The Wild Divine Domain/C21 Old mr li
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The Wild Divine Domain/C21 Old mr li
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C21 Old mr li

After sending off the purple Su, Mo Jiutian brought Yun Chui to Northern Cold City to search. During this period of time, he inquired about the people within the city several times and obtained the exact location of Old Mister Li's residence.

After that, the two of them headed towards the north of the city.

The north side of the city was filled with ancient cities. Because the east side was occupied by the Bai Clan, the south side was occupied by the Mo Clan, while the west side was occupied by the City Lord's Estate.

As a result, the crowd began to jeer and hiss.

The storyteller was a freelance profession.

Since ancient times, this storyteller had been the bearer of all kinds of stories, worldly wills, and legends.

Generation after generation, over and over again.

The storyteller would tell the people stories of the past dynasties, and occasionally would say some strange things.

Thus, this storyteller was more or less able to attract some interested and idle people to listen to him.

Meanwhile, the storyteller of the Northern Cold City, Old Mister Li, was not an ordinary storyteller. It was said that the storyteller of the Northern Cold City, Old Mister Li was not an ordinary storyteller.

Thus, in a small area like Northern Cold City, the reputation of the storyteller, Old Mister Li, was well-known.

At this moment, on an ancient street in the northern part of the city, a group of people were gathered around an ordinary storyteller.

This person had an ordinary appearance, roughly forty years of age. He was the same person who had appeared at the foot of the Chasm Cliff before. Currently, he was giving a lecture and looking extremely old.

He was precisely old mister Li, the scholar Bei Liang that Yun Chu and Ghost Valley's son had spoken of.

"Everyone, I will tell you a story regarding one of the three Chosen of the Alliance, Son of Mo!"

The storyteller, Old mister Li, had a faint smile on his face as he held a sheepskin scroll in his hand. He slowly spoke to a group of scholars.

"One of the three Chosen of the Alliance, Mo Ziqin?" Hearing that, everyone looked at him with puzzled expressions. One after another, they asked him, "Mister Li, isn't there only two heaven's pride level experts in the human race alliance? Where did the three heaven's pride level experts come from? Moreover, isn't this Mo Zianni a traitor of our human race and a lackey of the evil? "

Hearing this, Old Mister Li couldn't help but laugh at them. Following that, he suddenly did something that made people puzzled.

He suddenly stopped talking and put away the ancient scrolls on the wooden table in front of him.

When the crowd saw his actions, they were puzzled once again. Their eyes were filled with confusion and puzzlement.

"Old Mr. Li, this is..." Didn't you just say that you were going to tell us the story of one of the three Heaven's Pride, Mo Ziqin? Why are you leaving now? "

Old mister Li suddenly stopped what he was doing and sighed.

"Sigh, this is a top secret! "After I finish talking to you all, I will be leaving this Northern Cold City!" Old mister Li sighed and replied.

"Ugh …"

When everyone heard this, they were stunned for a moment. After reacting to his words, they all began to ask him.

"Old Mister Li, why is that?!"

"Old Mister Li, could it be that the story you're about to tell me is hiding something?"

"That's right, Mister Li. Our Human Saint Alliance only has two heaven's pride level experts. Why did one of them suddenly appear?"

"Old Mister Li, could it be that this Mo Zi has some sort of secret behind his back?"

Everyone started asking at once.

From a distance, Mo Jiu and Yun Chu slowly walked over. After hearing the conversation between the two of them, the former's heart moved, and he stopped to listen with great interest.

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