The Transmigrated Sword Emperor/C40 Friends
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The Transmigrated Sword Emperor/C40 Friends
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C40 Friends

"What are you two doing? How dangerous is it?"

Sheng Xiang's face was cold as he patted the dust behind Li Ren. He was extremely displeased.

"Fragrance, we're just sparring. There's no danger. Don't worry about it." Li Ren pinched Sheng Xiang's nose and laughed as he replied.

"Is there a need to be so ruthless in sparring and sparring? "Look how much strength Long Qi had to use to send you flying," Sheng Xiang still refused to let go as he muttered non-stop.

Li Ren laughed and did not speak. If he continued to explain at this time, perhaps Sheng Xiang would be even more angry.

Women were sometimes so unreasonable, especially when it came to matters concerning their men.

Long Qi felt wronged now, you didn't see when your man swung his sword at me, did you? However, it was obviously impossible to reason with a woman, especially when a woman was angry, Long Qi would also understand this logic.

"Alright, alright, it's all my fault. I did it too hard. Can I apologize?" Long Qi said as he raised his hands, indicating his surrender.

Sheng Xiang did not care about him, and continued to clean the collar of Li Ren's clothes after patting the dust off of his back.

"I was wrong. I shouldn't have acted this viciously and injured you so badly. I am truly sorry. Please, please forgive me." Seeing that Sheng Xiang still had a cold face, Long Qi turned and bowed to Li Ren.

"If one is not a saint, how can one not be virtuous? "This time, I will forgive you. I will remember to be careful when you hit me next," Li Ren said to Long Qi sincerely and sincerely. He had a straight face and looked like a teacher teaching a student a lesson.

With that, Li Ren burst out laughing, he could not hold back anymore.

"Eh hahahahaha …."

Long Qi pointed at Li Ren with one finger, and laughed with an even more exaggerated tone than before.

Seeing the two's expressions, Sheng Xiang, who was helping Li Ren straighten his collar, pushed him away, turned and walked back into the house.

"Just laugh, it's best if you die laughing."

Li Ren and Long Qi looked at each other, and couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Despite the small incident with the incense in the middle, their relationship improved after the fight.

He put his arms around Li Ren's shoulders and sat back down in the house. Long Qi taught him some fighting experience and pointed out some flaws in his sword technique.

Sheng Xiang carried the teapot and placed it on the table, he then lit up a cigarette by himself and held his face with one hand as he watched Li Ren and Long Qi chat.

Long Qi was simply too lonely. Even though his current status was already very high, he still didn't have a friend. After arriving at the beach, relying on his fists, Long Qi fought one street after another until today.

He was a fellow with a wild intuition, and he could feel that his lackeys were either flattering him or unafraid of him. Over time, he became a teaser. Some actions seemed ridiculous, but that was just a way for him to get rid of his loneliness.

Humans are social animals, they have never transcended the mortal realm. Who would be willing to be alone before they could see through the world of mortals?

Long Qi was no exception, he was a lonely tiger, no one dared to be friends with him, and no one was worthy to be his friend.

Until Li Ren appeared, Long Qi felt that Li Ren was different from ordinary people, so Long Qi took the initiative to visit him today.

In fact, Long Qi's feelings were right. Although Li Ren was not a righteous person, deep in his heart, he was even more crazy and stubborn. But as long as it was someone he acknowledged, he wouldn't treat them unfairly.

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