The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C8 Unexpected opportunity
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The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C8 Unexpected opportunity
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C8 Unexpected opportunity

I said gratefully, "Thanks, but I'm not due yet..."

Just that shitty place, the rat's nest, what period was it now?

I didn't want to stay there for a long time, but the problem is that Sister Hong is a divorced woman, who knows what her family's situation is like.

I'm a single rogue, I don't care where I go, but if I ruin his innocence, he might not be able to live a good life.

Sigh, since I have already offended Wang Jin, even if I do not offend the Manager Huang, it is unknown when I will be executed by him.

The next day at work, after half a day of doing business, I just returned to my office, yellow slut rushed in and immediately scolded me.

"Did the company hire you to sit around and wait for your salary? Ah!?

Look at these guys outside with you! You're the only one sitting here! Why don't I give you my position!? "

After saying that, he slapped his hand onto the list of the most difficult customers with the farthest addresses on the list, slamming it onto my desk.

I glared at him. I wanted to hit him, but I hit him.

In full view of everyone, he did it on purpose. If I beat him up, he would have to wait for the police to finish me off.

I'll endure it.

I said to myself, and left angrily with my client list.

This guy really wants to mess with me. He wants me to ride around the suburbs on my bike, running from east to south, south to west, then north again, all the way around the city. It's hot, the sun's hot, and my shirt's soaked.

Since he had already offended Wang Jin and was about to be expelled, he might as well not do anything.

After drinking a bottle of water, he thought to himself that he might as well call tomorrow and leave the burden there.

Well, the decision was made.

The next day, I slept until the sun rose.

His phone suddenly rang. It was an unfamiliar number.

"Hello, are you Yang Rui?" the man asked.

"I am."

"I'm Xu Jie who bought the equipment for you yesterday, can you come over now?" he asked.

"Alright!" I nodded.

It turned out that Xu Jie was a staff member of a government department and their unit leader wanted to give a small company a piece of equipment.

The purpose of Xu Jie's invitation to me to come out to chat was to take the kickback so that I could write down the price of this equipment higher. I nodded in agreement.

At noon, I went with an engineer to that company with some equipment.

After the test, Xu Jie was very satisfied with our products.

On the same day, we finalized the business terms, and just like that, I signed the first list of my life.

It was so damn dark, this equipment only had six thousand and Xu Jie actually reported thirty-three thousand, and shared the twenty-seven thousand with the general manager!

This also just so happens, let me pick up a cheap, signed this list, that day I happily returned to the company, to report to the company.

When it was almost time to get off work, Wang Jin came to look for me.

In her office, she asked me, "I heard you sold a six-thousand-dollar piece of equipment today?"

The words were still cold.

"Yes." I nodded.

She narrowed her eyes and looked at me coldly. "The total task is eight thousand, there is still two thousand left. Tomorrow is the final day. If you can't even make it to eight thousand, pack up and leave! "

"This …"

I was shocked. Even if I did not achieve the eight thousand task, I did it for over six thousand. I thought that Wang Jin would show mercy and let me go, letting me pass through the internship. Then, she would sign me as an official employee.

"I'm just short of that, Manager Wang, why don't you …"

After all, I had already made a big decision, and I was unwilling to leave.

Wang Jin immersed herself in reading the documents, without raising her head, she said, "I only look at the indicators, if you can't reach it then you're leaving, that's a rule."

"Me too... "You've done your best. Are you still thinking about that …"

"I said not to mention that! Tomorrow is the last day. If you can't meet the requirements of eight thousand, work according to the contract. "

Wang Jin interrupted me without waiting for me to finish speaking. She looked up at me with her thin yet cold lips.

"Forget about six thousand. Even if it's seven thousand and nine thousand, I'll still let you leave." This is my rule of the game, there is no exception to it! "

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