The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C45 I won the lottery?!
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The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C45 I won the lottery?!
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C45 I won the lottery?!

After all these days, I finally knew where he was staying at night. This guy would often go to Red light Street and get to know a lot of hairdresser girls, making love with them over a long period of time. Just by relying on that face, he was able to make a discount and eventually, gradually, grew to the point where when those hairdresser girls had finished their work, he would pick one of them and spend the night in the hairdresser's hall with twenty yuan.

Hearing that they could move the warehouses, Tan Shousheng became extremely excited, as if he was about to be pardoned by the American army as a terrorist suspect in Guantánamo. The downtown was a playworld, even the girls here were tired of it.

I am glad that I can see Sister Hong more often and return to a bustling place. However, no one was willing to change me in this crappy place. If I moved to the city, this position of silo would become popular, and my days would not be long.

Besides, can that Bastard Mo let me live on? I remember a mysterious colleague telling me that, of course, the people I used to spend too much time in that office were mysterious. He said that Chinese companies were a mixture of 'business rules' and 'unofficial rules'. You either go left or you go right. You have to choose a team. The middle school only had those who were eliminated. I went back into that murky water. I didn't have any outstanding results, and I was left unprotected, so I had no choice but to perish. "" What happened to you? "" I don't know. "" I don't know … "" I don't know … ""

No matter how worried they were, the orders from the higher-ups still had to be carried out. The people from the higher-ups transferred all the delivery vehicles from the company over, and then invited a few temporary workers to help me load the goods together. The convoy slowly drove out of the warehouse, and Tan Shousheng said something that made me laugh uncontrollably: "Those labor criminals have an old saying, 'Don't look back once you're out of jail, or else you will come back sooner or later in your entire life."

When we arrived at the company's new address, we found that it was a separate, walled building. It was the place where the employees of our company worked.

My mood is much better. Although the place that we silo s are arranged to sleep in is also in the warehouse and it is even in the basement, the warehouse is much better than the one that isn't spawned. It is a separate room, and the room isn't really that big, but it is separated from the goods in the warehouse and it is much cleaner.

I made the bed, then went to unload the goods, and kept busy until evening.

I'm thinking, should I look for Hu Ke?

Thinking over and over again, nevermind, they probably forgot about me long ago and started looking for her.

Sister Hong, on the other hand, knew that I had moved here today and was already sitting on a stool at the entrance of the warehouse, watching as I waited for me. I didn't know that after loading the goods, she still had to order.

She nodded. "So serious at work."

"There's nothing we can do about it. Several tens of millions of yuan worth of goods are not even worth a year's worth of goods. Sister Hong, what business do you have with me? "

"I just found out that those in your warehouse can also move here today." She said this as if our warehouse is not fit to live in a new building.

"Did you eat?" Let's go eat together. " she asked.

I didn't want to go, so I looked at her with a sincere look. There was no way I could reject the Sister Hong's charm, the graceful charm of a young married woman, and her mature charm. I looked at my clothes. "Wait for me."

I changed into clean clothes and followed her. I didn't dare to walk beside her, in case the boorish guys in the company saw me walking with her. They were jealous, so they quickened the pace of my death. Walking up to a restaurant, she looked up and said, "Let's go up to the second floor. There's glass on the floor and we can see the night scenery."

She walked ahead, and I followed.

Sitting by the window, one could see the night scenery. The city's prosperity was indeed more enchanting than the wilderness in the suburbs. The dining room was well decorated, and the small, colorful lights and flowers made it look like a paradise on earth. In this poetic environment, I thought of how much it would cost to eat a meal here.

The food that I ordered were all small plates and small plates. I was very hungry. After moving all day, I had to pretend to eat slowly. She looked at me indifferently. "I am very hungry, so you don't have to be too formal."

I was no longer restrained, but tried to be gentle. After all, eating was not a fight. If I was too violent, it would scare off the elegant young woman in front of me.

After eating, I wiped my mouth and took the money out of my wallet to pay the bill, but I couldn't take it from her. She paid the bill first.

"Sister Hong, can we be friends?"

"Why?" she asked.

Why? I looked at her charming expression, her elegant posture, her high chest, and most importantly, her tenderness. Which man wouldn't want to marry such a woman?

"No reason."

She did not question him further but instead brought up another topic: "Yang Rui, when you return, I think that Bastard Mo will probably think of a way to deal with you. I'm most afraid that he will harm you. Listen to Sister Hong's advice to go work at that hotel, and your current job is so hard, so tiring. "

"Bastard Mo? Sister Hong, did he harass you again? "

"No. Yang Rui, are you really short on money? "

Both of them were concerned about each other, and feared that the other party would have a bad time. Was this considered love? I saw her to the taxi, looked at the far away taxi, such a one-sided love is pretty good, isn't it?

That Tan Shousheng really was begging everywhere to have someone change me, for no reason, just to vent his anger, Bastard Mo also knew that I had returned. At that time, after he successfully sent me out of exile, he had always been thinking about how to completely remove the grass at the roots, and now that I had returned, he felt like he was sitting on pins and needles, fitting perfectly with Tan Shousheng. Another big trap for me.

When I heard that, I woke up early and stacked up all these goods one by one. After I was done, I went out to eat breakfast, and it was this time that Tan Shousheng messed up all the boxes, causing the entire warehouse to be in a mess. It was not the time to check yet, so Bastard Mo lied to Wang Jin to come down to check.

When I returned to the warehouse after eating breakfast, I immediately saw the faces of Wang Jin and the other leaders filled with anger. When Wang Jin saw me, she was startled for a moment, I had not seen her for more than two months, and it seemed that she had grown somewhat haggard, and now, there was always a trace of a subtle emotion in her heart, after all, we are not beasts. After finishing our work, we can just do nothing, and when I'm bored, I would also think about Sister Hong.

"Did you do it?!" She was as fiery and fierce as ever. Her large sunglasses had changed to a deeper shade, making people feel as if she was unfathomably deep. I shifted my gaze and saw that the warehouse was in a mess. I looked at Tan Shousheng.

Tan Shousheng took a step forward, "President Wang, Yang Rui is on duty this morning. In order to receive more pay, he chased away all the porters here.

Wang Jin approached me step by step, just like the morning after we had sex. She approached me step by step: "When I inspected the warehouse for the first time, you weren't there and left without permission? Is the job not in place? Are these calculated? "Last time, I let you go, but you didn't make good use of this opportunity, so tell me what you plan to do this time."

Explaining is concealing, everything is futile. I usually clean up the warehouse and place the boxes neatly. Who has ever seen me do such good things before? I gritted my teeth. "I'll hand over my resignation report to you today."

She led that bunch of fierce dogs back. Tan Shousheng knew that this kind of violent person was not to be trifled with and followed along. I suppressed my anger and arranged them one by one. Then I got a pen and paper and wrote my resignation report.

Tan Shousheng continuously asked for a week's leave. He was afraid that I would beat him to death, and his leave was granted by the Bastard Mo. These two damn dogs!

In the evening, I closed the warehouse door, so the people in the office should have left by now, but that Wang Jin must still be working overtime, so I took my resignation letter and went upstairs, my footsteps becoming heavier and heavier. After I left, would I still be able to find such a good job? I've become the family's backer. Without money to send home, what will happen to my two sisters?

I knocked on Director's Office's door. After entering, she lifted her head and looked at me. This time, she didn't glare at me aggressively.

The moment I placed the resignation report on her desk, I felt so heavy that my bones could barely support my body. I felt a pang of sadness at the thought of leaving in such a pathetic manner.

She took it and looked at it, "Actually, with your current level, you don't even have the qualifications to be a warehouse manager in our company. You should have left long ago! You can go back first, and when you get a new employee in two days, I will notify you to go to Finance Department to settle the bill and leave. "

He then walked down from the second floor with regret in his eyes. Blessed are the two that came together. When misfortune strikes, you will be unable to catch all of it even if you use both of your hands. When he walked out of the corridor, he saw a man and woman chatting and laughing in a high-class car. The male protagonist was a noble with an ordinary appearance, while the female protagonist was Sister Hong.

My heart felt as though it was struck by lightning and my entire body went numb. I still had a day where I would walk out of my predicament to pursue her extravagant hopes. It would be better to extinguish all of my hopes as soon as possible. It was too unrealistic.

Two days later, the company still did not manage to recruit a new silo. While I was still moving the goods in the warehouse, someone from the upper management informed me to go to the meeting room upstairs to meet up with them. To a meeting? Going to the conference room for a meeting? " Those advanced places in the conference room are the exclusive domain of the leaders. If they wanted to fire me, would they need to cause such a huge commotion?

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