The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C46 What to do?!
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The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C46 What to do?!
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C46 What to do?!

The leaders in the meeting room were all dressed in high-grade suits and high-grade shoes. When they saw this fellow, who was covered in sweat and disheveled, they first looked at me strangely, while Wang Jin indicated that I should sit on the stool at the bottom most. I walked to the stool at the bottom, and sat down next to Bastard Mo, which was covering my nose with its hands, as if I had contracted a plague.

Then, he looked at me with a gaze filled with hatred. Bastard Mo, do you think you're the only one who wants to hit me? I've wanted to hit you for a long time!

A female climacteric at the side looked at me with disdain and said, "Come in here and you still haven't tidied up your clothes and appearance."

I looked at myself, broad-chested and round, the pants were camouflage trousers s, and the top was a tight black sleeveless T-shirt, because I was already very strong, and with the hard work these days, my triangular figure made me look even more powerful and barbaric, with muscles and veins exposed. He looked like a Marine who had just finished training and taken off his jacket.

It really doesn't fit in with this meeting room, and it doesn't fit in with all these guys wearing high grade leather boots and ties. I wonder what Wang Jin wanted me to do here.

She swept her gaze across the room, her gaze unnaturally pausing on me for a moment before she hurriedly said, "Recently, there have been a few incidents of theft in our province, which were major ones. A group of robbers infiltrated some companies' warehouses for valuables, robbing and stealing from them at night, and a meeting was held on top. Our company's warehouses are all valuable items, so the manager of the warehouses has to do a good job for preventing theft!"

Bastard Mo considered for a moment, then raised his hand and suggested: "President Wang, I suggest that we remove Yang Rui from the job earlier, this person has a record. When the other silo Tan Shousheng reported his behavior of leaving his position without permission to the company's Leadership, Yang Rui harbored hatred in his heart towards Tan Shousheng, and deliberately used violence to take revenge, causing him to not dare to go to work."

President Wang? When did he upgrade from Manager Wang to President Wang?

The leaders all nodded their heads, Bastard Mo was the leader of the company, but in reality, he was not considered a mediocre leader, he was only the leader of a small department, and the people sitting on both sides of him was the one who truly had the authority to make decisions, and then many others also suggested that they should get rid of me as soon as possible. Wang Jin leaned on her chair and listened to her speech, "Are you done speaking?"

"I'm done." The chattering group immediately fell silent.

Maybe what you guys said is true, and maybe what you guys said might not be true. When I asked him to come up, I didn't want you to attack him, but instead wanted you to suggest that our company's warehouse has some flaws in the area of security. Did you guys find out what was lacking? "

Everyone was speechless.

"Yang Rui, it's your turn to speak!" She looked straight at me.

At first, I thought it was the security of the district, but then I realized that something was wrong. The security of the district all wore leather shoes, and those sounds were light and complicated, so I thought those people couldn't be the security of the district. I suggested that our company recruit security guards to intensify our night patrols.

Before I finished speaking, Bastard Mo beside me had already 'praised' me, "You are almost kicked away by the company, and you still pretend to be so professional? Change the lock? Do you mean to say that our company's Department of Logistics had reduced the amount of work we did in the past? "

When Bastard Mo said this, the Head of the Department of Logistics looked at me with anger: "Yang Rui! No matter if it is those locks, or the big items of the company, they are all carefully selected by our Department of Logistics! Those locks are all around eighty dollars each, how can you say those locks are cheap? "

Ai, I accidentally offended another person. I'm leaving anyway, so it doesn't matter. But those locks are really very, very rotten. Eighty yuan? I think eight is about the same.

Bastard Mo continued to attack me. "Then what about security? Recruit security to come in and steal your job? Our company is going to reimburse you, Yang Rui, for the money we used to hire security guards? "

Wang Jin gestured for me to sit down: "Today, Department of Logistics will change the lock for me! "The personnel department will settle the security issues she mentioned tomorrow. The meeting will be adjourned!" Wang Jin's forceful, strong and coquettish attitude reminded me of Japan's SM. If she really was her husband, a savage like her, would she tie me up and buy two boxes of candles to drip on me?

When I met the Sister Hong on the way out, she astonishedly pulled me to one side: "Yang Rui, did you get into trouble?"

"No, they had a fire and burglary event. I was the person in charge of the warehouse, so they called me up."

"Oh, that's good. Do you have time tonight? Let's eat together. "

Sister Hong still didn't know that I was about to be kicked out of the building. She was just about to tell her that I had been fired by the company tonight, so I wanted to see if I could still enter that hotel to act as the reception desk, but no one was looking at the warehouse. Sister Hong, that lousy warehouse already has two silo s. The other one is asking for leave, I can't even leave for a bit, there's nothing I can do. "

"Then another day."

If you don't give me a big job, you'll still have to work hard on my mind and my bones. "" No, I don't. "" No, no.

Fortunately, I firmly rejected the Sister Hong's appointment, otherwise there would be no more miracles that would happen later on.

I got up and left the small room and went into the toilet in the corner. After I finished my drowsiness, I heard some sound coming from the warehouse, and at first I thought it was a mouse or something, but then I thought, this warehouse isn't a place for food, how could there be a mouse?

I'm used to turning off the lights at night. And my room and toilet are in this corner, well hidden, no wonder these guys didn't notice, if they did, I'd probably be killed in bed by them right now. I leaned against the door of the washroom and looked towards the warehouse. A few shadows were quietly moving things around. Oh my god! I wiped away the cold sweat on my forehead. It was fortunate that I found out in time. Otherwise, if I was to be carried away by these thieves, my life would be over!

There were crowbars and things everywhere in the warehouse, and I bent down to the toilet and grabbed one and ran over and knocked it on the head of a dark figure holding a crate of goods, and there was only the sound of the man howling and falling to the ground, and there were four or five of them, and though they could see in the dark they could not see their faces at all, and they were still staring, and I knocked on the head of a man who was standing still, and he fell to the ground, and some of them ran straight for the door, and some hit me wildly, and I took a few kicks, and in the dark I could just barely make out of it, and some of them started fighting again with short daggers in their hands.

Maybe it was my luck, or maybe it was the help of the gang, who beat up their own people, all of them with daggers, and when I saw them on the ground, I ran back to my room and called the police, turned on the lights in the warehouse, and saw several thieves lying on the ground, all covered in blood. The police were here, a lot of them.

I was in a state of constant nervous excitement, the iron rod in my hand was pried open by the police for a long time, and when they asked me what I wanted to do, I was stunned for several minutes. The security guard of the company came, and the management leader of the company also came, and after saying that I was silo, the police asked me to sit on a box.

A policeman was wrapping my hands, and I realized that I too was dead. I was waving my iron rod in the air during the fight, and my hands were cut a few times by daggers. My hands were covered in blood, but I didn't feel any pain.

After that, he would go to the hospital, record his confession, and eat supper. At that time, it would probably be called having breakfast. When the morning is about to get up in the morning, I would always dream about doing that thing with someone beside me who I didn't understand. I once again dreamed about the night I spent with Wang Jin, every posture, every expression, every cry, all of them so familiar, only that face had turned into that of a Sister Hong.

She looked back at me comfortably, her back to me, and I put my arm around her waist, and just as something was about to happen, I suddenly woke up. When I woke up, the person I saw was Sister Hong. I crawled up in fright, put on my jacket and played with my hair: "Sister Hong, why are you here?"

"You really scared me to death!"

"What scared you to death?" I forgot about my fight with the thieves and looked at my phone: "Ah! There's still a few more carts to load today! "

As I reached for my pants, my arm hit the chair, causing me to feel a great deal of pain. Looking at my hand, I thought about what happened last night: "Sister Hong, did I just go on guard and beat him to death?" She had to be held accountable!

"Luckily, you're fine. I heard that something big happened at the warehouse, so I came down to see you!" "I'm worried about you."

Looking at her anxious expression, did she seem like a lover? Like a lover's worry? I want to hold her hand...

Looking at her moving face, I couldn't help but stretch out my hand. The moment I grabbed hold of her hand, she suddenly pulled it away. "Stand up first!" She retracted her hand and blushed as she pulled away the blanket …

After lifting off the covers, she blushed even more and quickly turned her head to face me. However, what blushed even more was me. My loose four-cornered pants were held up high because of that dream of mine.

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