The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C30 Five generations of mad love?!
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The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C30 Five generations of mad love?!
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C30 Five generations of mad love?!

After saying that, I regretted it. I really can't stop mentioning that pot! Could it be that her drunkenness tonight was due to the pain of her emotions that caused her so much pain? I even said one sentence, 'F * ck!'

Sister Hong put down her teacup: "Why do you need a wedding photo?"

"Sorry, I seem to... I mentioned something that would make you unhappy, Sister Hong. " I said awkwardly.

Sister Hong turned his head and stared at me for a moment before asking, "Why are you so afraid of me?"

"Because... You are very beautiful. " I turned my head to look into those hot eyes and felt a surge of emotion in my heart. In a rush, I turned my head again and moved the teacup in my hand, causing Pu'er's tea to pour out.

The tea was in my lap, and my pants were wet. Sister Hong took a piece of paper from the table beside me and helped me wipe it. I hurriedly pushed her hand away and said, "I'll do it myself." Who knew that when I grabbed her hand and shoved it, her hand would accidentally rest on my crotch and then stop.

I held her hand, her two fingers, her index finger and thumb pinching the tissue.

After a few seconds of this, I couldn't tell if she was doing it on purpose or not. If it was unintentional, I had indeed offended her. I hurriedly pushed her hand away, "I am sorry, Sister Hong! I... I didn't mean to. "

She slightly parted sher lips as if she wanted to say something. However, a burst of sound from the anxious doorbell broke the ambiguous atmosphere in the air. Sister Hong was frightened, she quickly turned her head, trying to calm her emotions. My heart was also racing, but it wasn't because I hadn't experienced the scenes of wind and snow. In that moment, he felt as if her soul had left the shackles of his body and was being sucked into an unknown illusion.

Sister Hong stroked her hair and stood up unsteadily: "I wonder who rang the doorbell so late."

I came back from the illusion and was shocked. What if! What if it was her husband?! Or was it one of her people, and that was...?

I can still think of these places at this time!

I reminded Sister Hong: "Sister Hong! Since you have a guest, should I leave? "

Sister Hong, after being reminded by me, suddenly woke up. A man and a woman alone in a room at such a late hour …

Sister Hong whispered to me, "I'll go take a look first."


Sister Hong's expression became serious as though she was facing a great enemy. I also started to feel uneasy.

When Sister Hong arrived at the door, she peeked through the hole in the door and saw that she had awoken halfway through the alcohol. Hurrying over, he pulled me to my feet and whispered, "Not good, it's my sister! What does my sister like to talk to my mother about! Quickly hide behind the door and find a chance to sneak away. Please, Yang Rui, I'm really sorry. "

Not bad, it wasn't her husband. He heaved a sigh of relief.

Sister Hong's nervousness, I think, must be because she's worried about ruining her own reputation. Obediently, I hid behind the door when the Sister Hong's phone rang. My guess is right, it was from Sister Hong's sister outside.

The Sister Hong opened the door nervously and hid me behind it. Her sister came in and the Sister Hong quickly grabbed her sister's hand to hide her sister's sight: "Why didn't you give me a call before you came?"

"Sis!" That damned bastard … "Last night, we went out again for drinks …" Her sister burst into tears as soon as she came in, and I could hear that she was drunk, too.

The Sister Hong hurriedly supported her sister and walked towards the sofa in the living room. Both of them had their back to me and from behind, I could see that the Sister Hong's little sister had an extremely good figure.

Just as I was about to dodge, Sister Hong, who was supporting her sister, felt her legs weaken and both of them fell to the ground at the same time. This... Sister Hong had already drank quite a bit and even allowed her to support her little sister who was completely drunk, she probably wouldn't be able to hold on.

After Sister Hong's sister fell to the ground, she was still crying while muttering some words about why he always had to treat me like this.

Sister Hong pulled her sister forcefully, trying to help her sister up. But she didn't have the strength to do so. She could only look at me and say, "Fortunately, you didn't leave." "Come and help."

These two sisters were really good at choosing their days. They were both drunk.

I rushed over to help and helped her sister stand up. Unexpectedly, her sister immediately hugged me. "Sis, he …." Why? Why... Do this to me? "Sob, sob …"

I wrapped my arms around her waist and lifted her up. I took a few steps and gently placed her on the sofa, but she didn't let go. I managed to pry her hand away and let her go before I took a step back.

Clearly seeing her sister's appearance, the outline of her face was similar to her sister Sister Hong, but of course it wasn't as round and smooth as Sister Hong's. Her eyes and Sister Hong's eyes were exactly the same. Younger and prettier than the Sister Hong. The purple dress accentuated her beauty.

Sister Hong nudged me, hinting me to leave quickly.

I hastily made a "oh" sound before I turned around and walked away …

When I returned to my rented house, my emotions were in a state of turmoil. Recalling the looks and actions of Sister Hong today, I was sure that she herself was looking forward to something that would happen between me and her. You want it, I have no reason not to give it to you. Her sister had appeared at the perfect time!

I took a cold shower, pushed the heat out of my body, turned on the computer, and lit a cigarette. He aimlessly wandered around in the city's Emotions Channel that he was used to.

Then, he found a post that had been posted on a map in the forums he often published, and found that 'Fleeting Time' was online. Fleeting Time, who would have thought that it would actually be Wang Jin. Her signature had changed: loneliness was a kind of happy sadness, a kind of sweet melancholy, a kind of warm pain...

Would she be alone? Would a woman made of reinforced concrete be lonely? In fact, I'd like to go on and talk to her about the unposted landscapes and a few lines of poetry, and then she'd point out the good ones and the bad ones, and the two would bicker. If only she wasn't Wang Jin.

The next day, in the afternoon, I sat in front of my computer and watched Darkhell. The phone on the table rang and the Sister Hong called me to go to her office.

What does Sister Hong have to do with this, is it because of what happened last night?

"Sister Hong, what orders do you have?" I greeted Sister Hong behind her desk.

She took a deep breath and said, "Yang Rui, I just told Manager Wang about your punishment for being a cleaner. She only vaguely said that she wanted to test you until you were three months old. I think that at this rate, it won't work if it continues. The bell must ring someone, so why don't you write a copy of the profound Review Letter and hand it over to me so I can send it to the Manager Wang. After that, you can go see the Manager Wang and deeply reflect on your mistakes in front of her. Although this method is unlikely to succeed, you still have to give it a try. I'm not worried about you being a cleaner, I'm worried about you staying in this company, do you understand? "

I thought for a moment and replied, "Mn, thank you Sister Hong. I'll go back to my desk and write. "

"Write well. Use your own handwriting and don't print it out. That would be more sincere." The Sister Hong reminded.

I nodded.

Sister Hong took out a box and said to me, "Yang Rui, this is a phone that I bought at noon. You … "Take it for me to use first."

Love Madness 5!?

The current market price for this thing is over four thousand!

I didn't dare to accept it, and hastily waved my hand and rejected it: "Sister Hong, I don't dare to take such a precious gift! I don't dare to take it! "

"Take it first!" Seeing that I did not want it, Sister Hong became a little anxious.

As the saying goes, one cannot accept a reward for nothing. If I take it, what would it count as? I was determined not to accept it. She was a little angry as she placed the box on the table. "Then don't forget about it!"

"Sorry, Sister Hong, I appreciate your good intentions. My cell phone has been repaired, but I don't have time to get it yet. I'll get it after work. Thank you. Sister Hong, if there are no other matters, I will head out first. " I nodded my head in apology.

She remembered something else and said to me, "Oh yes, several leaders of our department have drawn up a personnel management system for our branch office. You can take it and see what's wrong with it and give me some advice. Also, look at this document, it's about talent development, and I hope that you can slowly integrate it into the work of the real department. It's not like a small, unimportant soldier. "

I was in a great mood. After coming here for so long, I had finally come into contact with some serious work. Some of these people had not had such a good opportunity even after more than a year! I gratefully accepted the documents. "Thank you, Sister Hong."

"Go back to work! Write the Review Letter first and leave it to me when you go to work tomorrow morning. "

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Suddenly, he felt that there was someone in the court making his way here smoothly. Having someone backing him was definitely different. Sister Hong is purposely forging me, I will definitely do my best, and not let her down. For his own future! I must make a name for myself in this company!

As I was sitting on my desk writing Review Letter, a colleague turned around and asked, "Yang Rui, recently Sister Hong has been looking for you frequently, is it … "Hehehehe."

I seriously replied, "Stop bullshitting. I'm going to get my neck cut off!"

He stuck out his tongue, then asked. "If she didn't cover for you, then why haven't you been crack down on the huge matter of you offending the Manager Wang?"

I said, "Haven't you seen the three cleaning women coming? I'm doing the company's hygiene by myself, which is even more puzzling than the kick-ass. He was afraid that he would be sent flying with a kick if he was tortured by her until he was half dead. "Sigh …"

He nodded, showing his sympathy. Then he said, "If I were you, I would have to beg the Sister Hong, this Bodhisattva, too. Only she would be able to protect you. It was just a joke just now. "Don't take it to heart."

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