The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C48 Trap
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The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C48 Trap
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C48 Trap

"Are you still human!? Do you want to go to the hospital to prove your DNA!? "

"Oh." Pregnant. Pregnant, less than three months old. How do you do DNA?

I jumped out of the car and said to her, "You go to the hospital and ask around. If you can make DNA, you can find me anytime. I'm willing to go to the hospital anytime." Goodbye President Wang. "

Those people from the office just happened to be getting off work. I saw that Sister Hong was just about to go downstairs, walk out of the door of the Company building and walk down a few steps.

Just as I wanted to go up and say hello, the car drove over again and stopped in front of Sister Hong. It was the guy who said he was opening the N family supermarket chain again, and the car sped away without even looking at me.

As I watched, I heard the sound of a car flying over behind me, and subconsciously jumped onto the stone steps. Wang Jin's car quickly flew past where I was standing previously, and then suddenly came to a stop. Looking through the window of the brown carriage, I saw that Wang Jin looked as if she wanted to crush me to death, which scared me to the point of perspiration.

If not for her quick reaction just now, this witch would have taken my life. Hang Wang Jin had a deep grudge against me, he could at most take out several hundreds of thousands of yuan from killing me.

Looking at the car that had long been driven far away, I still had some lingering fear. Wang Jin must have coincidentally drove out of work and seen me here, driving towards me with a vengeful mindset. If what Wang Jin said was true, I had enlarged her stomach, and even refused to admit it at all, she would definitely hate me to the bones.

Then what should I do? It looks like I was the one who did it. I left? But where can I get such a good job? I'm not leaving? Then I will die without a full body. There's only one way, which is to brace herself and discuss the matter with her. Either she beats me to death or she's going to give birth to an abortion, it's impossible, right?

Around 6 PM, I specifically took a bath, changed into a set of clean clothes, and walked out of the warehouse while whistling along the road. Behind a big tree, Wang Jin turned around and blocked my path.

But she didn't say anything, just stood there looking at me, and the thick layer of sun glasses and the slightly dark twilight made it impossible for me to see her mental window, and her eyes were forever as unfathomable as her own, forever unreadable. After so many days of her madness and hysteria, I was certain that the child in her womb was indeed mine. A man should have been able to take responsibility for what he did, but this girl was extraordinary and I didn't like the feeling of standing next to her at all.

"Good, very good. You can deny that this is none of your business." With that, she rummaged through her purse, took out two bundles of money, and thrust them into my hand, indicating that I should keep them.

I pushed the money back to her. "I know."

Before I could finish my sentence, she interrupted me. "I'll give you twenty thousand yuan. Consider it as me begging you for something. What should I do?"

"No, no, President Wang, I'm sorry."

"You admit it?" She began to be aggressive again.

"I admit it." I replied in a low voice.

As soon as she said that, she slapped me again, and I grabbed her hand, as I had expected.

"What kind of pill did you buy that day!?"

"But the owner of that sex shop told me it wasn't a hundred percent contraception."

"What do we do now?"

"Why are you asking me? "How do I know what to do?"

"If not for you, you beast! "Me!" Before she could finish, she used her high heels tip to kick my leg.

I grimaced and rubbed my feet. "Can you solve this problem by hitting me?"

"If I can't solve your problem, I can vent my anger!"

"Go abort."

"How do we fight?" she asked.

"How should I know how to fight? I haven't. "Go ask."

"Will it hurt? Will it affect my body?"

As for this profound knowledge, I remember that when I first met Bro's girlfriend in school, I only heard it from his mouth.

"Let's go to the hospital." I was a little concerned about her. After all, I had made her so pitiful. Usually, she was so domineering and overbearing that there was no limit to her energy. It was rare for her to be so weak.

"Go get my car. I don't want to walk." She gave me the car keys.

"I won't... "Drive the car."

She stared at me. "I suppose a country bumpkin like you doesn't know how to drive a car, so what are you waiting for!? Go get a car! "

In the hospital, after a B-ultrasound, the doctor looked at the picture: "Three months, the fetus is in good condition."

Wang Jin hesitated for a moment, but then mustered up the courage to ask: "Doctor, can you still beat him up?"

"I say, you youngsters are too casual. If you don't consider having children, you should know how to use contraception. If he did, why did he take three months to do it? The longer the fetus grows in the womb, the more it will damage the mother's body. "

"I've been busy with my work these past few months. I haven't noticed when my body was in trouble."

"It can't be? If she hadn't been here for three months, wouldn't she have known that something was wrong with her body? You don't look like a little girl, how can you not understand this kind of common sense? "

"Doctor, is there any effect on the future?" I interrupted.

"There will definitely be an impact, and it won't even be able to bear children. But that's a very small minority."

Then, he prescribed some medicine and came next Monday to get rid of it. On the way back, she scolded him all the way back, so much so that his ears grew calluses. I was also cursing myself for being so unlucky...

When I passed by an office while carrying a box, I saw Tan Shousheng, who was fully dressed, sitting in his office. I looked at him in shock, I had not seen him for so many days, so I thought that after what happened last time, it might have been because he was afraid that I would end up getting into some trouble in the office and leaving. Who would have known that he had already arrived at this office.

I stopped a colleague who just happened to be walking out of his office and asked: "May I ask if Tan Shousheng is new here?"

"Oh, the new surname is brought up by our Minister Mo. I think we heard that he used to work at the headquarters."

F * cking done it in the headquarters? Bastard Mo was really able to cover the sky with one hand in the company, was Wang Jin blind? A scumbag like Tan Shousheng could actually sit in his office and work!? I helplessly looked down on him a few times before leaving.

As I was walking along the corridor, I met Bastard Mo. When he saw me, he pretended to greet me enthusiastically: "Aiyo, isn't this the hero of our company? The Hero carrying such a big box, could it be the spoils of a fight with a thief? "

I didn't answer.

"Hero, if our company had a few more role models like you, how nice would that be!" He spoke to me with a sardonic smile, and I wanted to lift the box and throw it at his dog head.

Annoyed, I walked into the sales department office, where I heard my female colleagues talking about how the wallet and underwear the company kept in the locker room were often stolen.

"Your name is Yang Rui?" the head of their sales department asked with his hands on his hips.


"But? I heard you've done a great service for the company? " She pointed to the box on my shoulder.

I know what she means, she must be curious, I've done for the company, how can it be just a warehouse porter?

"I like warehouse work." How good was the warehouse? Without smoke, without schemers like Bastard Mo, without colleagues who talked at the same time, even if they were slightly tired, it wouldn't be as tiring as the people in the office.

"Then, can you help me move this box into the storage room?"

In the past when I was not famous in the company, as long as there were people who were slightly higher level than me, calling me a warehouse porter would always use a tone of command and a tone that was as natural as being haughty. It was rare for me to have such a polite tone.

"Oh, okay. Where is your department's storage room?"

"Go out the door and go straight to the right. The last dead angle is that."

I carried the box to what the superintendent called a blind spot, but there were two doors, no signs on the doors, and I didn't know which was the storage room, but the doors in the storage room were generally a little worse than the doors in the other rooms, and once I saw the door that was a little rotten, I stepped on it with my foot, and the door was locked, and I put it down and wrenched it open, but the door was strong, and as I tried to open it, the door clattered open, and my weight was all on the door, and I stumbled inside.

Sister Hong?!

Sister Hong was changing into a new uniform, she had already taken off the top half of her shirt, but just as she was about to take off her pants, she saw a man suddenly barge in, and she screamed: "Ahhh! "Swish!"

She covered her upper body, but in reality, her upper body was still wearing a bra. When she saw that it was me, she was both shocked and frightened.

"Sister Hong, I am sorry, I, I thought this was a storage room, I will leave now! I'm really sorry. "

I turned and fled with a bow. The one next to it was the storage room. I put the trunk down, closed the door, and fled at top speed.

My heart has always been uneasy. Even though I accidentally insulted the Holy Maiden in my heart, Sister Hong wouldn't think that way. Maybe she thinks that I have been spying on her this whole time?

I'm nervous about her, I like her, I care about her,

Going to the center of the city to buy things, unexpectedly, passing by the Bai Nan Hotel opposite Wanda, he saw Sister Hong's boyfriend, Chen Shimei? In the parking lot, there was a middle-aged aunt, about fifty years old, who was hugging him intimately. Chen Shimei, Mom? He even kissed her on the lips! Then he touched the old woman's breasts.

Could it be? That old lady is Chen Shimei's? As the proverb goes, if a man was rich, he would turn bad. But if one wanted to cover millet up, he wouldn't be a fifty year old woman, right? That old woman was wearing a famous brand on her body. She was rich and powerful. She had a gold necklace, silver, jewelry, jade, earrings.

Chen Shimei's car flew past me, and I was puzzled to hear some of the security guards whisper to each other: "Chen Shimei, this person was originally a security guard in this hotel as well. Afterwards, he became a public relations officer at the hotel, and in other words, he was a public relations officer at the hotel. Women also raised white face!

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