The Visitor from Hell/C15 Trembling heart
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The Visitor from Hell/C15 Trembling heart
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C15 Trembling heart

The city hall was eerie. Liu Mubai and Loki had been gone for a long time, but they still hadn't found anyone even after they opened all the offices. It was already eight in the evening, so they found an office to eat something to replenish their energy.

All of a sudden, the lights flickered and then went out. Liu Mubai came to Luo Qi's side immediately, fearing that something might happen. At that moment, the ring on the ring finger of Loki's right hand flashed, and the cute little girl appeared in front of them.

"You've been targeted by people in the government." The little girl said this with a smile on her face, "Let's wait for them to come over." As he spoke, he let out a light and dark laugh, and his figure suddenly disappeared into thin air.

Liu Mubai thought for a while and said: "When they come, don't kill them immediately. I need to understand something."

A faint response from the air could be considered acquiescence. As the condition of the contract, this ghost couldn't go against Liu Mubai's will no matter what. Otherwise, it wouldn't have any room for manoeuvre. It was completely unexpected that it would have any hope of revenge.

Liu Mubai and Loki were silent in the dark office, hands clasped behind the door. This small office didn't have any cameras, so it seemed like it was just randomly chosen after going through most of the offices. In fact, the moment Liu Mubai entered the office, the electric door opened automatically and told him that he was already under surveillance. The current him couldn't afford to be careless. It didn't matter if he was injured, but he couldn't afford to let anything happen to Luoqi who was by his side!

In the empty corridor, no footsteps could be heard. It was unknown when the moonlight shone into the room, but the two of them had suppressed their breathing to the extreme.

The moon inadvertently came to the window, illuminating the entire office. With a sudden bang, the door was kicked open. Liu Mubai and Loki were hidden under two desks in the office, not sure how many people there were on the other side.

"Search!" A tall shadow gave the order. Moonlight could see the fierce expression on the man's face. The illustrious scar on his face was particularly eye-catching in the dark office.

"Report!" We did not discover anything! "

"Impossible!" The mayor and I saw them come in with our own eyes. The team had been watching them all this while, so how could they just disappear like that?! "Continue searching!"

"Yes sir!"

Under the desk, Luo Qi curiously looked at Liu Mubai and the soldiers who were randomly searching. They searched the entire area, but even after searching for ten minutes, they were still unable to find Liu Mubai.

Liu Mubai gave Luo Qi a faint smile, nodded his head, and then looked with a sinister gaze at the remnants of the scum with hatred. They were indeed alive, and the ghosts who had died and were now protecting them had finally begun to disappoint the humans in his heart.

He had made an effort to lose her, to lose himself, to split his soul, and to make her sell her soul, becoming a demon's treasure! All of this was originally for saving humanity. He had once regretted it, but he had never complained about it. After all, the outcome seemed to have already determined his failure … But after all this, the government's move was to reach a shameful and despicable agreement with the demons. So what was the point of doing what he did?


Liu Mubai's heart was dripping with blood. This was a greater sorrow than a death in the heart. Looking at the 12 soldiers in front of him, dressed in bulletproof vests and sophisticated weapons, the fearsome leader is the one they are dealing with …

Suddenly, the office door slammed shut. All thirteen weapons left their hands and flew into the air. Liu Mubai and Loki appeared in front of the thirteen people under the moonlight. The cold moonlight pulled the two of them diagonally. The only explanation the thirteen people could only have in their hearts was that they weren't human, and the sudden appearance of the two of them made it hard for them to see their faces clearly in the backlight.

"Who the hell are you people?" From the looks of it, the leader was suppressing the fear in his heart. There was only one explanation for this. Other than the fact that they were demons, what else could they be? A hovering weapon, and a figure that had appeared out of nowhere.

Liu Mubai walked forward step by step without saying a word, and he coldly looked at him. The surrounding twelve soldiers were already very nervous, but they were already afraid and didn't dare to approach him.

Liu Mubai revealed a sinister smile, his sinister smile causing one's heart to tremble, "I am a demon from hell!"

"Impossible!" The leader shouted in fury, "The demon leader has promised the government that he will no longer harm us, and he has also expelled the invading demon from the city to another city! That's impossible! "

"Ha ha!" Liu Mubai couldn't help but laugh. His indifferent words and ice-cold expression suddenly widened his eyes as he looked at the leader and said, "Pure souls are used for collection, but dirty souls are the delicacies of demons. Your souls are enough to make all demons drool!" As he spoke, Liu Mubai stuck out his tongue and licked his lips in a perverted manner.

He was smiling, but his heart was shaking. However, he had forgotten about the intelligence of this leader. Since they were able to reach an agreement with the devil, they would not be intimidated by his words. Although it was just a moment of absent-mindedness, he saw the look in the leader's eyes, and it flashed across his body as he looked at the desk and sneered.

"No matter how you hid, you are definitely not a demon!" The knife-scarred man pointed confidently at the food packaging on the desk and said, "Since the devil likes to eat souls, why would he eat these human things?" Is it not our flesh and blood that will move you more? You disguised devil! "

Following which, he punched towards Liu Mubai and ordered the twelve people beside him, "Capture that woman!"

Liu Mubai raised his hand to block the punch, but the strength behind it caused him to frown slightly. The knife-scarred man was even more surprised that the weak youth in front of him could block his fist so easily.

Liu Mubai snorted coldly. He saw that the other twelve people were about to grab Luo Qi, but he was not anxious at all. He just smiled faintly, and the knife-scarred man suddenly realized that he ignored a serious problem.

Just then, a cute little girl appeared beside her. Under the moonlight, her body emitted a faint halo. Her clear and delicate face made his heart jump and his pupils contract.

He remembered this little girl, that day when he brought the troops to capture the children, not a single crying child was mercilessly taken away by them. When they gave it to the demons, facing the dark red figure of the demons, only this little girl did not cry.

Maybe it was simple, maybe it was ignorance, maybe it was not attachment, but the little girl finally said to the demon, "Don't hurt my mother."

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