The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C23 Wang jin is looking for trouble with me again
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The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C23 Wang jin is looking for trouble with me again
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C23 Wang jin is looking for trouble with me again

Wang Jin, of course, knew that I was angry and played with the small stick in my hand. She did not care that I knocked on her office door like that, because that door, which was made of tempered bulletproof glass, could not be broken even with a hammer.

After I finished my rage, Wang Jin laughed coldly in disdain and said, "Please come in."

I clenched my fists and walked over to her desk. She looked up, her expression arrogant, her eyes cold, and said sarcastically, "Are you angry? Very angry? "

I didn't speak, neither of us, and she glared at me. The air froze to ice, and the air in her vast office was cold. Originally, I was looking into her eyes with the zeal of a martyr. Under her piercing gaze, I gradually began to feel a little afraid. Then, I looked away in a very useless manner. Don't blame me, I'm just a mortal, a mortal who has to bow to all odds.

My heart was beating fast. From the time I had punched the smooth glass door until now. However, the feeling had changed. Initially, his heartbeat had been beating rapidly due to anger, but now, it was fear. Originally, in Wang Jin's eyes, I was just a criminal who worked hard. Last night, I lightened up a bit and touched her chest, I don't know if she saw the video of last night, but if she did … That way, besides being expelled, I could also find an excuse to deduct all of my salary, or even my deposit.

After the two of them continued their stalemate for two minutes, I decided to strike first. "Manager Wang, what orders do you have?"

Wang Jin laughed coldly, making my heart tremble. "What do you think? What orders do you think I have for you? "

What the heck was that supposed to be? You asked me to come here, and I came here. You said you had something to tell me, but now you want me to guess what you're thinking? From being stripped of my status as an official employee to being reduced from a probation period employee to a part-time worker, now, other than expelling me, it seems like Manager Wang doesn't have any other orders?

I know, of course, that when the boss is in a rage, you can't stand up to her, even if it's on your side. Adding oil to the fire, the one who was at a disadvantage was himself, after all, she was the boss and she was Wang Jin.

The big premise of learning to be a work force is that your company is developing well and has a future. If it's not worth it, then get out of here.

Now that I think about it, here I am, with a development prospects, under the protection of the Sister Hong. I don't want to leave, but I have offended Wang Jin, my future prospects are unknown, or it could be said that I have confessed to her, and surrendered, can I be magnanimous now?

Wang Jin was playing with the small stick in her hand and kept staring at me. She seemed to be able to tell that I was scared, so she casually asked, "Can you tell me what kind of good thing you did to me last night?"

She should have seen the video from last night. Seeing me carry her so hard on the couch below, I ran my hand through her body for a key.

"If the Leader asks you, just answer honestly. Didn't your parents teach you all this common sense!?" She slapped the table angrily.

"Yes, yes, yes." I was scared.

"Speak!" she cried.

I stutteringly said, "You were drunk last night, so you fainted … …." The one who fainted in Personnel Department … In the office. I... There's no other way, I want to send you to you … In your office, but in your office, your office is locked, and then I... I can only carry you into that hotel... "He went."

Wang Jin didn't seem to be satisfied with my answer, and continued to stare at me. After I had finished speaking for a dozen seconds, she slowly asked, "Yang Rui, it's as if you have said what you have said to yourself in a great manner. You were thinking about me last night, weren't you? "

My feet were shaking, and I was in a hurry to think, so I said, "I... I really don't have the money to stay in a 5-star hotel, so... So he had to enter the hotel. I'm sorry, Manager Wang. "

"Is that so? Do you want me to sing praises for you? Don't beat around the bush! Since you don't know anything, let me remind you little by little! " Wang Jin didn't waste any more time with me, and started to talk business.

I had already guessed that she was going to settle accounts. I can't stand still, I feel sick. How can my own hands be so cheap? Normally, when he saw how beautiful and sexy Sister Hong was, even though his hands were itchy, he did not dare to touch her. But facing Wang Jin, it was Wang Jin who would definitely die! He actually dared to make a move …

She looked at me, and I felt like a prisoner she was interrogating. Be honest and open, and sit through it. She really started to calculate. Looking at the video on the computer screen, she said, "I entered Personnel Department's office at 10: 48 PM, and fainted five minutes later. Since I had fainted, it had been nearly twenty minutes before you carried me out of your office. I want to ask you, what have you done in the past twenty minutes!? "

My heart was pounding in my throat. I tried my best to swallow a mouthful of saliva. Calm down, calm down, I must be calm. How should he answer? To be honest, he had called her for half a day, and in the process, he had touched her chest? Frankly speaking, he really would be able to pass through the prison!

Hm? She didn't seem to mention anything about me touching her breasts! Let me think about it. In the darkness of our office last night, I probably couldn't see what had happened at all. I could vaguely see her falling down, or perhaps the Camera couldn't see her falling down, or maybe it was blocked by the table. That was why he asked!

Then I can turn black into white! I could never admit that I touched it, and if she saw it, even if I did not admit it to her, she would destroy me, so I might as well try my luck. Make up your mind! I stood up straight, straightened my chest, and said, "Manager Wang, after you fainted, I kept on calling for you to wake up. However, you were always in a dazed state."

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