The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C38 Sudden disaster?
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The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C38 Sudden disaster?
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C38 Sudden disaster?

He waited for more than ten minutes, but she didn't reply. He felt helpless. Forget it, he was going to sleep.

Before going to sleep, I remembered the scene of Hu Ke giving me food during dinner. It gently moved my heart and made me feel like my heart wall had instantly collapsed … Although she is only a Receptionist and her salary is lower than mine, she has a unique elegance about her, as if she was born to be, and does not seem like the kind of girl who would work for a living. I can't tell you where the problem is.

The next day, I will bring Hu Ke to see Wang Jin in the morning.

He had just talked to Hu Ke about it, and the manager of the Department of Administration who had harassed Hu Ke before was just about to come over. Seeing that she was chatting happily with Hu Ke, he came over and asked: "Hey! Xiao Ke! It's business time, where are you going!? "

Hu Ke stared into his eyes and said: Go pour some hot water!

That guy was stunned and said, "Don't wander around during business hours! "He doesn't have any level of professionalism at all. He needs to look like he's going to work at all!"

I chuckled and said, "A gentle person should have the appearance of a cultured person. Manager, please don't accidentally pour hot tea onto him."

He was enraged, his face turned green, "Kid, which department are you from!?"

Hu Ke and I could not be bothered with him and we walked towards Wang Jin's office.

Hu Ke worriedly asked me on the long corridor, "Aren't you afraid of offending him by speaking to him like that?"

I said, "The insignificant and crappy department of the Department of Administration Sect still wants to care about us? If you aren't afraid of offending him, then what is there to be afraid of!? "

Hu Ke laughed and said: "Did you see what he did just now? I must be angry for a few days so that I can't eat properly. "

I also laughed: "In any case, when you get to the Manager Wang's side, you don't belong to them anymore. Do well! "In the future, not only do we have to get rid of this manager, we also have to protect me."

"Let's talk after the first test!" Hu Ke said.

When I reached the entrance of Wang Jin's office, I lightly knocked on the door a few times. Wang Jin's voice came over: "Come in!"

A leader is a leader. They speak in such a majestic manner. Enter! Please don't even say a word.

Hu Ke and I went in, but who would have thought, it was quiet outside, there were actually seven or eight people inside, they did not recognize me, and I recognized some of them, they were all our company's Executive s. They seemed to have just had a heated discussion, and their expressions were serious and somewhat agitated.

Hu Ke and I smiled slightly as we paid our respects to them.

Wang Jin looked at me, then looked at Hu Ke from head to toe, and said: "You two stand at the side and wait!"

They must be discussing something important, but Wang Jin did not let us wait outside. Instead, she allowed us to stand inside the office and wait? Aren't you afraid that you will divulge your secret to a Small Employee like me? However, if there is some important company secret, would she be able to let Hu Ke and me listen in here?

"Yes, Manager Wang." I pulled Hu Ke to the side.

Wang Jin looked at the subordinates in front of him and said, "All of you are against our company's Executive taking the kickbacks, right?"

A male Executive said to the Manager Wang righteously, "Manager Wang! Although I am sent here by the main company, and am a relative of a certain Small shareholders on the board of directors, you can't treat me as someone sent by them to supervise your work! "

Wang Jin scoffed, "Manager Mu, did I say that you are here to supervise me?"

The Manager Mu said: "Then is it wrong for us managers to oppose the Executive taking the rebate? Taking the refund for the Executive was equivalent to bringing losses to the company! This rebate was not a normal sales commission for his business. This was not a public income. To put it bluntly, it was corruption and improper income! "Therefore, we hope that you can stop this perverse situation in the company and not let it continue to develop. Now, it has seriously affected the interests of the company!"

Wang Jin retorted by asking the Manager Mu, "Manager Mu, I want to ask you, a few months ago, a few Executive s left our company. Do you know the reason?"

Manager Mu replied, "Our company's salary is so high, if they want to leave, they can leave! "There's no need to force yourself to stay!"

Wang Jin slammed the table and said angrily: "If you want to go, then go! What are you saying!? Let's not talk about whether they will cause financial losses for our company. First of all, if a certain Executive were to leave, it would bring a negative impact to the other Executive and dissipate the hearts of others! The second reason was that the part of the work he was responsible for had been interrupted, the third reason was that the newly recruited Executive might not be as strong as him, and it was impossible for him to assimilate into the work so quickly, and the fourth reason was that after the Executive left, he would take a group of people with him! If you want to leave, go!? What do you think you're saying?! "

Manager Mu paused for a moment, and then asked aggressively: "What does this have to do with taking the kickback!? In short, we object to Executive taking the kickback! "

Wang Jin said slowly: "The fundamental reason why employees are job hopping, is no more than because of your income. You feel that getting employees to take the kickbacks would be a loss for the company, and you just see the surface without seeing the essence. If the staff was given a chance to get a rebate, the amount of rebate they could get in a year was very limited. At most, it would be three times their salary! But the value he had created was far more than that. The purpose of opening a company was to earn money. Not only was it not a loss, but it was also beneficial to them. They have kickbacks, and their passion for work will soar, their sense of responsibility will increase, and their corporate benefits will double. In this comparison, do you choose to lose advanced talent or let them take the rebate to create a higher profit for the company!? "

Once those words were said, the entire audience was startled, then quietened down, as everyone was considering what Wang Jin had to say.

After that, the group of people came to a conclusion, and said to Wang Jin: "Manager Wang, although your words are correct, but we are still skeptical, and will listen to your orders first. "But in the future, if it doesn't go as well as you expected, then …"

Wang Jin accepted Manager Mu's promise and said: "Then I will take the initiative to resign, and you can take my seat, okay?"

Manager Mu immediately replied, "Alright! Manager Wang is truly a swift and decisive person. My Manager Mu wishes you success and we will return to work first. "

Manager Mu led his men and left his office after saying their goodbyes.

Hu Ke and I stood there quietly, like guards.

After they had all left, Wang Jin looked at me and asked, "Yang Rui, this is the Receptionist that you have introduced to me, right? Hu Ke! "

Hu Ke replied: "Yes, Manager Wang."

Wang Jin nodded her head and said: "Being a Front Desk Reception here isn't as easy as you being in the hall. Have you considered it?"

Hu Ke said: "I will definitely be qualified for this job!"

Wang Jin looked at me again: "Yang Rui, this girl was also recruited by you, right?"

I replied, "Yes, Manager Wang."

Wang Jin said: "I'll believe you this once more. I hope your eyes are correct and that you won't let me down, if not … "You know the outcome."

These words were so threatening that it made my palms sweat. This woman is not going to let me live peacefully!

Wang Jin arranged Hu Ke's work, and I left. Being called into her office, Sister Hong seemed to be a little resentful. Her eyes revealed a little displeasure.

I respectfully walked in front of Sister Hong and asked, "What orders does Sister Hong have?"

Sister Hong asked me: "You told Hu Ke, the receptionist, to go to Manager Wang, right?"

I nodded.

The Sister Hong asked again, "Why didn't you ask me for permission? For such a big matter, why didn't you let me know!?"

I looked into her eyes and said, "Sister Hong, do you remember the matter of us recruiting Xiao Huang? You said it before, that Manager Wang is testing us, Xiao Huang. If we lose in that investigation report, then Manager Wang will punish you and me. This time, Manager Wang asked me to find a Receptionist in front of her office. In the entire company, I've searched for a long time, and only Hu Ke is willing to go, and he's the most suitable one. Her cleverness will change in the face of situations, and he won't be humble or arrogant. Of course, Hu Ke had done well, that would be for the best. I said that I had recruited Hu Ke myself, if Hu Ke is not up to the task, then I can only blame myself, but not you! "

After Sister Hong finished listening, her previously angry expression slowly became kind as she said to me, "Are you thinking for me?"

I chuckled. "I'm thinking for everyone."

Sister Hong said: "You are still trying to protect my heart. The starting point is indeed desirable, but you have to discuss it with me! There will be no more examples! "

I smiled and replied, "Sister Hong, the most important thing to do now is to teach Hu Ke how to service the Old Buddha. Otherwise, who knows how long my job as a cleaner will last?"

Sister Hong nodded his head and said: "You are right, I will guide her properly."

I said, "Sister Hong doesn't have any other instructions, so I'll head out first."

"Wait, I want to ask you something." Sister Hong called out to me.


She asked me, "Last night …"

Last night, Sister Hong called me. Somehow, she didn't know what she wanted to say, so she stopped and didn't say anything. Then, I asked: "Sister Hong, why did you call me last night?"

Sister Hong seemed to muster up a lot of courage as she asked me, "Did you go to eat with Hu Ke yesterday?"

Looking at her expression, could it be that she was jealous?

I replied, "Hehe, the reason why we ate together is so that we can talk about going to Manager Wang to become his Receptionist."

"Let's have dinner tonight. There's something I want to talk to you about." Sister Hong said to me.

I nodded. "Alright, I'll treat you."

"No need, I'll treat you."

"Then... "Fine."

After work, she and Sister Hong went to a cheap and exquisite restaurant downstairs. The only difference was, we chose a very exquisite small room.

Sister Hong smiled at me and said, "How about you order some dishes?"

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