The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C49 Disillusion
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The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C49 Disillusion
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C49 Disillusion

Chen Shimei relied on being a chaperone to accompany the wealthy lady in her development. In that case, the Jianhua supermarket chain that he talked to Sister Hong about was his company? The first was because he liked Sister Hong, and the other was because he wanted to cheat Sister Hong of his money. Sister Hong was a young married woman who had been abandoned by her emotions, a scheming, scheming, and gentle man like Chen Shimei could easily walk into the Sister Hong's heart. I'm going to tell Sister Hong!

On the way to Sister Hong's home, I received a call from the company saying that the person on duty tonight on duty had an urgent matter to take leave of work and wanted me to take the top shift. I returned to the company warehouse depressed.

I entered the storage room and walked into my basement room. I was already depressed. After entering that broken place, I didn't even have any oxygen, making me even more depressed. I threw myself onto my bed and helplessly buried my head in my blanket.

Just as I was about to fall asleep, I heard someone forcefully push open the door to my room. I turned my head, Bastard Mo and Tan Shousheng had rushed in first, oh? You want to fight? "Your father is not in a good mood, why don't I use you two to relieve my boredom!" F * ck you! I'll kill you all! " I jumped up and was about to rush over when I saw that it wasn't just the two beasts that came in, but a few figures who seemed to be extraordinary following behind them.

I stared blankly at them. Bastard Mo and Tan Shousheng had dragged the other staff member of our warehouse over, the one who was supposed to be on duty tonight, asking for leave due to an urgent matter. That fellow rushed to my bed and lifted up my blanket and pillow.

I wonder how I got all this stuff on my bed? Bastard Mo and Tan Shousheng said to the few people inside: "Vice President Zao! Our words are correct, right? "

The fellow called Vice President Zao took a step forward to take a closer look before turning his head towards me and shouted fiercely. "Follow me to my office!"

It occurred to me at this moment: The blame!

The Bastard Mo asked the Department of Logistics in the company to give me a call, but he didn't know that this was actually a trap. The Bastard Mo and Tan Shousheng could be said to have put in a lot of effort, taking advantage of the female locker room's underwear being stolen, and getting some undergarments under my blanket, could it be that the two of them stole these undergarments in the first place?

I fearfully followed Vice President Zao into his office. His office was just opposite of Wang Jin's office, and what Vice President Zao's office took over was Bastard Mo's office. What made me think was that Vice President Zao had always been in a collusion with Bastard Mo.

"Raise your head and look at me!" Vice President Zao roared at me, scaring me out of my wits. His face was filled with ridiculous justice, his hands intersected, as though he was trying a criminal who had committed a great crime.

"Yang Rui." After so long being oppressed by these people, I felt not only loathing for them, but also fear for them.

"Yes, I know you, the hero who captured a few thieves by himself." He lowered his voice.

I said happily, "Right, right, right!"

"You think that you can do whatever you want without fear just because you're a hero!?" He suddenly roared!

Only then did I suddenly realize that ever since I got the title of a hero in the company, I thought that this hero's hat would shine brilliantly. Who knew that no matter where I was in the company, I would be designed by some unscrupulous and envious colleague.

"Vice President Zao." Seeing his righteous and evil appearance, it is no wonder that such a person would easily be in cahoots with Bastard Mo. I have never seen him before.

"Explain the women's underwear in your own bed."

He absent-mindedly held a pair of nail clippers as he fiddled with his nails. Looking at his appearance, I know that saying anything would be of no use, but I still said it, "Vice President Zao, I just returned to the warehouse and laid on my bed. As for why you guys just rushed out to catch me when I just entered my room, you guys know better than me, don't you?"

"What do you mean? You're saying that Minister Mo and I framed you, right? "Nonsense!" He grabbed a stack of papers and threw it at my face, and the humiliation made me clench my fists and look down at the scattered papers. I slowly raised my head and glared at him, gritting my teeth.

"What are you looking at!? Pick it up!? " He tossed another stack over.

Angry, I slowly walked towards him. "What are you shouting for!?" A woman's voice came from outside the office. It was Wang Jin's voice.

Vice President Zao hastily stood up to pay his respects: "President Wang, the matter of the underwear being stolen in the female changing room has always caused our female colleagues in the company to panic. Minister Mo and I have spent a lot of time and effort thinking about this matter, and now we have finally found the culprit!" This old bastard actually insisted so early.

"Yang Rui!? I think that's the kind of person who did it. " Wang Jin looked at me, I gave up on my plan to beat Vice President Zao up. After beating him up, I would have been sent to prison by them, I'm glad that I could calm down so quickly.

"Vice President Zao, investigate this matter clearly. If this is true, report it to me and I will sign it and hand it over to headquarters." What happened that night, she only treated it as a humiliation. I believe that she isn't the kind of person who would avenge a personal grudge, but his scales were bound to be the same as hers.

Originally, there was no road in this world. If there were more people walking on it, it would become a road. Lu Xun's words were very classic. A lie was a lie, a lie was a lie. If several people said it, it would be the truth. Tan Shousheng and Bastard Mo, as well as my colleague from the silo who once taught him how to live up to his expectations, decided that it would be difficult for me to escape this calamity.

While they were writing the report about my stash of office underwear, I slammed the door angrily and ran down to the basement warehouse to roll up my clothes, just waiting for the dismissal notice the next day. I think I'm going crazy. After drinking four small bottles of Erguotou in one go, I died...

The decision to punish was personally announced by Wang Jin and she immediately called me to her office. I had never done such a dirty thing before, so I looked straight at her as she read out the decision to punish me, "Our company has always been fair in terms of rewards and penalties, you have rendered meritorious service for the company, the company will never forget that you have committed a crime in such a way that you can be expelled. From tomorrow onwards, your title of being the head of management of the warehouse will be revoked. Is the company kind enough to you? "

Huang Jianren is one of my subordinates, regardless of the size of the warehouse, I was the one who taught him. Otherwise, how could he have gotten involved so quickly, I laughed at myself for being so stupid, for innocently teaching my disciple yet starving to death.

I, Yang Rui, and the rest of the people here have plotted against me, I think they just want to kick me, this little brat, out of their eyes. I, Yang Rui, am just a small silo, worthy of the company's Deputy Director, Division Minister, to do all of this to me?

"What kind of expression is that? You are not convinced!? " Wang Jin scolded me, but her expression made me feel even more nauseous.

"I am just not convinced!" I didn't steal a woman's underwear! I can't do such an abnormal thing. Could it be that the Manager Wang is that smart?

"What's your name!? You can't do such a perverted thing? What did you do to me!? " She stood up and glared at me.

"I won't take full responsibility for what happened that night, because I didn't rape you. You were drunk and climbed on top of me."

"Am I that cheap? I climbed on you myself? "A lowly person like you, will I climb onto your body?!"

Towards this woman who was proclaiming herself to be a lowly person, I was enraged to the point of bursting out with unrestrained curses, "Damn bitch!" This daddy has endured you for a long time! "

She gave a start and looked at me in disbelief. The more I thought about it, the angrier I got, it was a crime I didn't know about, adding on to it all the bad luck I had been enduring for the past few days, I couldn't help but say, "Damn bitch! You can sue me! You can also fire me! Don't pretend to be a fairy, in fact, in my heart, you are not even a hair lady! At least they are more real than you! "If you're not a woman, I'd fucking like to hit you!" In all these months, he hadn't had a good night's sleep. He was always afraid of being fired. Was it because of all the jobs that people worked for that made people unable to sleep peacefully?

Wang Jin's beautiful eyes widened, and her face turned green. I had nothing to say, and I didn't like to argue, so I turned and walked away.

I went back to the basement and got into my own bed. After going through hundreds of them and failing to fall asleep, it seemed that I had to buy some sleeping pills, which were hard to buy, and easy to get drunk, but after walking around the streets for two hours without figuring out what kind of alcohol I wanted to buy, I turned around and headed down the busy street below Li Pinger's rented house. I sat in front of a small fried stall and ordered something.

After drinking a bottle, the sky gradually darkened, the noisy crowd suddenly became distant, the sounds seemed to be like a lifetime ago, the lights also connected into one piece. I think I'm a bit drunk...

A limousine buzzed rapidly through the crowd, and the shoppers ducked out of the way. The black car was like the dog-legs of the noblemen in the TV series, galloping through the streets on horseback, oblivious to everything, and I could still crush whoever it was if I didn't get out of the way.

After coming to this city for a few months, I had witnessed the power of money. There was no stopping police who could drive a Cadillac car to reverse the flow of red light, drive a BMW X5 or a Volvo over a million, or just drive a luxury car to fly around the pedestrian area. Security guards wouldn't care about it at all. Therefore, little ants like us who live with others in this world would have to run far away when they see a luxury car speeding away. A life of 50,000 yuan, is it worth it?

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