The Visitor from Hell/C18 Devil agreement
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The Visitor from Hell/C18 Devil agreement
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C18 Devil agreement

"Very good!" Liu Mubai was very satisfied with the ghost's actions. Although he felt a little awkward, he still complimented the ghost, "This way, those people who are still living might not know about the situation here. Let's go."

The knife-scarred man led the way. On the ground floor of the underground parking lot, there was another floor! After turning into a small warehouse beside the stairs, the knife-scarred man turned the handle and said with a frown, "It's locked!"

This metal door looked no different from a normal door, but the structure inside was comparable to a high-end security door. The knife-scarred man said, "Even if we enter this heavy metal door, there are still three brainwave scanning doors behind it. Your arrival might have activated these devices."

Liu Mubai frowned. The government's measures to protect their lives were truly plentiful! Looking at the ghost in the blink of an eye, the little girl laughed disdainfully. "Just wait."

Following that, it turned into a cloud of black smoke, and a faint white light lingered inside. At that time, Liu Mubai had used his Holy Spirit Force. He went through the gap beside the metal door. Although the knife-scarred man already knew that this little girl was a ghost, he still couldn't help but tremble after he saw her.

Liu Mubai pushed the door open and entered. As he raised his head to take a look, the cameras were indeed filled with black smoke as they looked at the door below. The knife-scarred man understood what he meant and walked forward.

"Looks like they already guessed what happened. No one is more cautious than them!" The cameras were blocked and they were supposed to take action. Three people were dispatched, and the brain wave was deleted from the door. " The knife-scarred man's facial muscles twitched. He could not help but let out a sigh, "Since we left, they never planned for us to return."

For a moment, the feeling of death filled the knife-scarred man's dejected face. However, apart from Luoqi, no one else present would sympathize with him. Everything was for themselves!

Liu Mubai said coldly, "Go and close the door."

The knife-scarred man walked forward and obediently locked the door. However, he was not foolish enough to run away with the thought of a fluke. Seeing this, Liu Mubai raised the pure silver pendant and shouted at the high-tech Brain Wave Gate, "Cross of Holy Light!"

After the previous experiment with the power of the Cross of Holy Light, Liu Mubai knew that with the support of the Holy Spirit Force, the power of the Cross of Holy Light was definitely enough for Liu Mubai to have the confidence to sweep away the obstacles in front of him.

Liu Mubai felt a tearing sensation in his head. He was extremely familiar with the pain. He gritted his teeth and continued forward. After three consecutive attacks of the Cross of Holy Light, three last lines of defense were finally broken.

Pain covered Liu Mubai's entire face, and beads of sweat dripped from his pale face. However, as he walked step by step towards the government's final hiding place, he actually saw hundreds of so-called people's leaders! The pain instantly turned into malevolence. Thinking about the cute little girl beside her and the lives they lost due to their agreement with the Demons …

Even if he couldn't escape death, what was the point of using a child to exchange for a life like this?

"You all …" Liu Mubai closed his eyes and said anxiously, "You're living well!"

The ghost beside him was as angry as Liu Mubai, screaming, "Return my daughter's life!" In the blink of an eye, it turned into wisps of black smoke as it charged towards the upper echelons of the people.

"Stop!" Liu Mubai suddenly shouted, "They will die, they will die by your hands, but not now!"

The ghost gritted his teeth, but he still held it in, not allowing her to defy the contract by even a little bit.

"City of Z's Mayor, come out!" Liu Mubai shouted coldly.

A middle-aged man in a black suit and a white shirt with gold-rimmed eyes walked out from the crowd. Liu Mubai suddenly rushed forward and punched the mayor in the face with extreme speed.

"Why did you trade with the demons!"

Liu Mubai couldn't be angered, but the mayor of City Z didn't look scared at all. He stood up shakily on the ground and said, "For more people."

"Bullshit!" Liu Mubai pointed at his nose and said, "Making a deal with the demons, using the souls of children in exchange for the survival of scum like you, and rearing this demon to deal with us, do you still have the nerve to speak so arrogantly?"

"Do you have a better way?" The mayor of Z city did not have the slightest bit of fear as he cast a mocking gaze at Liu Mubai.

Honestly speaking, Liu Mubai was giving him another punch, half dead, half healed with Holy Light, and continued to beat him up. This kind of scum, even if he died a thousand times, he would still not be able to quell the hatred in his heart, but if it was him, then he really wouldn't have a better way, but he definitely wouldn't use a child's life in exchange!

"Even if I have to struggle to the last moment, I must still live up to my conscience!" How many people had died fighting the demons? What was so scary about that? For you to sell your soul and become a lackey of the Demons, is there any meaning in living like this? " Liu Mubai was filled with hatred, but he couldn't continue.

"Have you not sold your soul against the devil? Only allow you to sell your soul and sign a pact with a demon to fight the devil? Only you know how to endure humiliation? " City Z's mayor was extremely excited, "Liu Mubai, it's the same for you and me! The number of people you've killed is no less than mine! "

Liu Mubai was stunned. Was he really like that? They were all the same, played by the demons, and what right did he have to blame or kill them now?

"Nonsense!" Loki cried out. She did not allow anyone to hurt her Whitey, "Not only have you people betrayed your own souls, you have also despicably turned the souls of adorable children into the collection of demons. Only a dirty and unsane mind like yours can compare Whitey, who willingly sacrificed himself, to you! You are not worthy! "Not worthy!"

Looking at Liu Mubai's depressed figure, Luo Qi's heart ached for him as she held him in her arms. Tears kept streaming down her face, but Liu Mubai was still lost in his' you and me are the same '.

"In order to defeat the devil, everything is worth it! Sacrifice is unavoidable. The agreement between us and the Demons is only to buy enough time to defeat them. "If you don't understand, then so be it!" City Z's mayor was trembling as he tried his best to control his emotions.

"My daughter was gifted to the demons by you. Her soul will forever be imprisoned in the abyss of darkness. Is that necessary?" The ghost didn't care about that. All she cared about was her daughter. Other than that, there was nothing else she could ask for.

"You … Your daughter. " The knife-scarred man seemed to have understood something in an instant and said in a low voice, "She didn't cry at all when facing the Demon. Before she was taken away by the Demon, she said 'Don't hurt my mother' …"

At this moment, the ghost's whole body shook. Only at this moment did she understand why everyone was infected by the demons, and why she was able to survive until she burned herself without her soul being taken away by the demons. Tears dripped from her eyes as she wailed in anguish.

All of this was related to the agreement between the Demons. Liu Mubai suddenly thought: This is also a rule, a rule concerning demons. If they were to break it, perhaps everyone would be able to obtain a new life! And now, everyone is just a tiny toy in the Devil's Code. When they get tired of them, the time for humans will come to an end …

Then, a clear look appeared in his eyes as he slowly looked at the mayor of Z city.

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