The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C6 First class officer
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The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C6 First class officer
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C6 First class officer

The next day, while I was still asleep, I heard her get up and dress, but I was really tired. I did it seven times last night, and I didn't even have the strength to open my eyes.

When she was dressed, she kicked me in the face, and I came to my senses.

Heavens, what happened last night? I was violated by this woman?!

Pui, looks like he still hasn't woken up yet.

It should be, I slept with my superior?

I rolled up my bathrobe and stood up, embarrassed.

She approached him step by step with murderous intent. "How dare you!"

"Last night, last night we covered ourselves with quilts, pure, pure chatting …" I explained it to Wang Jin.

"Pure chat? Looking at your usually honest and honest appearance, you actually have quite the guts, huh? Even I dare to move! "

I didn't explain. All that explanation was a cover, which only made her angrier.

Furthermore, they did have a relationship last night. As a man, I am unreasonable.

As she got closer, I was forced to the wall. There was no way out, so I waited for her to curse or beat me.

Wang Jin clenched her teeth and said: "I don't know what method you used to help me win the competition. But since Boss Li is willing to withdraw from the competition and have a whole new level of respect for you, I decided not to cause you any more trouble. Yesterday, I even let you send me home. "

Who is the Boss Li?

I cursed myself, but I really didn't have the time to think about it, because my boss, who had forgotten her relationship with me last night, was now pressing her nose against mine.

"And then you sent me here? "You beast!"

After hesitating for a long time, I didn't dare to say anything. I thought to myself, "Last night you were so enticing, if I didn't sleep you would be worse than a beast. It would be better to be a beast."

She kept staring at me, then said in a very contemptuous tone, "How dare a lowly person like you touch me? Are you worthy? "

I'm really angry.

I stared at her and said hoarsely, "Woman, I'm no longer your employee. I'm trying my best not to argue with you because of you. I did wrong last night. But we're both drunk, and you can't just hang on to me. "

I probably didn't expect that I would be able to say such words after being provoked by her dignity.

"Besides, you were shouting last night. "Not enough." I whispered.

She clearly heard it, and her cold and elegant face couldn't help but flush. It was probably because she thought of some romantic scene, so she coldly opened her mouth and said, "Enough!"

She hesitated for a moment, then said: "Go and buy medicine for me, bring it to my office later!"


"Ahhh what!" "Of course we have to be on guard against him!"

"I, I don't have any money."

I really don't have the money to buy it. I don't even know what I'm going to eat today, and by the end of the month, when I get my salary, I'll probably starve to death.

She stared at me coldly and took out the money from her purse. "Two thousand dollars, seal your mouth, and give me one word. I'll buy your hands and feet for twenty thousand dollars."

Wang Jin stuffed the money into my bathrobe, turned around and left. It made me mad, but it wasn't good to do anything to her.

After all, he slept with her. Could it be that he wanted her to compensate him with her physical body?

Although I have a low position, I have my principles. When a man does something wrong, he must correct it.

An hour later, I knocked on her office door and went in to put the medicine in her hand.

The flush on her face didn't fade even now. My heart skipped a beat and I suddenly remembered last night's charming scene.


I stopped in front of the door, knowing that she would not be able to spit anything out of her mouth, so I was prepared to fight back and not retort. Even if she were to use even more venomous words to attack me, I would still tolerate it.

Not only for the sake of her unsettled salary, it could also be considered a bit of compensation from the bottom of her heart.

However, what she said next surprised me.

"If you don't want me to fire you, you'd better give me a good job every day. Don't show up in front of me in the future!"


Did I hear wrongly? Are you not going to give up on me?

Wang Jin stared at me strangely and said, "If it weren't for the fact that you were lucky enough to save the Boss Li of Splendid Group who was drowning in water and gave me the symbol after he checked your identity, do you think you would still be able to stay in our company?"

That old man who saved his grandson in the swimming pool, was he the Big Boss of Splendid Group?

I was speechless for a moment, it was clearly my effort, why gave the symbol to this woman, it must have been Boss Li who was tricked by Wang Jin on the phone, ai, Wang Jin really knows how to scheme.

It's just that I don't know that when Boss Li asked for Wang Jin's permission this morning, Wang Jin actually rejected it.

Meanwhile, the strict Old Man Li actually didn't demand for me. Instead, he looked at Wang Jin's strange smile, which made her blush.

As for Old Man Li, who will soon fly to America, it will be a very, very long time before we meet again.

I stood in the doorway of my office, thinking that my future was brightening again, but I didn't know that another storm was coming.

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