The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C9 Forced into a dead end
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The Temptation: Beautiful Female Boss/C9 Forced into a dead end
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C9 Forced into a dead end

Wang Jin forced me onto a dead end, causing me to come out of her office in a daze. She forced me to truly fall into a deep predicament.

Since you want to perish, why did you let me make the order of 6000 +, why did you give me hope and then give me despair!?

I buried my head on the desk and thought a lot.

At this time, the Sister Hong came over.

My mind suddenly lit up, and I told Sister Hong to do one thing and one thing alone.

"Apprentice operator, it's only a one month limit. I can only complete the task of 8,000 yuan and have not reached the standard yet. Tomorrow is the last day. Sister Hong, can you think of a way to let me pass the internship?"

On that day, using her connections, a dealer bought a piece of equipment from me for more than two thousand dollars. That way, my entire internship assignment was more than nine thousand yuan, and I finally passed my internship.

Out of the 23 interns, only eight remained. It was really cruel.

Through my internship, I was officially adjusted to a base salary of two thousand four, twice that of my internship, and the commission on the two equipment I had made was also given, fifteen hundred dollars.

Compared to other companies in the same industry, Zou's commission and salary were very high. It was estimated that in the whole Shuangjiang City, or even the entire province, no one had such a high base salary and commission.

That night, I invited a few friends who were helping me to eat and drink, thanking them for the care and help they gave me when I was down and out.

I even passed out that night. It's been so long, and I'm so happy that one day, I can finally enter Unhindered, and finally get back on my feet.

I still belong to this city!

The first step in my struggle in this big city, although it was a lurch, I managed to carry it through.

After the formal correction, I rested for two days.

On the third day, as a regular employee on the first day of work, I walked into the main office wearing a new black suit, black tie, white shirt, and black shoes.

"Yang Rui! Manager Wang Jin wants you to go to her office! " The clerk answered the phone and shouted at me.

"Yes sir!"

Damn it, the first day I turned right, why is that woman looking for me again!?

I knocked politely and went into her office.

She seemed to be working on her paperwork and ignoring me.

She did not say anything, so I could only open my mouth first: "Manager Wang, what orders do you have for me?"

She held up her hand for me to wait.

I peeked at her and realised that Wang Jin was really beautiful, so beautiful that it was suffocating.

When I was in university, none of the four school beauties that were evaluated by the boys could compare to her. Not only was her figure impeccable, her facial features exquisite, and her noble aura of a person in power, none of the primary school girls could compare to her.

No one would have thought that the person who controlled this part of the market was actually a young and beautiful woman!

While I was sneakily glancing at her, she glanced at the documents and slowly said, "On the last day, you made a list of more than two thousand and passed the trial period." Not bad, congratulations. "

Because of that night's relationship, I was probably feeling guilty, so I didn't dare to look straight into her eyes. I lowered my head and thanked her.

Her voice was clear and charming, and very pleasant to listen to.

She changed the subject, "But this list, it seems... It was someone who helped you, right? "

Saying that, although Wang Jin's face was still beautiful, her eyes flashed with killing intent.

Indeed, I got Sister Hong to help me with that list.

How could Wang Jin know?

I broke out in a cold sweat. She must have known all about it, I thought. It was no use denying it.

"I can't tell, but your relationship with Sister Hong is pretty good, right?" That face was very beautiful, but her gaze was a bit vicious that made people shudder in fear.

"Average." I whispered back.

Wang Jin's eyes became cold, and said: "It doesn't matter what kind of relationship you have when we get home, it's not allowed in the company, if I find out, you guys can leave together."

I was shocked and thought that it was fine if I was expelled but I definitely could not implicate Sister Hong. I hurriedly said: "That won't happen, why would Sister Hong fall for me?"

Wang Jin's expression was a little strange, she asked again: "You hit Manager Huang?"

"Yes, he's at the company assaulting the Sister Hong, I can't watch any longer. If you want to fire me, I'll take it. "

As expected, she was being protected by the officials. My heart turned cold and I could only brace myself and finish speaking.

Wang Jin was silent for a while, then gently lifted her sexy red lips, but unfortunately, I kept lowering my head and simply couldn't see anything.

"It's okay, you can go now."

Wang Jin passed me the documents, her face expressionless.

I hastily received it and thanked her. I heaved a sigh of relief. I was really scared. So it wasn't because I wanted to be expelled!

"You can go now." She waved her hand.

As if relieved, I turned to go.

She suddenly stopped me and said, "By the way, you're assigned to sales division two. Now go and report to sales division two."

"Ah!?" I gasped.

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