The Unique Student Ghost-Hunter/C6 Haunted house
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The Unique Student Ghost-Hunter/C6 Haunted house
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C6 Haunted house

"Lily, what are you talking about?" Yun Wei looked at Li Li in disbelief.

Qian Guoli watched this scene with interest. Hu Xiao'er's Tao technique was indeed powerful, and he had not seen the wrong person.

Chen Lili fearfully swallowed her saliva, and recounted the entire matter.

Li Li's house was one street away from Yun Wei's villa, less than a kilometer away. It was a stylish small ocean building.

However, her parents rarely stayed at home when they were doing business outside for a long time, so she and her grandparents were the only ones who stayed at home.

Due to the fact that they grew up together, the two of them were extremely close, almost inseparable on a normal day.

Usually, she stayed back to stay with Yun Wei.

A few days ago, she had gone back to sleep one night. After washing her face and rinsing her mouth, she had returned to her room. Just as she was about to close the curtains and go to sleep, she saw a white-clothed woman standing on the opposite side of the building.

The woman in white stood on the roof, her bare feet motionless, her back facing Lily.

Lily thought there was someone in that family who couldn't get over it.

Terrified, she called for her grandparents, but when she looked back, they were gone.

Her grandparents looked at each other and said that she must have been mistaken. The family had moved away a long time ago and had not seen the lights of the building in so many years.

Besides, who would be standing barefoot on the roof? She must have seen wrongly. She thought that it made sense, so she didn't think too much about it.

But that night, she had a dream.

In the dream, she stood barefoot on the roof with her hair in a mess. Looking down, she saw that she was dressed in white.

Terrified, she turned and saw her own home, and she was standing on the roof across from it.

At this moment, she clearly saw a person standing in her bedroom.

That person stood motionlessly in the room with his head full of hair, his back facing Lily.

She trembled all over and shouted for her grandparents in extreme terror, but no one responded.

When she looked ahead, she saw a woman with disheveled hair standing in front of her with her back still facing her.

In her dreams, Lily asked who she was. Her whole body trembled as she said two words: "Save me!"

A pair of bloody hands reached out and pulled the woman into the room.

Standing on the roof, Chen Lili heard strange and terrifying cries from the rooms beneath her feet, which were accompanied by the white-clothed woman's cries for help.

At this moment, a pair of bloody hands extended from beneath her feet once again and grabbed her feet, causing her to scream in fear.

Just as she was about to be pulled into the house, two hands behind her back pushed her out.

"Save me!" The woman's voice echoed clearly in her ears.

After that, she woke up covered in cold sweat.

When Chen Lili said till here, her eyes became a little dazed: "It's already been a week, but that feeling was real, and did not seem like it in a dream. Furthermore, that day in the room opposite, she saw the white-clothed woman on the roof very clearly, and it was not an illusion."

Yun Wei was half believing and half doubting. She rubbed the goosebumps on her arms: "Why haven't I heard you mention this before."

"I'm scared to death, how could I dare to tell you? There's only the two of us in your house tonight, aren't you scared to death!?"

System: According to the description, the female ghost must have been trapped in an empty building and captured by a lot of monsters. She had been forced to use a Phantom Demon to let her see that she was asking for help.

System: In order to raise the level of your Heavenly Master, the Host must head to the rescue as soon as possible.

Qian Guoli was completely in awe of his daughter.

"Uncle Qian, please bring me to Chen Lili's house now!" Hu Xiao'er rubbed his hands together, preparing to go all out.

"You …" Yun Wei and Li Li looked at Hu Xiao'er with their mouths wide open.

"That's right, this teacher is going to capture ghosts right now!" "I'm afraid I won't have time to spare if I'm any later!"

"Good!" I'll listen to you! " Qian Guoli did not hesitate as he immediately got the driver to drive towards Chen Lili's home.

Very quickly, the car stopped in front of Chen Lili's home. A few people and their four bodyguards got off the car one after another.

"Yun Wei! Mr. Qian! "Here you are, come, Lily, invite them to sit in the room!" Chen Lili's grandparents were extremely eager to see Qian Guoli and Yun Wei.

"No, grandpa and grandma, we have something important to do today!" Qian Guoli shook hands with the two old men.

After that, Lili told her grandparents what had happened that day. Only then did the two elders' eyes darken.

"What a sin!" Grandma looked up at the sky and sighed, slowly revealing her true feelings, "Actually, this family's mistress has already passed away twenty years ago. She is actually very beautiful, and her heart is also very kind. We all like her." "Unfortunately, she was tainted by a group of hooligans on the street and when she came back she hanged herself. It was said that not long after she died, those hooligans died in succession in the prison."

Grandpa continued, "After that, the house was moved out many times, and all the residents were scared away. They all said that the house was not clean, and no one has lived here since. That house has been without electricity and water for more than 10 years! It became a real ghost house. "

Hearing these words, everyone felt goosebumps all over their bodies. Cold sweat dripped down the heads of the four bodyguards that were tall and big.

"Aren't the two elders afraid of living here?" Qian Guoli asked.

"She was so kind when she was alive. Even if she became a ghost when she died, she would not harm innocent people. There's nothing to be afraid of. We just feel sorry for her, and the reason we don't tell Lily is that we don't want her to be afraid. When she said that she saw the woman in white on the roof, we already knew that it was her. It's just that we believed that she wouldn't harm anyone, and we didn't want to scare Lily so we kept it a secret. "I didn't expect …"

Hu Xiao'er took out his Spirit Dao Robe, turned around gracefully and threw the Spirit Dao Robe on his body. With a bottle gourd hanging from his waist, he held a katana in his hand. Instantly, his domineering aura was revealed.

"She must have been captured by a ghost. This Master will go in now to save her!" Hu Xiao'er shouted loudly, attracting everyone's attention.

"Wow!" Chen Lili was shocked, the previously dressed up Hu Xiao'er immediately turned into an elegant and refined Taoist.

He felt as though he had instantly aged over 70 years …

Yun Wei's eyeballs almost slipped out of her eye sockets.

"Are you really a Taoist?" Yun Wei was in disbelief.

"It's the real deal!" Hu Xiao'er smirked, "Whoever wants to go with this master, please raise your hand!"

Everyone retreated.

The waiter was speechless.

Actually, I'm scared too! But for the sake of world peace, ahem! The point is to... Level up, I'm going to go all out.

"Sure, then wait for me outside!"

Everyone nodded like sparrows.

"Lili, lend me your phone!" The waiter extended his hand to ask for it.


"Cake with youtiao, catch ghosts with music!" The waiter said as he raised his eyebrows.


A second pot/choking tears/live to the end of the ugly/good men do not look back...

In Hu Xiao'er's pockets, he kept the socially-popular < You're ruthless >. He carried a machete on his shoulder, a pair of sunglasses on his nose and a toothpick in his mouth.

The wind began to blow, and his Daoist robes began to flutter.

With Hu Xiao'er in the lead, the group majestically headed towards the haunted house.

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