The Wild Divine Domain/C24 Truth
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The Wild Divine Domain/C24 Truth
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C24 Truth

"Are you afraid of me?"

Narrator Old Mister Li did not answer, but gave him a faint smile as he replied.

Hearing that, Mo Jiu couldn't help laughing, and said with raised eyebrows, "Afraid of you? "That's not necessarily true. It's just that you, who are skilled in martial arts, should not be an ordinary storyteller, right?"

As soon as he said this, the other party burst into laughter. Then, they began to praise him as they said to him, "One of the three Heaven's Prides of the Holy Union is extraordinary. In front of you, this old man has no secrets!"

Such words fell upon Yun Meng Xin's ears, who stood by Mo Jiujiu's side, and it caused her to be extremely shocked. She, who had listened for a long time, was unable to understand what was being said between them.

He had a feeling that there was an earth-shattering secret between them.

"One of the three great heavens' pride experts, could it be that the Mo Zi is related to Young Master?" Suddenly, Yun Chu thought about this.

Even though she wasn't very deep, she was able to catch a hint of something from their words.

For a moment, she looked curiously at Mo Jiu, her eyes sparkling.

Besides, Mo Jiu was staring at the other party. He sized him up until the latter continued speaking.

"Young Master Mo, to be honest, this old man knows your true identity very well. The reason why this old man has been staying in Northern Cold City all these years and has become an ordinary storyteller is because I have given orders to others to protect you from the shadows!" The storyteller, Old Mister Li, slowly spoke to him.

"Who gave you the order?" When Mo Jiu heard this, his heart stirred and he seized on the main point to ask this.

After recovering his memories for the past few days, other than cultivating, he would also inadvertently recall questions regarding his current identity.

According to his previous memories, he could not find any information on why he had inexplicably become the young master of the Mo Estate. It was as if he had appeared out of thin air.

However, there had to be a reason behind everything that had happened. He did not believe in evil, and he absolutely did not believe that he had unreasonably appeared in the Northern Cold City to become the Young Master of the Mo Estate.

Old mister Li's words from before had confirmed his thoughts.

He had definitely been intentionally arranged to stay in the Mo Estate. However, the other party's methods were too brilliant and he had deceived everyone.

Perhaps in the entire Northern Cold City, only this storyteller in front of him knew the truth.

Hearing this, the storyteller Elder Li was silent for a moment. He lowered his head and thought for a moment before saying, "Since things have come to this, there's no harm in telling you the whole story. Anyway, this old man has decided to leave!"

Mo Jiu stared at him in silence.

The storyteller, Old Mister Li, continued speaking to him. "This old man is a strange woman who has come to secretly protect you until your memories come back …"

It turned out that things could be traced back to more than two hundred years ago.

One day, he, Li Tian, offended an extraordinary person in the East Continent. In the end, he was chased all the way until he almost died.

Just as he was about to die, a woman with peerless beauty flew over and destroyed his opponent with a raise of her hand.

Because of this, he was extremely grateful to the extraordinary woman who had saved his life. In a moment of his brain fever, he said that he would do something for her to repay her.

At that time, when this beautiful woman heard his words, she pondered for a very long time. It was as if she was considering what he had to say.

Later, he was assigned to protect a man who had lost his memory.

This man who lost his memories was the current Mo Jiu Tian, the person who died after the nine month old tombstone self-destructed.

However, he never would've thought that he'd unknowingly passed over two hundred years by protecting his opponent.

For the past two hundred years, in order to not attract attention, he had changed his identity countless times. He only wanted to fulfill his original promise and protect the heaven's pride level expert Mo Zi, until his memories were restored.

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