The Transmigrated Sword Emperor/C66 Mantis
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The Transmigrated Sword Emperor/C66 Mantis
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C66 Mantis

"I don't believe that there are no black and white in this world." Ma Yongzhen's voice was sonorous and powerful.

"Ai, I can understand your feelings. I was like you when I was young, but what's the use of hot blood? "It's no use at all." Chief Inspector Huang said as he unlocked Ma Yongzhen's handcuffs.

"Young man, please settle down. There are a lot of young people like you on the beach every day, and they are hot-blooded, but in the end it's not just me who sprinkles the dirt on them. For youngsters like Li Ren and Long Qi, there have only been two of them since they came to the beach many years ago.

"Thank you!" Even though he knew that Inspector Huang had good intentions, Ma Yongzhen still did not listen to him. He thanked him and walked out of the Patrol Office.

The moment Ma Yongzhen stepped out of the patrol room, he saw a few R's walking towards him.

The R himself didn't spare a glance at Ma Yongzhen who was dressed in poor clothes, and directly walked through the main entrance of the Patrol Room.

Needless to say, Ma Yongzhen knew what they were up to. Clenching his fists tightly, he decided not to walk any further and squatted down in a corner.

A sleek, sleek R. himself led the way into the patrol room. His eyes were narrow and long, like those of a snake.

Behind him were several R. himself and a translator with hair parted in the middle.

Chief Inspector Huang's face didn't look too good, but the other party was a friend of theirs, so no matter how unhappy he was, he couldn't show any signs of going overboard.

"Hello, Inspector Huang. Let me introduce myself. I'm the one who gave the report from R Chamber of Commerce." the interpreter said to Inspector Huang.

Chief Inspector Huang glanced at him, a hint of disdain flashed in his eyes, and he said, "Mr. Di, you've come for a long time, may I ask why you're here?"

The interpreter bowed and muttered something to the causeway.

"I have come here to retrieve our goods," the interpreter said, turning to Inspector Huang.

"I don't know what kind of cargo Mr. Embankment is talking about. I'm not sure if there are any patrolling houses …" replied Inspector Huang with a frown.

"What we lost was a batch of tea leaves. You definitely have it."

"Are you sure it's tea?" Chief Inspector Huang asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, that's the tea leaves."

"And if I say no?"

"And if we must carry it away?" The translator's voice rose in volume with R's own voice.

Number Two narrowed his eyes and fiddled with a water-splitting stick in his hand, which gave Chief Inspector Huang a lot of pressure.

For a moment, the atmosphere became tense. In the end, Chief Inspector Huang was unable to withstand the pressure from R. He wiped the sweat off his forehead and stepped aside.

A smug smile appeared on the face of No.2 and he waved his hand. A few R's behind him immediately went to move their tea leaves.

Exiting the gate of the patrol room, Dian Er gave a sneer. What a cowardly pig!

With that, he left with the two R.

The rest of the R. himself got into the truck and started it with their tea.

What they did not see was a dark figure nimbly climbing into the truck.

They didn't even see the two black cars parked in the distance. They saw the truck start moving and the two black cars followed it.

"A reborn Zhuge? "It's actually just as you expected," Long Qi said, looking at Li Ren in shock.

Li Ren shook his head and laughed, "I just killed Zhuge Lei in the first half of the year, are you trying to mock me?"

He couldn't tell Long Qi the development of the situation.

"No, definitely not. I really admire you a little," Long Qi said seriously.

"It's just a little bit. Isn't it just a little bit of admiration?" Li Ren laughed.

As the two laughed, the car was already far away from the crowded streets.

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