The Transmigrated Sword Emperor/C72 Negotiation breakdown
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The Transmigrated Sword Emperor/C72 Negotiation breakdown
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C72 Negotiation breakdown

The sky was clear now. It was another morning full of energy.

Li Ren was already practicing his sword in the courtyard, while he was breathing even more slowly.

Unknowingly, the scorching sun had already risen into the sky.

He tidied up his clothes and walked towards the seventh heaven.

He and Long Qi's business became more and more popular. albopictus dysentery and the others had been very obedient these few days, and their money flowed into their bags like water.

After walking into the Seventh Heavenly Layer, Li Ren found that the atmosphere was not right.

So it turns out that Qiao Benhongyi had come to pay him a visit.

As they walked into the guest room, Long Qi and Qiao Benhongyi sat facing each other.

"Li Sang, you've come. I apologize."

Seeing Li Ren coming in, Qiao Benhongyi stood up and extended his right hand out.

Li Ren glanced at him but did not say anything. He walked straight to Long Qi's side and sat down, causing him to feel extremely awkward.

"I didn't think we'd meet again so soon. Tell me what you're here for, Mr. Hashimoto."

Carrying the long sword in his arms, Li Ren said indifferently.

"Alright, since Li Sang and Long Sang are here, I'll be frank."

Qiao Benhongyi tidied his collar and sat up.

"I would like to ask the two of you, can you return our tea leaves to us?"

"What tea? We don't have your tea leaves." Li Ren took a sip of the tea cup and calmly replied.

"Li Sang is joking, I think you know what that is." Those things are quite expensive, so please make sure they are returned to us. "

Qiao Benhongyi's face turned serious as he stared at the two of them.

Long Qi leaned on the sofa and puffed up his cigarette as he looked at Qiao Benhongyi.

"We don't have any tea leaves for you here. If you do, we'll return it to you. We don't even know where to put the tea leaves."

Li Ren had a faint smile on his face, as if he did not understand Qiao Benhongyi's words.

Taking a deep breath, Qiao Benhongyi suppressed the anger in his heart, raised his head and said, "Sorry, I was too tactful."

"I want to ask Li Sang and Long Sang, where are our sliced duck?"

"You mean that car of duck slices?"

Long Qi dragged his voice and interrupted.

Qiao Benhongyi's eyes lit up, and said anxiously: "Yes, that car full of duck meat, please return it to us, we can discuss other matters."

Looking at Qiao Benhongyi with disdain, Long Qi said indifferently, "Burn it."

"Burned it?"

Qiao Benhongyi didn't even have time to react in time before veins started popping up on his forehead one after another.

"Is Long Sang joking with me? That's not funny at all."

"I'm not joking with you, we burned him last night" said Li Ren as he took over Qiao Benhongyi's words.

"Why did it burn? Do you know how priceless the duck slice is?"

"I don't know why, but it's good anyway. Hahahaha." Long Qi laughed, the more he laughed, the more exaggerated his laughter became.

Li Ren couldn't help but laugh as well, because Qiao Benhongyi's current expression was somewhat wonderful.

Once again calming his heart, Qiao Benhongyi regained his usual courteous demeanor.

"The main purpose of my visit today wasn't for the duck. It was to pay a visit to the two of you."

Qiao Benhongyi's attitude and the smile on his face made it so that people could not find any fault with him.

"Oh, visiting us?"

Long Qi turned his head and looked at Li Ren, seeing the iciness in his eyes.

"Mm, tell us, what do you want to visit us for?" Long Qi asked.

Li Ren, on the other hand, carried his long sword and watched coldly from the side.

"Seems like you two don't welcome me, but that doesn't matter. I brought the sincerity of our company."

Qiao Benhongyi laughed, he did not care about Li Ren and Long Qi's hostile attitude at all.

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