The Visitor from Hell/C1 The beginning of a dream
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The Visitor from Hell/C1 The beginning of a dream
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C1 The beginning of a dream

Liu Mubai's head hurt, as if it had been torn apart by someone. It was like an extremely long dream had suddenly awoken. The chaotic feeling of reality and dreams mixed together was extremely painful to Liu Mubai.

"Do you need water?" A gentle voice pulled Liu Mubai back from the chaos.

Liu Mubai slowly stood up and nodded his head. The owner of the voice walked away in a dull pace.

Liu Mubai tried his best to open his eyes only to see a white void. His surroundings were a vast expanse of whiteness, as if there was only whiteness in this boundless world. He couldn't even find a trace of that gentle voice or heavy footsteps. "Could it be a dream?" Liu Mubai mumbled to himself, "Why does my head hurt so much?" After looking around to make sure that he couldn't find anything related to life, Liu Mubai laid down weakly. He then realized that there was a bed underneath him with rough linen sheets under his body and dried straw underneath the sheets. It was soft and simple.

Liu Mubai sat up and surveyed the quiet environment around him. The fact that there was a bed meant that there was someone there. That meant that the sound just now was not an illusion. He went to get me some water, so he should be here soon. When he comes back, I'll know where I am and why I'm here. What happened in the dream must be fake.

He was clearly in a world that was on the verge of destruction, and the demons had already completely occupied Earth. But the beauty and the fear in the dream were real.

He sat in an open space and slowly recalled what he had dreamed of.

If the most prosperous parts of the coastal cities are the Yangtze and Pearl Delta, the real owners of this rich region of the Asian continent are open to debate. The power of subjugation, however, was very strong, and the power of the mafia was also not to be underestimated. He and Shenghe were the strongest existences among the gangs. This super gangster with nearly two hundred years of history had experienced a lot. Under the pressure of the country, the slow but firm growth was like a spark within a wasted salary. It would not attract attention, but it also possessed unlimited variables that could burn the heavens and boil the earth. As the creator of the peace said, there is every possibility as long as it is not destroyed.

Back in the day, when the first generation of the museum, Abyssal Bone Ren, relied on his ability to conserve his strength to conquer the mountains and rivers that shocked countless people in Hong Kong. After that, all of the 'peace' halls silently followed the footsteps of their predecessors. Occasionally, there would be a few overly aggressive ones who, although they brought a certain amount of losses to the 'peace', would be able to quickly recover under the efforts of the other halls. Like this, the silently developing 'peace' and the 'victory' were welcomed by the 'genius' of the 'gang', Liu Mubai, who was bestowed upon 'it by the heavens' in the new century. No one knew his true background. It was just that one day, he suddenly appeared in Country Z, taking over and winning the peace, bringing the peace to an unprecedented height.

The new century edifice, which is more than 500 meters long, is the tallest building in Hong Kong so far, with its three-legged international financial centre and Global Trade Square diagonally opposite. And this building belonged to He Shenghe. Of course, He Shenghe was Liu Mubai.

The style of the porcelain cup was specially made into the shape of a goblet, making it look somewhat out of place. Liu Mubai stood on the roof of the new century's skyscraper in the open square, which only opened a portion of the time. The open square was very spacious, and dark clouds were constantly rolling in the distance, signalling the arrival of heavy rain.

Liu Mubai raised his head and drained the cup of red liquid. He casually handed it to the man in black behind him. The man in black behind him quickly accepted it and handed him a silk cloth. Liu Mubai wiped his mouth, held the silk cloth and began to walk around the square. Five hundred meters in the air directly swallowed all the noise coming from the city, so even though Liu Mubai was standing on the cheapest pair of cloth shoes, he could still make out the clear sound of footsteps on the marble plaza.

"Third brother, how long have you been with me?" Liu Mubai suddenly stopped and looked at the bodyguard that stood behind him like a tall wall. His eyes were not sharp as he stared at the middle-aged man in the middle. The number three that Liu Mubai spoke of was the head of the bodyguards, Wu Zhengde. At the same time, he was also Liu Mubai's personal butler. Wu Zhengde didn't quite understand why the leader would suddenly ask this question. The habit he had developed over the years led him to immediately reply, "Ten years." Liu Mubai turned around and faced the clouds. He sighed, "It's been ten years. I promised to avenge you, but after ten years, that bastard still hasn't died. Do you hate me for not keeping my word?" Wu Zhengde was surprised for a moment. He did not expect the sitting room to ask such a question. After some hesitation, he gritted his teeth and replied, "I used to hate him, but now I don't." Liu Mubai laughed out loud, as if he had heard Wu Zhengde say that he hated him and was very happy. Wu Zhengde did not understand why Liu Mubai would have such a reaction, so he chose to ignore him and said in a very dutiful tone, "Boss, it's going to rain soon. Please go back first." Liu Mubai stared at the clouds for a while before throwing away the white silk in his hand. He said to himself in a voice that only he could hear, "Yes, it's about to rain in Hong Kong. This place is too dirty."

Liu Mubai walked towards the exit of the open square. Although it was called an exit, it was actually just a simple lift, specially used to transport building materials. The construction of this open air square was just a product of Liu Mubai's whim. Before the deadline, Liu Mubai had asked to use the square, so he sent all the workers away and built this simple elevator at 0000 hours. Wu Zhengde quickly followed. Liu Mubai stopped suddenly, looked at Wu Zhengde carefully, patted his shoulder and said, "I will do what I told you to do. Three days later, I will have you delay him with a knife." Wu Zhengde was stunned. The eyes of the man in his thirties instantly turned red and his lips quivered, unable to utter a single word. Liu Mubai smiled and hit Wu Zhengde on the back of the head. "You're too big to cry after shooting a bullet in the chest. What's going on? Are you going to cry for me?" "Wu Zhengde touched his nose, coughed hard, and quibbled," "No, it's windy up there. It blows into my eyes." Liu Mubai left Wu Zhengde in the public square to calm down and left with his remaining bodyguards in a simple elevator. Wu Zhengde looked at the dark clouds in the distance and suddenly felt that the weather was very depressing today. However, no matter how depressing the atmosphere was, it couldn't change the joy of revenge.

On the same day, a piece of news that shocked all the world's underworld spread — — He Shenghe sitting at the head of the hall. Liu Mubai, the godfather of the gang in the new century, planned to wash his hands in three days, the day when the second dragon of the second lunar month would rise. The washing ceremony would be held in the open square of the new century edifice. When the underworld leaders from all over the world received the encrypted invitation letter, a new round of slight tremors began in the underground world. However, no one knows whether this slight tremors could be the precursor to the reshuffle of the underground world. Regardless of whether it was a reshuffle or not, this time, he would still be participating in the washing ceremony. Not to mention that it was personally attended by the leader level figures, some of the more flexible underground organizations even heard that there might be local military and political personnel attending this meeting. For a military official from Hong Kong to attend a rogue washing ceremony, it could be seen how strong Liu Mubai was. Liu Mubai was not called the godfather of the gang in the new century for nothing. At the beginning, he was just an obscure little hoodlum who was chosen by Hu Hexiang, the eldest son of the Nantong branch, to be groomed by the main hall, and the following year, he led his forces to clean up all the small and large gangs at the South Estuary, which made the main hall feel a lot more comfortable. The South Estuary was too chaotic, and all the small and large gangs had some background, which made it difficult to clear everything. In the fourth year, he was promoted to the position of head of the branch hall and began his journey.

His predecessor, Third Master Pei, had sent him to Vietnam to deal with drugs. In three years' time, he had established Wang Bei Gang, whose influence was no less than the local gangs. Now, Liu Mubai's eldest disciple was in charge of Wang Bei Gang. The North Gazing Society could already establish a foothold in the underground world, and their influence was no less than some of the most established gangs in Europe. However, they still acted like subsidiary gangs when they faced peace, and the reason was Liu Mubai.

In the past few years, without the operation of He Sheng and Liu Mubai, the gangs in Korea and Korea would have to clear their names from the underground world. In order to open up the Chinese market, the first Russian fighter to visit would have been Liu Mubai.

Liu Mubai went to Japan for a meeting, and over the course of 13 days he had broken up the old gang group, which did not even know how the people who had made the peace crossed the border. Liu Mubai brought Hezheng and his battle-axe into the oil of the Middle East, while the European Mafia and the Middle East's Zeus did not agree. Liu Mubai had dismantled two Blackhand castles and three Zeus bases, and both sides had learned their lesson.

When they arrived in America, they even dared to threaten people at the level of a governor. When they asked about the backstage, Liu Mubai was the backstage. The seven continents of the world, Africa was too poor and messy, Oceania had nothing to attract Liu Mubai, Antarctica had nothing at all, the other five continents' underworld never lacked the legend of Liu Mubai, almost all the gang leaders, regardless of age, would respectfully call Liu Mubai "Mister" when they saw him, and this was also where Liu Mubai's godfather came from.

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