The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C29 Drunkenness!
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The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C29 Drunkenness!
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C29 Drunkenness!

I said, "The front desk is definitely suitable, but Receptionist doesn't have much room for growth."

After Hu Ke heard this, her interest was piqued: "Actually my heart isn't really with the position of Receptionist. I envy my colleagues in the office who are forever busy, with ambitious goals and strives for. I want to be like you, working in the office. The Receptionist and the employees in the office are basically people on two different platforms. "

I slightly nodded. "I have my own ideas. I'll use this drink in place of wine. First, I wish you smooth sailing in our company."

Hu Ke also raised her wine cup: "Thank you, Yang Rui."

She took a sip of her drink, put the glass glass down, and asked me: "Yang Rui, if I have the chance to enter the office and take office, will you be able to help me?"

I thought for a moment and said, "I can't protect myself right now, but if I had the ability or could help you, I would do my best."

"Hm!" "Thank you!" She took my hand happily.

After about ten seconds, she shyly let go of my hand. He was overjoyed. "Don't be offended."

Seeing her blushing face suddenly touched a soft spot in my heart. It was pure and moving. Little by little, it seeped into the depths of his heart. It was gentle and cozy. [Oh my god. Although I am still young, but I should be past my prime.] He couldn't control himself.

I coughed and replied, "I'll help you think about it properly and see if I can help you."

"Hm!" I thank you! " she said happily.

After dinner, they went out together. Xiao Ke said: "If you're busy, then go back and continue. I'm going to take a ride over there. "

"Alright, then see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

Go back to the company, get back to work, get back to cleaning. At eleven o'clock, he returned home and turned on the computer.

He turned on the computer, not knowing what to do. He remembered that when he graduated, his classmates and friends would often contact each other to chat, and gradually, they would become more busy for their career, their family, their love, their marriage, and their future. Gradually, they only spoke once every three months and half a year.

Just like that, he didn't know what to do online. The Internet was originally to treat loneliness, but who knew that the Internet was even more lonely. Every night for the past few months, I've had a chat with 'Fleeting Time', who, although he didn't talk much, could at least fill up a little of the emptiness and loneliness. Who would have thought that she would actually be Wang Jin. After blacklisting me down, there's nothing left to talk about, it's even more lonely now.

Lighting a cigarette, he exhaled the curling smoke, thinking, after Wang Jin deletes me, on this kind of night, would she also feel a bit of regret? F * ck! It would be strange if he regretted that perverted woman! Wang Jin's heart was stronger than iron, it was known to all. A strong woman, a person even stronger than steel!

While I was working on the speech of the Leader on my small desk, the phone on the desk rang. I picked up the microphone and said, "Hello."

"Yang Rui, come to my office." It was the Sister Hong.

When I entered the Sister Hong office, she asked, "Why did you keep turning off your phone?"

I said a lie. "There's something wrong with my phone. I'll fix it."

"Let's put down our work first and go out. There's something I need to do." The Sister Hong said.

I said yes.

Sister Hong was walking in front of me and I followed her out into the hall. At the reception desk, Xiao Ke smiled at me and winked playfully at me with her left eye: "Yang Rui, let's eat together after work."

As I walked, I said, "Alright."

This little girl has been sticking close to me recently, asking me all sorts of questions.

The Sister Hong brought me to the parking lot to retrieve my car, and we got in. I didn't know where she was taking me to work, nor did I ask, but she said she would say it naturally, and I sensed that she wasn't in a very good mood now, unlike her usual kind smile.

She didn't bring me to work, but instead went straight to the riverside on the Phoenix Bridge. She stopped the car and said to me, "Get off. I'm not in a good mood. Come walk with me."

"Oh, okay."

Not in a good mood? Work? Family? Affection?

The city's face project was well done. The scenery along the river was very good. This was a beautiful card that was displayed outside the city. The row of green trees and colorful flowers along the river made the city even more enchanting.

The wind gently blew from the river, causing Sister Hong's slightly curled long hair to become slightly messy. She stared straight ahead and walked forward step by step.

I walked to her right, not knowing what to say, not daring to ask her.

After walking about a hundred steps, the Sister Hong turned her head to look at me and asked: "Yang Rui, you don't have a girlfriend, are you bored?"

What did that mean? Could it be … You want to be my girlfriend? Of course not, maybe she was just asking.

I said, "I would like to, but the current society, is a realistic society. For people like me, my face is even cleaner than my face. How could I let them leave with me so easily? "

She giggled and said, "Go on."

I replied, "However, I will not be at peace with the current situation. I will definitely work hard and rise to prominence!"

Sister Hong looked at me and said, "I'm laughing, not at your schadenfreude. I just think that your words are rather interesting."

Seeing her smile, he was not afraid anymore. He gathered his courage and asked: "Sister Hong, why are you in a bad mood?"

She turned her head sadly and looked down at the road beneath her feet. He said, "It's nothing. He just wanted to have someone to chat with. Come with me for a drink. "

I said, "Sister Hong, it's business time now. How about … "At night."

"It's fine. Come out with me and say that you're here to do something. No one will say anything. I have called Department of Logistics tonight to ask his to call the three cleaners. " The Sister Hong said.

I asked again, "Will this be okay?" If Manager Wang finds out, it will implicate you. "

"What can she say when she says you're going out to the talent market with me to do some work?" Sister Hong looked at me with sorrow in her eyes.

That's right, the Sister Hong will tell the Department of Logistics, what else can she say?

So they got in the car and drove to ZTE, the famous bar street. I know that Sister Hong has a bellyful of bitter water that she wants to pour down. She needs listeners and she even more so needs to anesthetize herself.

Instead, she chose the ballroom, saying that the ballroom was even more unrealistic. In the Odeo ballroom, although it was afternoon, there was still a group of people dancing to the blurry multicolored light. Powerful music, the smell of beer and malt beer, and the infatuation of dancing and music, the red man and the green woman, really like an illusion out of reality.

I found a table in the far corner and asked the waiter to serve two packs of Carlsberg. The beer here is really expensive, two hundred and eighty Carlsberg apiece... So speechless. Two bundles, can I finish it?

Sister Hong picked up a bottle on the table and clinked it with me, then drank it all in one go. She then picked up two beers and drank it with me. I hastily stretched out my hand to stop her. "It's easy to pour it out like this."

She pushed my hand away and said, "Once in a while. It's okay."

"Then how do we drive back?" I was trying to persuade her to drink less.

She said, "If you can't open it, then leave it here."

After drinking for who knows how long, Sister Hong went to the bathroom twice to empty the wine in her stomach. The second time I came out, I supported her by her soft arm: "Sister Hong, it's already past nine o'clock at night. After drinking so much, it's time to go back."

Although Sister Hong had vomited, she was still very clear-headed. She used a tissue to wipe the water off her face. There were a few droplets of water hanging on her eyelashes. The blurry rainbow light passed through these droplets, and they were extremely beautiful. I had the urge to kiss her eyes...

Sister Hong wiped the water off her face and said: "Alright, let's go back. It's time to go back to bed. "

I helped her out of the bar. It was a crowded time right now, so there was an endless stream of people coming to the bar. Sister Hong tightly leaned against my arm and took my arm. "My head is a little dizzy."

I said, "Then don't drive."

"I think so." "No," she said.

Sister Hong's entire arm was tightly wrapped around my left hand, and her body was tightly leaning on my arm. Her right chest was completely pressed down on my arm. Sister Hong did not speak either. She seemed to have already realized the slight movement on my arm, and her grip tightened even more.

In the tall city jungles, I didn't care if I followed her to the end. It was only in terms of my career, with her help, that I would be able to successfully overcome the great obstacle called Wang Jin. Don't say that my cowardice relies on women. In society, there are some things that you have to endure more than others due to the fact that you are too strict with your principles.

Of course, I'm not afraid of suffering, but I'm afraid that after a few years, I will still be unable to accomplish anything, so how many more years of suffering can my parents endure?

Outside, Sister Hong stopped a taxi and asked me, "Why don't you go to my house for a while?"

I had no reason to refuse, and I was even less willing to let her have her way. Of course, I wanted to go myself.

Thus, he went to her house.

Sister Hong used the mahogany tea table in the living room to make tea for me. After drinking it, her cheeks were red and her eyes were like silk. I took the cup and thanked her. Sister Hong replied: "YangNian Pu'er."

Rose like red Pu'er, amber like crystal. The taste is mellow and smooth and sweet, with a clear and elegant sweetness. Just like the woman in front of him.

I was enchanted by the fragrance of the mature woman on her body. Although my heart was in turmoil, I did not dare to act rashly. I sat obediently and drank my tea. Sister Hong took a sip of tea and said, "After you drink, drink some more. It feels very comfortable."

I smiled and said, "Yes, that's right."

Then the two of them were silent. For a moment, the air became quiet, with only the ticking of the clock on the wall. I felt a little awkward, so I coughed a little and asked the Sister Hong: "Sister Hong, why is it that your wedding photo isn't in this house?"

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