The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C44 Capture the gangster bravely
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The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C44 Capture the gangster bravely
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C44 Capture the gangster bravely

After making me happy for a few days, I found out that the wages of those three workers were all on my account. That was only natural, since the company also had to pay this amount of money. Although the day was tough, they were busy and did not have anything to do. The only thing was that at night, it was extremely boring, and after tossing and turning, they could not sleep, and there was no place to stroll. They could only think of the beautiful young lady Sister Hong, the ecstatic Wang Jin …

But just the thought of getting a salary and sending it home to his parents made him feel as sweet as if he had eaten honey. It was still hot in the summer and even hotter in the warehouse, causing my hair to become completely wet. I took off my shirt and carried boxes after boxes of goods bare-chested, but out of the corner of my eyes, I saw a beautiful woman with an explosive figure standing at the entrance of the warehouse. She had huge breasts and fat buttocks, white blouses, and jeans, and her noble and aggressive personality. It's not a lie. Those gas stations are a little far from here, so we can't just go out. We have to look at the over ten million worth of goods.

The driver, Tan Shousheng and I were all staring at each other.

She entered the warehouse? What was she doing in the warehouse? He was getting closer and closer. The more he looked, the more familiar he felt. He felt faint! This was the Sister Hong that he had been thinking about every single night!?

I hastily ran into the warehouse. Looking at my current appearance, it was truly embarrassing. My entire body was dirty, and my hands were completely black. I stroked my hair, which was a mess.

Hearing her most moving voice, he asked the two fellows outside, "Is this the company's warehouse?"

Tan Shousheng swallowed his saliva: Yes, Miss, what's the matter?

"Is there a guy called Yang Rui here?"

When the driver saw that I had gone into hiding, he came to my side in a very loyal manner, "Are you going to the hair salon over there without any money? They had already come looking for him! You can even find something like this, you're really amazing! How much does it cost? " As he spoke, he rubbed his mouth.

"What are you talking about!?"

There are many factories here that are very prosperous. A woman like Sister Hong appeared here and pointed in my direction. "That guy called Yang Rui is inside!"

Sister Hong walked behind me. I suddenly thought of that joke: I always thought that if I was invisible, no one would be able to find me! It was useless! A man like me, no matter where, is like a firefly in the dark, so bright, so outstanding! My melancholy eyes, my sighing Hu Pizi, and the three pieces of red gold dragon cigarettes that I took out from my pocket, all deeply betrayed me …

I unnaturally took my jacket and put it on. My jacket was even dirtier and more shameful, so I walked past her: "Sister Hong, can I … can I wash my face before coming over?"

I didn't know what her expression was, and I didn't dare look at her. I went to the tap by the wall, rubbed my shirt, washed my hair, and used it as a towel to clean my face.

"If you put your clothes on before you dry them, you will easily rheumatism when you age in the future! Yang Rui, what's your monthly salary right now? "

I blushed. "Do you want to borrow money? I only have a few thousand dollars in savings."

She stopped me from speaking: "I'm asking you, aren't you the silo? But why do you have to move? Is the salary not enough? "

I thought she came all the way from the city just to borrow money from me.

"I like this kind of work. I'm such a strong young man, I don't have much energy to use. If I don't do some physical work, I won't be able to sleep at night."

She gradually blushed and I hastily explained, "No! Sister Hong, I didn't mean that. I meant that I didn't mean it to be related to women. " I said incoherently, what I said, really sounds very easy to misunderstand.

However, Yang Rui, this job doesn't suit you. You can't be a porter, this is too tiring, you are so young, can your body still take it? "

"It's fine." I patted my chest.

"Yang Rui, let's chat somewhere else. Have you eaten yet?"

I didn't dare take her there. She couldn't eat: "The restaurant is a long way from here."

"Then find a place to sit and talk."

Where can I go? There really wasn't a place to sit in the warehouse as it was completely covered in dust. Sister Hong saw how difficult it was to think about it and suggested, "Then we can still go to your room."

My heart thumped. Come to my room? How can I be sure that I won't do anything to you when I go to my room? Looking at Sister Hong's body, I couldn't help but swallow my saliva. "But then I thought, I don't have a room!" Sister Hong, I don't have a room, I only live in the warehouse. "

"With the workers?"

"There are no workers, only two managers. I will be in charge of moving the goods, and I will be able to earn more money." The caretaker is rarely here, and he doesn't sleep here at night. "

"Then take me to see how you're doing?"

She went straight to the warehouse, and I hurried after her. I wanted to stop her, my bed, dirty with dust, and the disgusting smell of shoes and quilts and pillows under the bed. I was sick to death.

But she ignored me and walked into the warehouse. Tan Shousheng and the driver both looked at me strangely, wondering if I was the one who recruited the prostitutes.

Sister Hong walked to the corner and saw my bed. There was a simple and crude bed with a black mosquito net. Her clothes were in a mess as well, but she walked to my bed and sat on it. "My legs are so soft. I changed to a few buses along the way, but there were no seats."

I ran over and rolled up all the mattresses and blankets into a corner. The Sister Hong laughed, "What's wrong?"

"That blanket is dirty."

"I don't mind. Look at you sleeping in the warehouse. You have to busy yourself with so much cargo every day. You don't even have time to wash your clothes, do you?" She's right, I often unload the goods from the car onto the ground before slowly folding the boxes one by one. It was already early in the morning, and he hadn't even taken a shower when he fell onto his bed. At six in the morning, he had to get up and run to a simple breakfast shop across the street to eat something. At around seven o'clock, there would be several small boxes of goods waiting for him. It was rare to find time for lunch.

She stroked the slightly curved hair on her forehead and turned her head to look at me ambiguously. "Yang Rui, I have something to talk to you about."

I sat down beside her. If I wasn't a poor person, if I could take responsibility, if my identity and status were to be matched with hers, I would definitely kiss her without any hesitation. But I admit, I know what I should have. It might sound easy, but it was hard to tell how much time it would take.

She continued to speak slowly, "Through our friendship, I helped you find a job at the hotel, it's the receptionist, you can sit at the reception all day long. You have a good image, you'll definitely be able to do it, and your treatment is also not bad. If you don't like staying in hotels, you can also stay at the Sister Hong. "

She sat down a little more and I backed off a little more. She looked at me shyly. "Are you afraid that I'll eat you?"

"Sister Hong, thank you for your good will. I am used to this job."

She was getting a little anxious: "Yang Rui, these jobs aren't worthy of you! You have culture, strong willpower, can endure hardships, people are smart, you do not change a job, do these will bury you! Do you understand what Sister Hong means? "

Sister Hong is disappointed, right?

"Sister Hong, give me time to consider it."

"You're lying to me."

Heavens! I hid my feelings so well that she knew what I was thinking. Seeing that I didn't say anything, she stood up angrily. "Do as you wish!"

Sister Hong walked out. From behind, her figure looked like a pear. She looked extremely fleshy, fat but not greasy.

I followed her out. The driver and Tan Shousheng looked at me enviously, I sent Sister Hong to the bus stop, she stood there silently, and I did not say anything. When the car arrived, the front door opened, and she started to walk towards it.

She got in the car and sat there by the window, looking up, and I could only watch the back of her head as she left...

I want to become a millionaire one day, and I also want to become a young CEO of a company that is listed on the market or a little leader of the political world, but I don't have a choice right now. I know that I have no future doing this job in the warehouse, no matter how well I do it, no one will appreciate you, and there won't be a place for me to display my talents. I'm afraid even the Sister Hong thinks that I'm a useless person.

Lying on the bed looking at Black Crow's mosquito netting was like lying in a coffin looking at a flock of crows on a grave. After two months, this kind of life had become more and more difficult for me to breathe, and I wanted to be like everyone else, playing games after work, having a few good friends to play with, having a girlfriend who was kind to me, walking around the streets with her, kissing her, and then …

After a few days, I heard from Tan Shousheng a piece of news that was either good or bad for me. Our warehouse had to be moved back to the city, the Marketing Department had built a new building, and all of their work had to be moved from the original place to that place. Our warehouse would then move to the first and last floor of that building, which is the basement.

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