The Transmigrated Sword Emperor/C71 Did you grow up
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The Transmigrated Sword Emperor/C71 Did you grow up
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C71 Did you grow up

That night, Ma Yongzhen was completely drunk, and so was Long Qi.

Ma Yongzhen's brothers were also drinking, but Li Ren was still troubled.

It was already late into the night. Ma Yongzhen and his subordinates were supporting each other as they returned to the courtyard, and dispersed.

Ma Yongzhen stepped forward drunkenly and headed towards his own room.


A clear and melodious voice came out, the drunk Ma Yongzhen turned his head around, and was stunned for a moment.

"Why did you come back so late? Where did you go?"

Tie Ju shouted, but Ma Yongzhen felt that she was even more beautiful.

"I just went to drink some wine. I didn't do anything."

"Do you think I'm blind? Can't I see that you're drinking? I mean, where did you go for a drink, with whom? "

Tie Ju rudely interrupted Ma Yongzhen's words, and his face had a blush on it.

"We went to the Seventh Heaven to look for work, then drank some wine with Li Ren and Long Qi."

Ma Yongzhen explained everything to Tie Ju in detail.

"Alright Ma Yongzhen, you've grown in skill."

"No, no." Although Ma Yongzhen said he didn't, he still couldn't conceal the glee on his face.

"You're still proud of me, aren't you? Less of being together with Li Ren and the two thugs, it's not good for you to be with them. "

"Mr. Li and Long Qi are not hooligans, they are very nice people."

"You're pissing me off."

With that, Tie Ju stomped his feet and turned, running back to his own house.

Ma Yongzhen rubbed his nose, then laughed dumbly. How could he not feel the kindness of a beautiful person?

With an unspeakable smile on his face, Ma Yongzhen stumbled towards his own house. But on the second floor, at a place he couldn't see the second floor, a white haired fatty sighed.

Seven Layered Heavens. The attendants began to clean up the mess.

Li Ren supported Long Qi, threw him onto the sofa and pulled a chair for himself to sit on.

Long Qi and Ma Yongzhen had met before, just like the original plot. This meant that the plot was about to come to an end.

Looking at the long sword in his hands, Li Ren started to think whether he should strike first.

After sitting there for a while, he thought about it a lot. After all, he was just a passerby in this world.

"Take good care of Long Qi, don't let him catch a cold." Li Ren instructed two attendants, then got up and left.

He gently opened the door, quietly took off his clothes, and got into bed.

"Why did you take so long to return?"

Jongxiang turned over. It seemed like he still hadn't fallen asleep.

"Ma Yongzhen came to the Seventh Heavenly Layer tonight, I'll drink with them," Li Ren said honestly.

"I said don't get mixed up with those mud legs all day, okay?"

Sheng Xiang said in dissatisfaction.

"Xiang Xiang, what's wrong with you? I, Ma Yongzhen, have never offended you, why do you have such a bad impression of him?"

"It's not that I'm prejudiced against him, it's that he's too good at causing trouble. He's only been on the beach for a few days, and he's already stirred up such a big trouble. I was afraid that he would implicate you! "

After he finished speaking, he was afraid that Li Ren would be angry, so he added, "We will be leaving this place.

"Alright, alright, alright. I'll listen to you, alright? Don't worry."

Li Ren said as he pulled Sheng Xiang into his embrace. Speaking of which, this woman was the biggest problem. By then, he would have left with a pat on his butt, but what about her?

What a headache!

Outside the window, moonlight shyly slipped into the clouds and peeked through a crack into the rain.

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