Three Kingdoms - I'm Ma Chao/C18 Prelude
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Three Kingdoms - I'm Ma Chao/C18 Prelude
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C18 Prelude

The prairie in summer was rather interesting.

Especially in the early morning, when the dew on the grass had not yet evaporated and there was still a faint scent of grass in the air, I rode my pony out of the city at a leisurely pace, almost forgetting the times I lived in.

Well, it's been almost fourteen years since I've been here, and this summer is the fourteenth year of my life. Yes, it was quite long. You know, I only existed for twenty-four years in my previous life.

However, the memories of my previous life didn't fade too much with the passage of time, and occasionally in my dreams I would see my previous mother and brother, and sometimes in the morning I would wake up and habitually call out to my family's dog, which had been raised for four years — even though it was an extremely cheap mottled dog that could only be given to the slaughterhouse for a few dozen dollars, and even though he had turned a deaf ear to my words, I would still call it by habit — and then I would burst into tears.

When I think of the day when my mother, who had been raising me for twenty-four years, suddenly realized that I had disappeared from the world, I did not dare to imagine that tragic and crazy scene, and yet I could not help thinking about it.

Fourteen years after his reincarnation, other memories might have faded, but his mother's face was growing clearer. When my mother died miserably in this life, I felt as if the world was falling apart. I only had one thought in my mind: I don't have a mother anymore?! Good heavens!

In this backward era, in this remote corner, I often feel lonely.

Heh, is he still a little addicted to his past life? He opened his eyes and saw that there was no TV, no internet, and no newspapers, magazines, or magazines in the deserted houses of the city.

If I was given a set of Three Kingdoms 12, I would play with Cao Cao and play with Sun Ce. After playing with Lv Bu, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Yuan Shu,,,, the yellow towel thief, Liu Zhang, Zhang Lu, the new martial general, if I was really bored, I would just create a pile of 51 strongholds and look for tyrants in the city, which would probably make me happy for the next decade or so.

In this age of great scarcity of substance and spirit, my life had been cut into three major parts: life-saving — gun practice, rest — school, and recreation — horse walking out of the city. As for the excellent traditions of writing poems and writing poems in his youth, due to the passage of time, his brain cells had basically completed their new generation and had not made much of a name for themselves. The only beneficiary is Zhao Cheng, he will no longer have to hold her brush and ink and walk around with me.

I shook my head with a wry smile. I pulled out my thoughts from my sad memories. The bipedal squeezed the horse's belly with a little force. The steed beneath me hissed and charged forward with its head raised. Behind him, Ma Dai and the servants led by Zhao Cheng hurriedly rode their horses and caught up with him.

I only shouted out loudly, and the fine steed beneath me actually galloped even faster. It was only that after running thirty to fifty li, Zhao Cheng had already urged me to go back five or six times, and nothing more, but this time she was advising me to go back earlier.

The morning sun gradually rose, and the warm rays of the golden morning sun shined upon it, driving away all traces of the morning chill.

If they continued to run forward, they would soon reach the border with the Jincheng County. There were only a few small villages there, but they were often raided by the soldiers from both sides.

Zang Cheng had long since been left far behind by his aunt. Now, he could no longer see the walls, but could only see the scattered villages and the people grazing nearby. Hence, he was no longer able to gallop his horse forward.

Zhao Cheng looked left and right, then could not help but advise: "Young Master, if we go another twenty miles forward, I'm afraid …"

"I got it, I got it," I hastily waved my hands, and smiled, "Old Zhao, ah, Old Zhao, why is it that the older you get, the more cowardly you become? "Does old thief Han really dare to touch me at this moment?"

Zhao Cheng was startled, her entire body shivering, she gritted her teeth and did not try to advise me anymore, but following him, the 10 of them continued to follow.

Why didn't you stop?

Until the people started to thin out, Zhao Cheng could not help but try to dissuade me, but after sighing for a bit, she no longer said anything. I also felt that my interest had slowly disappeared. Seeing that Ma Dai was also a little tired, I reined my horse and prepared to return to my aunt Zang Cheng.

Behind him, there was a sigh of relief. It should be Zhao Cheng.

I said smilingly with my back facing him, "Old Zhao, oh Old Zhao, aren't you being too careful? How could the Korean bandit come here? "

Zhao Cheng laughed bitterly, and said helplessly: "Young master, you always make it sound so light and easy, if you really were to be kidnapped by Old thief Han, even if I were to die, I will blame it on you, Old master would probably go crazy too …"

Before he finished his sentence, a cloud of dust was suddenly swept up in the distance, and the grass beneath his feet began to rustle.

I squinted as far as I could.


Dozens of West Cold Steel Colts were charging over!

The group of ten-odd people all had pale faces.

Ma Dai muttered: "His grandmother's son of a b * tch, big brother, we won't be that unlucky, right?"

For a moment, I didn't know how to reply. Staring blankly, I saw that Zhao Cheng had already pushed her horse past the crowd.

He spread out his horsewhip and said solemnly: "servants, listen to me, stay behind to stop me!" His back was also facing me, "Young Master, you and Young Master Dai should quickly return to Martial Aunt Zang!"

Although the ten servants were shocked, at this moment, they could only be arranged in a row, appearing to the left and right of Zhao Cheng.

He was facing dozens of enemy soldier s who were rushing over riding and shouting!

Ma Dai's little face was completely pale, he held onto the reins tightly, his entire body was trembling.

After all, he was just a child.

A thirteen-fourteen year old child, no matter how much of a hero it was, would inevitably tremble when facing an enemy that was like a wild beast for the first time.

I straightened up and looked over the horse again.

By now, the distance between the enemies and me had closed quite a bit. With my good naked eyes, I could clearly see that not far from the dozens of light riders, there were still thirty to forty people stumbling and jumping around.

"Thieves …" Is it a raid on the herdsmen? " Zhao Cheng also noticed the change, and heaved a sigh of relief, luckily she was not targeting us, if not she would have died. He hastily pulled the horse's head and turned it around. "Go back, young master!" This place is too dangerous! "

What answered him was a resounding whip.

I lowered myself to the ground and pressed my legs against the horse's belly. The four iron hooves of the horse beneath me split open in mid-air and flew over the leaves.

"Cousin!" Ma Dai let out a scream and sat down on the horse as it rushed over. Zhao Cheng anxiously waved her hand and had ten over servants chase after me.

The enemy had about forty veterans, but we were just a dozen unarmed family generals. The orator said it in a grand way, that it was just a few servants playing with me. At this moment, besides the iron bow and the quiver of arrows, he did not carry a blade or a spear.

No matter how anxious and anxious Zhao Cheng was, he had no choice but to follow closely behind.

This was a wide and flat grassland. It was enough for all living creatures to run about as they pleased, but the herdsmen kept stumbling and falling. The soldiers that followed closely behind all thrust their spears down, flung them aside, and trampled on them … I know that when the West Cold is near the Qiang tribe, she will encounter a few scale invasion every year, but the ones crying and rolling on the grass are my people; behind them, the merciless massacre is the soldiers of the big man, the soldiers stationed in the West Cold!

It was just an invisible boundary, yet it could be so cruel? Could it really be possible for Iron Heel to ruthlessly trample on the people of the same county?

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