Thrilling Game/C1 The Beginning of Nightmare
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Thrilling Game/C1 The Beginning of Nightmare
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C1 The Beginning of Nightmare

Disasters often come without warning. They can tear through your life like a dagger, destroying everything you have.

That was when I was in high school, and now that I think about it, it's a miracle I survived.

At that time, smartphones were still not widespread, and traffic was still a 30-megabyte package. Chat software also only had a single QQ, but everything started with that QQ group.

It was a very normal evening self-study session. People like me were basically reading comics or sleeping soundly. The exam and studying had nothing to do with me. I didn't have any dreams anyways. If I could stay here for a day, then it would only be a day.

Just as I was about to sleep and wait for next night's study, my phone suddenly vibrated in my pocket. I took out my phone and looked at it, and found a person nicknamed Faust said in the Q group: "I have a set of pictures of Sun Tingting. If you want to look at it, check it out."

Faust said, and sent a link below.

Who was Sun Tingting? It was our class' beauty, recognized by the school as the beauty, with a waist and legs long, red lips and white teeth. According to what she said now, she had a standard net and red face, the kind of girl that would make all boys masturbate at night.

But I don't remember a Faustus in the group, and I don't know when he added it.

To be honest, I was also very curious. That was a diagram of Sun Tingting, enough for me to vent for several nights. But before I even clicked on the link, Sun Tingting exploded first.

"Whose prank is this!?" Sun Tingting suddenly stood up from her seat and looked around the classroom as she asked angrily.

I gloated in my heart. No matter whose prank this is, I won't stand out now. Isn't that just courting death?

Silence reigned in the classroom. No one replied Sun Tingting's words. She looked at her classmates who were looking at each other in dismay. She felt so wronged that she was about to cry.

If it was before, I would definitely help Sun Tingting out of trouble, but now, I would rather see her make a fool of herself in front of the whole class than say a word for her.

"Just who is it? This prank is too much! I will admit now that I have a better plan than this!" Chen Qiang, who was sitting in the back row of Sun Tingting, suddenly stood up and said while clenching his fist.

Chen Qiang was the class's sports commissioner. He could still fight even if he was big. Of course, he was also Sun Tingting's loyal follower. The reason why he stood out at this moment was also to improve Sun Tingting's impression of him.

"An Ran, did you do it?!" Seeing that no one answered him, Chen Qiang pointed his spear at me.

I was stupefied.

However, it was expected that Chen Qiang would suspect me. I was not only the tail end of the crane, but I also had some suspicions about Sun Tingting previously. After what happened, I was sure that I was the first one to be suspected.

I initially wanted to explain something, but I only shook my head. If I were to speak more at this moment, I would definitely become the target of public criticism.

Seeing me shake my head, Chen Qiang's cheeks twitched. He was about to leave his seat and head over to me when my phone vibrated again. That Faust sent me another message.

The message was a picture. A slim girl was taking off her undergarments. Her snow-white breasts were exposed, but her face was only half-exposed.

All the students in the class were attracted by this photo, including Chen Qiang. Because with only half of his face, they could already guess who he was. After all, he was too dazzling.

That's right, this person was Sun Tingting.

Sun Tingting also saw the picture in the group chat. She screamed and laid down on the table.

After Chen Qiang saw the picture, his feet couldn't move anymore. Sun Tingting was like a goddess to him as he watched from afar. However, this was the chance to blaspheme against the goddess. A normal boy wouldn't miss it.

Everyone clicked on the link sent by Faust. Whether it was male or female, the male students needed Sun Tingting's body to vent their desires, while the female students needed Sun Tingting's drawings to ridicule and laugh.

There was nothing abnormal with the link, but there were only a few photos of Sun Tingting in there. They did not show her face, and the degree of dew was not as big as the one I had given out earlier. I was very disappointed.

"You liar, don't affect your classmates from studying at night." After reading the link, the class monitor, Qin Hao, said to Faust in the group chat, "It doesn't matter who you are. Let's call it a day. Your actions have insulted Student Sun Tingting."

I couldn't help but sneer in my heart when I heard what Qin Hao said. You were the one who spoke up to stop me, you hypocrite, after seeing the naked photo of Sun Tingting.

Faust didn't reply to Qin Wu's words. Instead, he sent a smiling emoticon as he continued, "Those photos are merely appetizers. If you want to continue looking at them, then play a game with me."

Game? Why was the game involved at this time? I stared at the screen for a moment. Something was wrong.

"Accept the game with at least one red packet per minute." After Faust sent the message, the next thing to follow was the red packet.

"What kind of game is this? There are still red packets that you can take? " Wu Liang, my tablemate, mumbled as he looked at his phone and clicked open the red packet.

I'm also surprised. He can snatch red packets and look at a set of maps in this game? How exactly did Faust take this picture? This was simply too strange.

In my mind, I thought to myself, everyone silently clicked open the red packet. Anyone who had a red packet would be a fool, but I didn't expect this Faust to be so generous. I looked at the screen of my phone in shock.

All along, my luck in snatching red packets was very bad.

"Wow, this Faust is so generous, I actually managed to snatch it for over 20 years …"

The voice came from directly in front of me. This news made me look up. It turned out to be the most silent boy in our class.

What kind of game was Faust playing? He could even read a series of pictures while sending red packets to play games! And he even spent so much money. Although the red packets were a lot, but there are more than 60 people in our class. If everyone could order more than 10 or 20, then this money would be very extravagant for our students …

"Students!" "Don't bother with this person anymore. He's here to cause trouble and affect our evening self-study." The squad leader said righteously.

Looking at the class monitor, I felt disdain towards him. Even though he said that, didn't he also order red packets? Clearly, the temptation of the red packets and Sun Tingting's set was huge.

A minute passed quickly, and the 60 over students in class had basically snatched all of the red packets. I flipped through the red packets record, but only Sun Tingting didn't go and pick up the red packets.

"Time's up, Sun Tingting's red packet is the smallest, she's done stripping within 5 minutes." At this moment, Faust's words came out from the group once again.

Because Sun Tingting didn't order any red packets, it was zero.

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