The Unique Student Ghost-Hunter/C16 This little matter of class
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The Unique Student Ghost-Hunter/C16 This little matter of class
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C16 This little matter of class

"Boss, you actually know Qian Yunwei's butler?" Wang Yu asked in shock.

"I don't know him!"

"You two clearly greeted each other just now."

"You f * cking misjudged me!" As he spoke, he strode into the class.

During class, Hu Xiao'er lowered his head, not daring to look left or right. The two great gods beside him sat on two sides, making him feel troubled.

A small paper ball strangely landed on the table. Hu Xiao'er frowned and turned to look, only to see Chen Lili revealing a mischievous smile.

This smile caused Hu Xiao'er's heart to grow cold from head to toe.

He slowly opened the paper ball and a row of large words entered his eyes.

[We didn't see anything last night, ha-ha-ha]

Hu Xiao'er: "...

This move was simply too shameless. He had to make the first move to gain the upper hand.

Hu Xiao'er then rolled the paper in his hand into a ball and threw it onto the table.

"Student Hu Xiao'er!" The fifty-nine year old chemistry teacher Tang San noticed Hu Xiao'er's strangeness, "What are you doing down there?"

Tang San naturally received news from her homeroom teacher, Li Xiumei, saying that she wanted to specially take care of the newly arrived Hu Xiao'er.

However, it was another matter whether he listened or not.

I'm 59 this year, and I'm retiring next year. There's actually a student who came to take care of me, what the f * ck are you biting about!

If you don't take my lessons seriously, I will punish you! At most, he would retire early, which was pretty good.

"I... I... I'm learning! " Hu Xiao'er sat up straight.

"Learn?" Tang San pushed her reading glasses up on her nose. "I'll imitate your big head!" What did I just say? "

"You just taught class!" Hu Xiao'er was extremely quick-witted.

The audience roared with laughter.

Tang San's lips trembled as she pointed at Hu Xiao'er: "Smooth talker! Come up on stage and do this question! "

What, no! I've only ever been on the blackboard for two days in my senior year of high school?

He looked up at the blackboard. What the hell was this? It was simply a heavenly book!

If he had known earlier, Qian Guoli would have arranged for him to be in the first year of high school.

Maybe he could have a romance with some girls younger than him. Thinking about it, Hu Xiao'er gave a wretched smile.

Tang San was speechless: "Hey, student, you seem really happy. Since you like doing questions so much, I'll give you another one!"

"No, no, no!"

Hu Xiao'er regained his senses and looked at the blackboard as he took a deep breath.

"Teacher, can I get someone to do it for me?"

Tang San rolled her eyes, facing the students below the stage as she lightly coughed: "Oh? Find someone to do it for you? Great! As long as someone is willing to do it for you, you can do it! " After she finished speaking, she lightly coughed a few times.

Is this cough too fake? Anyone with a discerning eye would know that it was a signal to not be helped by Hu Xiao'er.

Hu Xiao'er's gaze swept across the area below the stage, all the students there lowered their heads in a hurry.

Hu Xiao'er's heart was as dead as ashes. West Lake, my tears!

"Teacher!" "I'll do it!"

Timely rain!

Everyone in the class turned to look.

Wang Yu raised his hands in a swagger.

Good man! Hu Xiao'er gave Wang Yu a thumbs up!

", are you sure you know how to answer this question?" Tang San's gaze was cold and fierce.

"Yeah, yeah!" Wang Yu didn't know his own situation at all.

"You — sure?" Tang San stretched out the three words as she crushed the chalk in her hand.

Wang Yu was at a loss of what to do. He looked at everyone's eyes, then raised his head and looked at his teacher, and suddenly swallowed his saliva.

"Uh, I... I... "I am not sure, but I am near-sighted. I saw the wrong question, sorry about it!" After that, he sat down obediently.

Hu Xiao'er: "...

Disappointedly, Hu Xiao'er locked his gaze onto Chen Lili, who had just finished gathering her strength, precisely because this little girl had been exposed as a scum of his knowledge.

Chen Lili laughed mischievously, pretending to lower her head.

Eh? But that's not right, didn't we still have the golden girl Qian Yunwei?

Usually she often hates herself, hot face sticking to cold butt for so long, tiger does not show off, you think I am Kitty ah!

I'm going to counterattack!

"Teacher, I want Qian Yunwei to help me!" Hu Xiao'er laughed in his heart.

"I can't make that decision. You have to ask her."

Qian Yunwei's eyes opened wide, this fellow was actually looking for him, and hadn't even found him to settle the matter of defiled her eyes last night, and he actually took the initiative to look for him.

"I — why should I do it for you?" Qian Yunwei said as he raised his head.

"Oh, I know. You just don't know how to do it." Hu Xiao'er sneered.

Intimidation! Humph! This young miss won't be fooled.

"Even if I know how to do it, I won't do it for you!"

Hu Xiao'er watched in disdain as she fought back.

"If you can't do it, you can't do it. What are you trying to argue about? Ah — that's all there is to it, oh! That's not right! And he also had a rich family background! Tsk ~ You don't even know how to do a simple question, Vase! "


"He actually said that the goddess is a vase!"

"Damn, I thought he was a bookworm, I didn't think he would not even know how to do such a simple question!" I'm afraid that even a high school student would know how to answer this question! "

"That's not the f * * king important point. The important point is that he dares to say that my goddess is a vase!"



This brat is a bit too much, he shouldn't have said that even if he was goading me, right? Tang San's face was filled with black lines.

"Student Hu Xiao'er, this is a bit too much! Qian Yunwei, you don't have to care about his words! Please persevere in your choice! " Tang San said.

"I won't!" Qian Yunwei stood up angrily and walked to the blackboard, "You actually dare to call me a vase! "Who said I don't know how to do it? Scram!"

He pushed Hu Xiao'er aside, picked up his chalk, and quickly wrote the answer.

"Did you see that!? Who said I wouldn't do it! You are the vase, your whole family is a vase! " Qian Yunwei put down her chalk and clapped her hands. She glared at Hu Xiao'er and went back to her seat.

Tang San: "…" I've been tricked!

Hu Xiao'er was ecstatic, the provocation had worked!

"The goddess has been tricked!"

"The goddess is angry!"

"The goddess has actually cursed!"


"Teacher!" Look, Qian Yunwei has already finished the question for me. You just said that it would be fine as long as someone is willing to do it for me! [One man, one horse, one whip!] It's a promise! " Hu Xiao'er chuckled as he returned to his seat.

At this moment, Qian Yunwei realized that she had been tricked by Hu Xiao'er.

She grinded her teeth in anger, and muttered to Hu Xiao'er: "Shameless!"

Then she gave him her middle finger under the table.

"Tch!" Hu Xiao'er didn't mind at all.

This brat is quite cunning, after fighting with me back then, it looks like I have to be more careful in the future, but he can't even write such a simple senior year topic, is this brat really from Shengying? Tang San pondered in her heart.

Ding Ling Ling ~ The class ended.

Tang San arranged the textbooks, "Alright, students, let's end the class! Wang Yu, come with me to the office! "

Wang Yu: "...

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