future. Don't make such a big mistake again."

With just that one look, I suddenly became distracted. Oh my god, this is too sexy.

I nodded. "Sister Hong, I'll head out first. Call me if you have anything to say."

After I finished speaking, I ran, and sat on my own Office chair, my heart thumping, what's wrong with Sister Hong?

When I get off work at noon, Wang Jin still hasn't summoned me yet. Why is that?

In my estimation, she should have barraged me, or was it the silence of the storm?

Let's not think about this problem for now. We can't stop what should be done. Rather than worrying about it, we might as well just wait patiently.

I went out of the office and into the elevator, which was crowded at this time of the day, full of employees going down to eat.

After standing in the elevator for a while, the originally bustling elevator suddenly became very quiet. I strangely raised my head to take a look. Why are these people so quiet?

I didn't find anything wrong with it. When I smelled the same perfume as before, my expression changed. This one.

This fragrance was exclusive to Wang Jin!

I looked away, startled. She was standing right next to me!

Eyes staring straight ahead, body straight, hand with LVBag, eyes deep and cold.

"Good morning, Manager Wang." I whispered a greeting, my voice flustered.

She seemed to hear me, and her expression didn't change, but I could feel the chill in her body.

When the elevator stopped on the next floor, I pushed my way out and decided not to stand beside her while I climbed the stairs. Sigh, I am really unlucky, afraid that she would directly drag me down and ask me to stay. Last night, the drunk Wang Jin even said that she would tell me to scram today, God knows if she still remembers.

After returning to his office, he thought about the money he had on him and how to solve his problem of being warm and full. As for the money, a third of his bowl of noodles had already been eaten up.


There's a box of food on my desk? Why? Whose!?

Looking at her colleagues, they had basically all closed their eyes to rest. She wanted to ask the lady colleague beside her that she had fallen asleep while wearing her sunglasses and newspaper.

Is this fast food for me? Who's so good?

There was also a note under the snack box: Call for takeout, they sent an extra.

This is, this is the word for Sister Hong!

Too touching …

Not long after, the Sister Hong came to get me.

She stood at the door and smiled, "poplar, in a while, you will be interviewing new people with me. I can't do it alone."

I nodded, got up, and went with her to the reception hall.

The Sister Hong brought me to the reception room and said, "The interviews are all conducted here. Here is their resume and other information. Take a look."

I nodded, took the file, and began to browse through it.

At this time, Sister Hong moved his laptop and suddenly said: "Strange, why did this computer suddenly become so slow?"

I stuck my head out. Indeed, the mouse was moving slowly on the desktop. Opening the folder was also moving slowly.

"Show me." Sister Hong said to me.

I stood up and walked over to stand behind Sister Hong. "This computer seems to be a new computer. Why would it have this kind of problem?"

I bent down and grabbed Sister Hong's rocking chair with my left hand and the mouse with my right.

"It's a new computer. The Purchasing Department just delivered it, he said it's worth more than eight thousand." The Sister Hong answered, "I have been using it well this whole time."

I asked again, "Sister Hong, have you browsed through any software, such as a hoodlum plug-in or downloaded software?"

Sister Hong said, "I occasionally download a few movies, but when I'm at home, I play on my office's LCD computer, and it's never been like this before."

I said, "Let me see."

Because my chest was pressed tightly against her shoulder, the distance between the two of them was truly close. I suddenly tensed up, and the tight contact of my body caused a reaction beneath me.

As I tensed up, I stammered out, "This … This... This shouldn't be too big... "Big problem."

There's only the two of us in the guest room. Since the Front Desk Reception outside doesn't have Sister Hong's instructions, naturally, we don't dare let interviewers in. Such contact was so exciting to me.

I was a bit scared that she would suddenly call me a hoodlum, but from the start, I only wanted to sincerely help her without the slightest bit of intention to take advantage of her.

I took her right hand holding the mouse, very soft and comfortable, I became more nervous, let me hold her hand do not know where to point.

The mouse hovered over the computer screen for a moment before I clicked on the control panel.

Sister Hong didn't intentionally dodge my attack. When my hand came into contact with hers, I calmed down a little. It was just that the fragrance on her body became even stronger.

It was very quiet in the reception room, time seemed to have frozen. Sister Hong and I did not speak.

Thus, after a long time, I was unable to find any problems with the computer's slow speed. I said, "Let's try installing a computer butler."

"Alright." Sister Hong replied with a single word.

As I breathed in the scent of the Sister Hong, my heart thumped in my chest. Thinking back to that sleepless night in the hotel, my heart pounded even more.

I held the Sister Hong's white and tender hands, but she didn't move them away on purpose, allowing me to manipulate her. She could even feel my change through the thin back of the chair.

There were still a lot of interviewees waiting outside, and I was inside.

Thinking about this, I couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. This kind of new feeling of guilt was simply too infuriating.

Outside of the huge office was a group of interviewees, filled with a charming atmosphere.

I blew at her ear and said hoarsely, "Sister Hong, me."

Sister Hong also didn't push me away, her entire body had gone limp, her face was flushed red, and she didn't say a word.

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