The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C34 Luxury hotel
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The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C34 Luxury hotel
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C34 Luxury hotel

Xiao Zhang immediately answered: "Manager Wang, that new colleague has never done the planning. He doesn't understand any of the important parts of the planning. Furthermore, they are not familiar with our industry, why would their Personnel Department recruit such a person? "

Wang Jin interrupted him and said, "You think that the person who came in from the back door was a relative of the Sister Hong, right?"

Xiao Zhang nodded in agreement.

Wang Jin said to Xiao Zhang: "Xiao Zhang, I have a job on hand, the company's market is about to start recruiting, I think, I'll let you and the newbie from your department go investigate the market."

Who would have thought that Xiao Zhang would say: "Manager Wang, just let Xiao Huang do the market investigation alone, isn't that enough? He just came into the company and he's not familiar with our industry, so he can investigate it while he learns and familiarize himself with it. I think... I wish I could be in charge of planning for the mall. "

Wang Jin smiled strangely, nodded and said, "You are right, but Xiao Zhang, since you are not doing market research, then how can you do the planning for the Merchant Shop?"

Xiao Zhang said confidently: "Manager Wang, I have been in this industry for so many years, and am very familiar with it. Do I still need to do market research?"

When I heard those words and saw Xiao Zhang's attitude, I really felt that he did not know the limits of the heavens and earth.

Unexpectedly, Wang Jin actually laughed in satisfaction, and said: "I also feel the same, but Xiao Zhang, the market changes constantly, and the information is also fleeting. I think you still need to do a market survey, don't you? "

Although Xiao Zhang nodded slightly, even I could see the dissatisfaction in his heart.

Wang Jin said calmly: "Xiao Zhang, the market is constantly changing, and the demand for people is constantly changing. If you don't conduct market research and wanted to use your own judgement to plan the market, I don't think it would work. "What do you think?"

Xiao Zhang unhappily laughed and said: "Manager Wang, I understand, I will prepare to start the market research for this project."

"That's more like it. This is the information for this project. Take it, get out and do your job well. I believe in you!" Wang Jin actually gave Xiao Zhang a rare smile.

That smile was still very friendly, it made me envious. Wang Jin sure know how to smile at her subordinates, it's rare!

After Xiao Zhang took the information, he looked at me from head to toe, and then looked at his face from the bottom of his feet, "I didn't expect you to have some knowledge about finance. It's a bit of a pain to be a cleaner, isn't it? "

I hastily shook my head. "No, no."

Wang Jin snorted fiercely and said: "Yang Rui, you have offended me! The things that have violated me cannot be let go like this! Slapping my desk and scolding me, disrespecting me, disrupting the company's working order, wasting the company's resources, every one of them is a capital offense! Don't think that you can make me forgive you just because you wrote me a Review Letter! "I said that if you want to be a cleaner for three months, you have to do it for three months!"

I sighed in my heart. Wang Jin, your heart of a snake and a scorpion. How could she let me off so easily? "Yes, Manager Wang."

Wang Jin tore my Review Letter apart and threw it into the trash can, saying: "Don't write such useless stuff for me in the future without my orders, you will waste your time not working properly and waste your time on this useless Review Letter!? Listen to me. In addition to doing your department's work and that of the cleaners, you should use your time to help the planning department with their market research. If that Xiao Huang is unable to investigate this matter with the market, you and your Sister Hong will be held responsible as well! She recommended such a rotten person in, are you blind!? "

God, I have to do this. If we don't do a good job with the market, will it directly fly to Sister Hong, me and Xiao Huang? If we do a good job with the market, we can be considered as having passed the test. Wang Jin, oh Wang Jin, what a great move, I am convinced, completely convinced.

I hid my conscience and smiled, "Alright, Manager Wang, I will definitely complete this task."

"Here's the information. Take it away and get lost!" She threw the papers at me scornfully.

I took it and walked over to the planning department resentfully to find Xiao Huang …

When I returned to my office in Personnel Department, I found Sister Hong and discussed this with her, "Sister Hong, Xiao Huang is new here, he doesn't have work in this area, and I don't even have work in the market to investigate this area, what should I do?"

The Sister Hong gave me pointers for investigating the market. I got to know a rough idea about it, but it's not that difficult for me to do it! Sister Hong said to me: "Manager Wang's goal is very clear. One is to test your HR Department's ability to do this work, and the other is to test the newly recruited Xiao Huang's ability. The other is to test you. If your market research is worse than that Xiao Zhang, I think that both you and Xiao Huang would have to leave. At the same time, Manager Wang started to suspect me and pointed his spear straight at me. Therefore, we cannot lose! "

It sounded like the task had become even heavier. It was already beyond my imagination.

Sister Hong said in a serious tone: "These few days, I have asked someone to help you with the cleaning, that way it will take up less of your time, but you have to do the cleaning as well. If you do not do it, Manager Wang will think that you are playing with her, and she will become even more angry. "As for our department's work, for the time being, don't take part in it. When you're working, go out and properly prepare the report of the investigation. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sister Hong!"

My cell phone suddenly rang, I took it out to see, it was Hu Ke's, I hung up.

Sister Hong looked at the phone in my hand and frowned: "You bought a new phone?"

I replied, "It's from the village. It's a few hundred yuan."


After exiting Sister Hong's office, she received a message from Hu Ke: Let's eat together after work.

I went back: no time.

In the following week, Xiao Huang from the planning department wandered around the various companies in the various shopping malls. Fortunately, I have a car, and it's my own …

A week later, Xiao Huang and I handed over the report of the investigation that we had painstakingly done for the past week to the Manager Wang. Then, the two of us returned to the smoking area outside and anxiously waited for the Manager Wang's evaluation.

Hu Ke walked over to me and greeted me: "Yang Rui, what have you been so busy with recently that you don't even need to pick up the phone?"

I helplessly told her that the Manager Wang wanted me to conduct a market research report, and that I was currently waiting for the judgement. Hu Ke gave me a brilliant smile: "Rest assured, you will definitely pass! Don't be so conflicted, treat me to a meal tonight! "

I nodded. She waved at me and said, "I'll go back to my work. You must remember to treat me to dinner tonight!"

I replied, "Alright."

Her long hair flowed gently in the air as she walked. She had perfect facial features, and the most attractive part of her was her pair of thin red lips.

Xiao Huang said to me: "Yang Rui, that girl is at the front desk, right? Very good. "

I replied, "Hur hur, it's pretty good."

Xiao Huang laughed: "I hope that we can still stay, in that way we can see her everyday."

"Do you like her?" I asked.

Xiao Huang said: "Who doesn't like this kind of girl? But I can only think about it. "

I sighed and said, "I can only think like you. This society, this love, was built on bread. If you can't even support yourself, how can you talk about love? "

My phone rang. Sister Hong called me and said, "Manager Wang called to ask for you and Xiao Huang to go to her office."

"Yes, yes!" Sister Hong. "

Xiao Huang and I hastily went to Manager Wang's office. There was already someone inside: Xiao Zhang.

Xiao Huang and I naturally felt pressured, because Xiao Zhang had already been in this industry for many years and was extremely familiar with this industry.

Xiao Huang and I had a heavy heart. Looking at Xiao Zhang's complacent expression and then looking at his extremely serious expression, we immediately felt that the odds were against us.

Wang Jin clicked her tongue and picked up the report that Xiao Huang and I had made and the two reports that Xiao Zhang had written each landed on the table. She said, "The market research reports that Yang Rui and I had produced have more than twenty pages. The report that Xiao Zhang made has a total of two pages, the style is also not standard, and the content is all general and vague information such as consumer index. Xiao Zhang, can you tell me, is the work of an experienced old employee like you good, or the work of the two of them? "

When Xiao Huang and I hear this, there's hope!

Xiao Zhang blushed and said: "The two of them … They don't have to work all day, they just specialize in the market report. I still have to plan. If I had so much time, I would definitely do much better than the two of them! "

Wang Jin clapped her hands and said, "I think so too! Xiao Zhang, I have said it before, what are you planning without going through the market!? I won't deny that you are more experienced and capable than them in planning your work, but why did you lose to them two newbies who don't even know what planning is? Because your attitude at work is not right, you believe that you are experienced, you can talk about all kinds of things, but the one who really can't do anything is someone like you! Your experience is simply a pile of scrap paper! "

Wang Jin tore up Xiao Zhang's Market Investigation Report and said angrily: "Go back and write a resignation letter, leave it to me before you get off work! Come to Finance Department tomorrow to settle the bill! "

"Manager Wang, Manager Wang, give me one chance …" Xiao Zhang immediately opened his mouth and begged for forgiveness. "I was careless this time. I will definitely change it. Next time …"

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