The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C42 Fighting!
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The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C42 Fighting!
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C42 Fighting!

I asked Hu Ke: "Did you not see me cleaning up earlier? Why don't you ask me to help you get this vase? "

"I see you've been busy, and I'm sorry to call you. "But I didn't expect the vase to be so high. This time, I'm in trouble." Hu Ke blamed herself.

Her moving face was enough to make people want to take pity on her.

I chuckled. "It's fine. Just tidy up this place." "Come on!"

With great effort, he pushed the cabinet up, then fixed the harming cabinet, and began to put down the items that were not needed in the various offices on the floor.

After half an hour of work, I closed the door to the storage room with a vase in my hand and walked towards our HR Department's office. Hu Ke followed behind me.

The two of them went into our storage room and started pouring water. Hu Ke's gaze was gentle as she asked with tears in her eyes, "Are you hungry? I have some bread. "

I replied, "It just so happens that I can go and get it!"

When she came back, she handed me the bread, and I wolfed it down.

As she ate and choked, she reached for a glass of water and handed it to me. Probably because one of the buttons on Hu Ke's chest was ripped off when she fell down, one of it fell off. As a result, her chest became so white that it was exposed, and she herself did not realize it.

Seeing my lustful gaze, she hurriedly covered her chest and shyly said, "I'm sorry."

I hastily withdrew my gaze and took a glass of water to drink.

Hu Ke turned around to tidy up her clothes before turning around to return back. "Are you tired?"

I replied, "I'm not very tired. Why?"

"Can I press the button for you?" Hu Ke charmingly smiled at me.

I was stunned. "What?" I replied, "Thank you."

Hu Ke didn't even raise her head as she continued to press down on my legs and said, "I should be the one thanking you. Come into the company, you've helped me so much. "Also, if it wasn't for you just now, I would definitely have been injured from the pressure."

I jokingly said, "How can I express the gratitude in your heart when I massage you? It would be better to devote your life to me."

After Hu Ke heard this, she immediately pinched my leg, causing me to cry out in pain. She giggled. "You're talking nonsense!"

I replied, "I didn't expect a little girl like you would have such great strength. The Nine Yin White Bone Claw!"

Her face was flushed with anger, her eyes blazing. Seeing that my gaze was looking down with ill intentions, Hu Ke immediately slapped over to my face, causing a "pa" sound to resound in my ears. I loosened my hands, and then … She broke free of my embrace and kicked me, then turned and ran. It seemed like … I also heard crying.

She was scared, and I was scared myself. I watched her run out of our office.

In that instant, the entire world seemed to have turned silent. Only the burning sensation on his face could be heard in the buzzing sound in his head. I did something that even I found laughable. I walked to the office mirror and looked at my face. Actually... I don't look like a bad guy. However, as if what he had done was done by a good person, he mocked himself in his heart: A toad wants to eat swan meat.

Returning back to the rented house, he drank a few mouthfuls of white spirit and stared at Hu Ke's QQ gloomy profile picture on the screen in a daze. He held the cigarette in his mouth and thought about how to explain it to her.

After contemplating for a long time, Zhang Xuan was still unable to come up with an answer. He was at a loss as to how to start the conversation and why he should apologize. He might as well admit that he had done it on purpose! Just say that I had no intention of eating your tofu, if you fall, I will definitely hug you and not let you fall. Just say that I had no intention of eating your tofu, if you fall, I will definitely hug you and not let you fall. As for you saying that I'm against you, I'll say that a hot-blooded young man cannot stand such a hug. Right! You're just going to ignore me? I ignored you!

Early in the morning, Wang Jin personally called my desk's landline: "Come here!"

There's a front desk in front of Wang Jin's office. Front Desk Reception is Hu Ke, she's still angry at me, and when she saw me, he looked to the side and did not look at me. I walked in front of her and greeted, "Hey, what's wrong? "Have you eaten your breakfast?"

Hu Ke asked me coldly: "Is there anything related to work?"

When I saw her serious look, I couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. When I hugged her last night, I didn't intend to eat her tofu, but it was just taking advantage of the situation.

I tapped her table and said, "Manager Wang is looking for me!"

She took up the phone on the table and called the intercom. She connected to Wang Jin's office, made a "please" gesture, and then brought me to Wang Jin's office.

Entering Wang Jin's office, she instantly felt a wave of Spirit Demon Qi pouncing towards him, causing him to shiver. Wang Jin's face turned cold, it was the same expression as when she was trying to interrogate a prisoner.

After Hu Ke left, she took out an envelope and threw it at me: "The company no longer owes you any money, I'll give it all to you. Go and pack up your things and leave."

Stunned, I opened the envelope. Inside was a wad of money, about two thousand dollars. I looked at Wang Jin strangely and asked, "Is this public revenge for a personal grudge?"

Wang Jin said coldly: "Your other performances in the company are really too disappointing for me. I can endure all of the mistakes you made before, and I punished you as a cleaner just to make you reflect on them. One by one, they attacked the female employees of the company! The company can't let you stay. Sooner or later, you will harm the other female employees! "

I was stunned and my expression twitched. "Excuse me …" Manager Wang, I … "What did I do wrong? You want to hurt me that much?"

"Look for yourself." Wang Jin turned her computer screen around and looked at her screen … The scene of me getting slapped by Hu Ke last night.

I couldn't help but laugh bitterly. "Manager Wang, at that time, I didn't violate her heart at all. Everything was a misunderstanding. She misunderstood me and you misunderstood me …"

"Scram!" Wang Jin did not allow me to explain further.

"I …"


"Manager Wang, listen to me first …"

"Scram!" His voice was a few dozen decibels louder.

Ah, injustice! This really is June's flying snow, blood splashed three feet of white silk ah! I said angrily, "Fuck!" Screw you! "

"Scram!" she said again.

I turned around, dragging my feet, rolling, rolling, rolling...

As I walked down the stairs, I looked at Hu Ke and smiled wryly. She looked at me strangely.

Instead of going back to my office to pack, I went downstairs and bought two packs of cigarettes. He threw a coin onto a bus heading to the outskirts of the city. On the hill outside, he quietly sat and smoked while looking down at the bustling city. He was out of place with this city, no matter which company he went to, no matter how much effort he put in or how much effort he put in, why couldn't I get a report on my efforts?

Sister Hong first called me on my cell phone, I took it out to take a look, hung up, then turned it off, and continued to look at the scenery by myself …

When I returned to the city, the sky was already dark. I returned back to the company, I wanted to leave quietly by myself, I understood Manager Wang's meaning, she didn't want everyone to know that I was expelled, so he wanted to preserve my remaining dignity. But do I need it?

In the company parking lot, my bike was resting quietly in the corner. Oh, and my bike, I almost forgot.

He got into the elevator and went up. The elevator door opened again and he walked into the HR office to pack his stuff. While he was packing, he inadvertently looked up. There was a slim and graceful figure at the door, looking at me.

She walked in front of me and pulled my hand that was about to gather everything up: "Yang Rui, I'm sorry."

I sighed and said, "Xiao Ke, I can't blame you for this. I will be kicked out sooner or later anyway. Last night's incident was just the trigger. It doesn't matter if I leave, I've already mentally prepared myself for this. It's just that I didn't mean to do what I did last night. Yet, you threw such a ruthless slap at me.

"Sorry …" "Don't pack up yet, listen to me …" Hu Ke saw that I was continuing to pack up, and anxiously said.

I stopped packing and asked her, "Speak."

Admittedly, I've always wanted to stay in this company.

Hu Ke said to me: "After I found out about what you did here last night and was expelled by Manager Wang, I was not in a good mood. I begged Manager Wang, but she only said that keeping you alive was a disaster. I'll tell her tomorrow when she's in a better mood, okay? "

"Is it going to work?" I sat down and lit a cigarette.

Hu Ke lowered her head and said: "It will definitely be useful!"

"Is that so?" I don't believe it.

She said anxiously, "You believe me! Don't clean up yet, I'll talk to her tomorrow! Her appearance may seem as cold as ice, but she is a very good person! "

I stuffed my things under the desk and said, "Alright, then I'll thank you first."

Hu Ke sounded like she was about to cry, "Can you not talk to me like that?"

I stood up and left. "I'm going back. I'm tired. I'll come back tomorrow to get my stuff." Oh right, Xiao Ke, I am very happy to meet you. "Do your job well, I'll take good care of you!"

To be honest, I was indeed a bit annoyed with her. Just like last night, my performance and the little mistake I made, I shouldn't have suffered such a harsh slap, right?

What he truly cared about in his heart was still the Sister Hong. Is she in a hurry to find me now? There were many calls to remind him that Hu Ke was here, and most of them were from the Sister Hong. There was even one from Wang Jin. I know her office phone number. Looking at her phone, the moment I think of her, I got angry. Damn that Wang Jin, I won't have to suffer from your bullshit anymore, I don't need to look at your disgusting cold eyes anymore!

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