The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C50 New life
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The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C50 New life
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C50 New life

Rumor had it that a rich man drove a luxurious sports car into a crowded pedestrian street and unintentionally sent a university student flying five meters away. The rich man saw that the university student still had the strength to struggle in the pool of blood, and feared that if he didn't die, he would have to spend even more medical expenses. He ruthlessly stepped on the accelerator and heavily hit him again, causing the university student to die under the wheels. Fifty thousand dollars was easily spent. Of course, this wasn't necessarily true. However, this kind of rumor also showed the arrogance of the rich people of this city. Damn it! If I had money, I would drive a tank into the street and run over those luxurious cars that would make a joke about the lives of passers-by! Then, they didn't open their mouths for a single cent, so there was nothing to be done about it. If the law favors the rich, and the rich are on both sides, then the law will be more inclined to the richer, as everyone knows.

While I was walking around, my phone rang. I anxiously thought it was the Sister Hong calling, but seeing as I did not want to answer, it was Wang Jin who deserved to die. If the matter between her and me is not resolved quickly, then letting the people in the company know is not just a simple matter of being expelled. Recently, I heard that she is the woman of the CEO of the company!

The CEO of the company, all the cats and dogs in the city would not even dare to speak up.

"Hello, is something the matter?"

"I've already arranged to go to the hospital today!" Wang Jin shrieked, it was extremely similar to calling me to go to the execution grounds.

"Oh, where are you? I'll be right over."

"The Red Tea House on Changjiang Road."

"Then why don't you go to the hospital?"

"Because I still have work to do here with a friend!"

It wasn't too close to here. I drove there twice and walked to the entrance of the red teahouse. However, I was stopped by the receptionist and security at the entrance. I asked, "Why can't I enter?"

The receptionist didn't even bother to talk to me. She pointed to my clothes, then pointed to a sign on the left side of the door.

I looked at my clothes. I had forgotten to put on my handsome casual jacket, which was a floor stalls, but it still had a black vest on, revealing my strong arms, and my pants were still a Marine Corps camouflage trousers.

I wasn't able to say anything. I don't like to enter such high-class places anyway, so maybe I've been used to crawling in the mud since I was young. Maybe I'm really unsuitable for such high-class situations.

I walked around the side of the teahouse and looked through the glass window. It was full of cloth sofas, ancient benches, soft lights, and a group of three or five men and women, all dressed up and chattering in a comfortable atmosphere, just a window away from me. Wang Jin was in a position close to the window, wearing a tasseled and curly hair, a navy blue dress, her legs resting flat on the sofa, exposing her toe which was painted with light golden nail polish, and wearing a pair of heavy and exaggerated national earrings. It was luxurious, insolent, eye-catching and strong, and all of these matched perfectly with her body.

I looked down at my Marine outfit again, and the more I looked at it, the more I felt like a laborer brother.

I helplessly shook my head and sat on a bench outside the window, smoking as I looked at Wang Jin. Discarding all of her personality that made me mad, I admired her. Her dark blue clothes made her white skin shine even brighter, and her fair and beautiful feet exposed her confidence. After a long time, she finally caught sight of me. A single glance from her was enough to move my heart. Hehe, I wonder how long it would take for lower class people like us to be able to be as respectful as high class people like Wang Jin, sitting in the Pu'er Tea House and happily drinking and talking about meaningless but happy topics.

After a while, she finally came out with a faint smile on her face as she bade farewell to her clients and walked to my side. Her face immediately changed to the look as though her father had died every day, and without saying a word, she got a taxi and sat in the seat of the copilot. I opened the door and sat in the back.

After we drove away, I continued to observe her in the mirror on the windshield. Beautiful women are always intriguing, not to mention Wang Jin.

"What are you looking at!" She turned to me suddenly and drank.

"If you didn't look at me, how would you know!?"

She didn't say anything, but I could feel that after she had grown thick with sun glasses, her widened eyes couldn't wait to tear me into ten thousand pieces so that the hatred in her heart could be resolved.

In the hospital, I went to the queue to pay the money, alas, the man's impulsive, really endless trouble in the future. Standing up in front of the payment counter was fine, but when I reached the Gynecology department, even lining up was required for me to line up. Wang Jin disdained working with the masses, she felt that those people would dirty her luxurious clothing.

In the middle of a group of women, some of the more talkative women asked, "Sir, are you in the wrong place? This is gynecology? "

"Can't you? I'm the patient's relative, can't I help her out? "

The woman pointed to the wall. A notice on the wall read: STOP MENTUM. Amidst the strong protest of a large group of women, I called out to Wang Jin. Unexpectedly, when the woman came in and saw this scene, she immediately scolded the group of women: "What are you shouting for! What are you shouting for!? Let's see which one of you shouts the loudest! " In the company, Wang Jin always spoke to us with the tone of an order from a high up place.

In an instant, all the women were stunned, no one dared to make a sound, and I obediently lined up. When it was my turn, the doctor looked through my medical records, and then took out his glasses to wipe three times: "Excuse me? Is Wang Jin really you? "

After Wang Jin entered, I went out to wait for her.

After about half an hour, Wang Jin walked to me with the medical chart in hand and handed it over to me. I asked her if she had finished. I took the medical records form and looked at it. I really couldn't understand those heavenly books. There were many types of calligraphy, including the Song style, and so on. However, from my point of view, doctors' calligraphy skills can be considered as their own.

"Why are you looking at this?" I asked timidly.

"Take this and pay up."

When she saw me staring at her, she impatiently shouted, "Go on!"

After waiting in line for a long time, he finally paid the money. Who knew what kind of treatment it was, he paid more than a thousand yuan. When I hastily ran up to the Gynecology Department, Wang Jin impatiently shouted at me: "Those who dilly-dally, who don't know how to cherish their time, deserve to be poor!"

My heart sinks. I wasn't happy in the first place, and those who run here and there are going to be scolded. I endured it, but I just want to hurry up and let this damnable woman go in and do the surgery. After staying quiet for a few days, she will kick me out of the company. She no longer had to look at me, who was a lowly person who had gone to bed with her, and I no longer had to look at her, who had caused her grief.

She walked to the front of the infirmary and placed her medical record book in the front row. A girl beside her came forward and said to Wang Jin: "First come first served, please place the medical record book in the last row."

Wang Jin slowly raised her head. Even though she was wearing sunglasses and I couldn't see her eyes, I knew that she was emitting a strong killing intent, "Why should I line up!?"

The girl didn't want to cause any trouble so she moved her lips and sat obediently to the side. Wang Jin plopped down beside me: "Queuing with you lowly people, wasting my life! What lousy hospital! The hospital is so crappy and there are so many people, and they don't even have air conditioning. "

It seems like I'm not the only one that's inferior in her eyes …

She didn't even go in for five minutes before she came out. She still looked the same as before. I was curious. She came up to me.

I followed her in silence. In the elevator, I summoned up the courage to ask, "Excuse me, but are we not going to have anything to do with each other in the future?" I was ready to be cursed.

She did not give up this chance to curse at me. "What did you say? We don't have anything to do with each other anymore? Yang Rui, do you think that my liking this sort of trash has anything to do with you!? Ah!? "Howl …"

Because it wasn't just the two of us in the elevator. Seven or eight people in front of us were staring at us with burning eyes. I felt like my face was burning.

Wang Jin shouted to the group of people in front: "What are you looking at!? I've never seen it before!? " The people in front all turned their heads back.

I didn't pay any attention to her anymore. After leaving the hospital, I had nothing to do with her anymore, since I was fired anyway, and Wang Jin had fired me so confidently that even the HR department who was in charge of managing the employees' jobs didn't know that I had been expelled. Forget it, the rest of the salary companies will naturally send their money into my account.

"Where are you going?" she asked me from behind. I was walking without looking back.

"Go to the talent market and look for a job."

"Come back!"

I ignored her and kept walking.

"Come back here!" I have something to say to you! " Such a disgusting commanding tone, it was so high up that it made people want to puke.

I turned my head. "I'll tell you! I'm not your dog! Today is the last time we will meet. If we meet again in the future, if you dare to yell at me again, do you believe that I will give you a slap! "

"Great!" Come and fight! Who do you think you are? "

I fiercely raised my palm and was about to slam it down when she looked at me with an unchanging expression. I slowly put my hands down, turned around, and walked away. A rock whizzed past on my left.

I ignored her. Another rock flew over my head and hit a billboard on the side of the road. The billboard had a big hole in it, so I pointed back at her. "Throw it away. Just throw it away.

Then I walked on, took a cigarette out of my pocket, lit it, and brushed a few more stones at my feet. She was so lucky that she didn't throw a single stone at me, and when I turned a corner and there was no stone flying at me, I knew she was no longer following me, and I felt a sudden rush of joy, a perverted rush of joy, and at last a boulder fell to the ground.

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